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Catholic @ Fulton


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Dear KCHSIrish,


Don't worry...I've got your back.  I found your ego and superiority complex you must have lost in the visitor's stands and turned it into the school officials. You can call the main office Monday morning and make arrangements to pick it up. Unfortunately,  It looks a little ragged and torn as if someone has stepped all over it.


So sorry.... 865-594-1240

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One more thing....

Tonight was a text book example of why a seven-man officiating crew should work the playoffs.


That is all.

Cool Did you guys have officials that know that if the offense fumbles the ball threw there endzone prior to crossing the plain and the ball goes threw and out of bounds it becomes the defense ball and considered a touch back?  Them ones at catholic last week did not know that. They thought just because the kid picked it up out of bounds it was a recovery.

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We'll I guess money can't buy a win in the "hood". But ah,you guys looked good in warm ups.

When my team looses I'm quick to congratulate and won't make excuses, you guys handed it to us. The thing that bothered me is the appearance of resentment because some people at Catholic have money. My kids go to Catholic and I'm far from rich. There mom and I work our butts of to pay tuition. A lot of kids are like that. No one is trying to buy wins. As I walking through the home side some woman was yelling in my face "I may not be from West Knoxville but I ain't from the ghetto take your uppity --- back to west Knoxville". It made me laugh because I'm from the south side of Chicago. Grew up in Morgan Park near Racine Courts (nothing uppity about that area). Socio-economic prejudice? Stereotypes are just wrong both ways. When I hear my students talk about kids from all areas of Knoxville it bothers me. Football has nothing to do with buying wins its about talent no matter the economic status. Sorry for the long "rant" and like I said earlier, you guys are taking football to another level. One of the best teams I've ever seen. Edited by QSouth89
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