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Who wins District 3A and 4A


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I, for one, am just as tired of hearing the private-public "debate" too.  It has just gotten old and stale, and really....until anything changes, the hand everyone is dealt is what we have to play currently.  Last time I checked, they are all high school kids.....no one is wearing a cape under their clothes at GCA or anywhere else.  I think the rules get bent to get some good players into private schools, but they are not invincable by any means.  Do they have an advantage....sure, but if you play them thinking they are unbeatable, well, they have gained an advantage on ya right off the bat.  So instead of throwing excuses their way.....throw the kitchen sink instead....!  Play your butt off and gain on them in the only place possible....on the court!  Yeah, it's a real crappy deal, but not insurmountable IMO.



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Thank you Kazam. 02BBALL just wants to blame private schools for his/her teams short comings. Because a kids parents decide to give a kid a different type of education does not make better athletes. I did send my kids to a private school from the time they were toddlers. I had no idea if they would be athletic or even care about sports. I sent them so they would be able to be taught the bible and be in that atmosphere. Both turned out to be good athletes and had to hear all the public school parents yell " I thought this was a christian school" every time they got aggressive. And hear that they had been recruited. If that was the case somebody at that private school was pretty good to see that in a three year old. I have read several posts from other districts and regions and I find no other posts from those districts or regions on why they can't win championships due to private schools. So I looked at records in those regions and they also have privates with good teams. I guess this region and or district would rather blame the privates than to work hard to get better. Oh well some people work hard and others sit back and watch.

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Thank you Kazam. 02BBALL just wants to blame private schools for his/her teams short comings. Because a kids parents decide to give a kid a different type of education does not make better athletes. I did send my kids to a private school from the time they were toddlers. I had no idea if they would be athletic or even care about sports. I sent them so they would be able to be taught the bible and be in that atmosphere. Both turned out to be good athletes and had to hear all the public school parents yell " I thought this was a christian school" every time they got aggressive. And hear that they had been recruited. If that was the case somebody at that private school was pretty good to see that in a three year old. I have read several posts from other districts and regions and I find no other posts from those districts or regions on why they can't win championships due to private schools. So I looked at records in those regions and they also have privates with good teams. I guess this region and or district would rather blame the privates than to work hard to get better. Oh well some people work hard and others sit back and watch.

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Thank you Kazam. 02BBALL just wants to blame private schools for his/her teams short comings. Because a kids parents decide to give a kid a different type of education does not make better athletes. I did send my kids to a private school from the time they were toddlers. I had no idea if they would be athletic or even care about sports. I sent them so they would be able to be taught the bible and be in that atmosphere. Both turned out to be good athletes and had to hear all the public school parents yell " I thought this was a christian school" every time they got aggressive. And hear that they had been recruited. If that was the case somebody at that private school was pretty good to see that in a three year old. I have read several posts from other districts and regions and I find no other posts from those districts or regions on why they can't win championships due to private schools. So I looked at records in those regions and they also have privates with good teams. I guess this region and or district would rather blame the privates than to work hard to get better. Oh well some people work hard and others sit back and watch.

I can see you are a very biased person so i will not try to talk ANY sense to you. I NEVER said there was anything wrong with sending kids to private schools. The problem start when privates see a great player at a public school and attempt to pursue them for ACADEMIC purposes only. WINK WINK. at the high school level. And dont say it dont happen, I know of 2 young ladies that have been approached by PRIVATE schools to play for them in high school. I understand that if you want to send your child to a private that they COULD get a better education but WE ALL know thats not why SOME do it. So in the interim, till TSSAA realizes that this is apples and oranges i guess we have to put up with it at the public level.

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Well if you really believe that no one can change the way you feel. However, keep in mind that by blaming the privates for your losses or anything else. YOU are showing your players how to make excuses for their shortcomings. Instead, why don't you teach them a life lesson that life is not easy and there are lots of obstacles and road blocks in it. Making excuses and blaming others will never help you in any part of life. Most of these kids will never play college ball and a majority of them that do get to play on scholarship will not stay 4 years because it becomes a job and not a FUN game. And past that almost none will play WNBA. College coaches will not accept excuses they will look for the hard workers and players with true passion to become the best players. That is what we all need to teach these kids. This game is a life lesson. How to strive to be the best and overcome obstacles. This can and will stick with them for a lifetime. My time in sports in high school and college basketball taught me how to never give up. Fight to the end for what you want. I never won a championship in either high school or college. I have lots of trophies and medals and plaques that I won for district MVP and region tourney MVP, etc. they have been in a box in my garage for twenty five years. The real award that will always be with me is the life lessons I learned from my coaches and teammates. Show and teach the kids that not how to blame others or make excuses.

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Well if you really believe that no one can change the way you feel. However, keep in mind that by blaming the privates for your losses or anything else. YOU are showing your players how to make excuses for their shortcomings. Instead, why don't you teach them a life lesson that life is not easy and there are lots of obstacles and road blocks in it. Making excuses and blaming others will never help you in any part of life. Most of these kids will never play college ball and a majority of them that do get to play on scholarship will not stay 4 years because it becomes a job and not a FUN game. And past that almost none will play WNBA. College coaches will not accept excuses they will look for the hard workers and players with true passion to become the best players. That is what we all need to teach these kids. This game is a life lesson. How to strive to be the best and overcome obstacles. This can and will stick with them for a lifetime. My time in sports in high school and college basketball taught me how to never give up. Fight to the end for what you want. I never won a championship in either high school or college. I have lots of trophies and medals and plaques that I won for district MVP and region tourney MVP, etc. they have been in a box in my garage for twenty five years. The real award that will always be with me is the life lessons I learned from my coaches and teammates. Show and teach the kids that not how to blame others or make excuses.

OK Dr. Phil no one cares what you did or didnt do and speaking of WAXED congratulations Tellico Lady Bears. Glad to see HITOPS is catching up on the season at the end of it. Tellico has one of the best PG in our area.

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Well I just went to the tellico plains grace game. I can say this for sure. The tellico girls were not worried about private vs public. They out played grace tonite. Two good teams that as I understand it split this year. Should be a shoot out if they meet in the playoffs.

OH Yea, I understand the Thursday night match up against Meigs is for the District Championship. I will be there and hope to see you. At least if your there you will know what your commenting about. Hey look me up i will be the one in the ORANGE SHIRT.

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Wow the hatred you have for grace is really amusing. What did that school do to you that was so horrible? It's 15-17 year old kids playing a game. Did some one at grace wrong you in some way? You have to slam them every time you can. I hope no one takes your parking space at Walmart you will hate them forever. After watching you post on here I am convinced that you aren't intelligent enough to figure out which shirt in your closet is orange. So I won't be looking for you at Meigs.

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