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Stratford Football Job


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I have to agree with you Caesar....anybody would be a better fit than Smith.....two things, I show my ignorance....Who is Richard Herzog and where does he coach?.....In your opionion what do you mean by having a great football mind either offensively or defensively? How do you get this mind?


*******News Flash*********

I have it on solid information that it has come down the pike in the chain of command in metro that Scott Smith has no chance of getting this job! Quit applying because you will never get in this system/!

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Richard is the Defensive Coordinator at Hillsboro.


Paxton, your extreme sarcasm just comes off like a spoiled little teenager, who can't get his way when arguing with his parents so he tries to act smarter than them by being sarcastic. By the way, why doesn't Coach Smith want to continue working in the private school sector? Is he trying to bail out before the split? Is he afraid of playing against the better private schools in DII? Or is his talent pool draining a little too much for comfort? please tell us why he wants to leave?

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I think anyone from the Hillsboro staff would make a great head coach at any level, they are by far in my opinion the best, most well rounded staff in all of metro, maybe in the state....Thanks for the information!


Maybe Smith would just like to try his offense on a higher level of football....maybe to see how much better coaching is in the higher levels of Tennessee football! Am I wrong, is it wrong to want to climb to a higher level of coaching, also please stop the "sarcasm"and childish remarks, if you want I will use smaller words and sign a no sarcasm clause...we are after all adults... so not punches below the belt.



Most of all,please stop holding back your true feeling about Smith, let it out.... they say internet chatter is good for the soul... think how much you save in psychologist bills....spill your guts...if we could get rid of Smith maybe the public- private issue would go away.....sign me up and put me at the top of the petition.....Smith must go....Smith must go.....

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You use sarcasm to justify more sarcasm. You must be knew to this website. We have tried to debate and discuss these issues for months, even years. You have jumped into this discussion at a late date, so we will cut you some slack. But I think the coaches in metro should have a shot at this job first, then the public school coaches outside of this district second, then if no one wants the job, Smith can take his shot at it. What we are trying to tell you, NO ONE IN METRO WANTS TO SEE SCOTT SMITH IN METRO! We have plenty of good coaches who deserve a chance to prove themselves. Scott already has a job beating up on all of the small schools across Middle Tennessee. He should spend the rest of the Spring trying to find a way to stop CPA with a three man pass rush. Boy that through you, I mean Scott, for a loop. If you can't beat a good CPA team, then why do you want to try to beat Hillsboro?


You know Startford is not anything like Greenbriar or Ezell. You will not have too many people in the stands, win or lose, and they will walk all over you in the classroom and on the field unless you are very strong! Coaches around the state are saying the only reason you want the job in Metro is to get a little payback? Who knows, better yet, who cares? I'm just saying openly what many others in this county and around the state are saying behind your back.

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So what you're saying is that Smith is hated, thanks but it took awhile for me to figure that one out, oh by the way I looked it up and I was right, "sarcasm" was the word of the month in the March issue of Reader's Digest. Work with me here, Smith would be more accepted if he :


Lost More

Threw out the spread offense

Used a two tight end or wing set

never scored more than 20 points in a game

Forget that most people play pass defense by sending the house

never told the truth

stopped recruiting public school kids

was stronger role moded on field and class room

stop crying so loud when he lost

faded into the sunset


forget it, he will keep trying to be a better coach, knows that he won't be accepted, will never win the

sportsmanship trophy


But he will still keep applying:

Once for Antioch

Once for Hillsboro

Once for Maplewood

Once for Hunter's Lane

Once for McGavock

Twice for Stratford


Why does the boy keep applying?

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This is not about the dang spread offense. There are plenty of coaches who use it in the state. It is about being a professional! I have heard him (you) say he didn't believe in substituting players in a game. That was obvious when he (you) played against Loretto in 2001, followed by the arrogant attitude he (you) had when people tried to speak out about it. The 2001 state championship game featured a great football team with a lot of skilled and disciplined talent. You will not have that at Stratford. You will not have the coaching staff you had at Ezell. I just can't understand why you would want to leave a program where you are having such success. Go back and figure out how to beat CPA and prove to the world that 2001 wasn't just a fluke! ask them for more money rather than jumping ship for metro. Who knows, maybe you can apply for BA when the Great One retires again in a few years.

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How can I argue with a man with 497 posts and 12 good marks! Again common sense wins in the end!Caesar I've got to get you and Smith together for drinks sometime...Obviously you are the ying to his yang....Superman to his Lex Luther.....the honey to his nut....maybe one day if you coach you two can play against each other...no sarcasm intended...lets dance you and I...footballs at 50 paces.....it dosen't matter what classification you are in we can play or we can scrimmage...your 11 versus his 11, first one to 100 wins, no public private crap...no recruiting...most of all no excuses...that I would pay to see.... your right, never let him into metro because once he's in he will never leave....you can throw that CPA thing up and you would be right....we're working to get better...everyday...all the time.....how many clinics you been to this year...how many college spring practices.....are you getting better everyday...are you learning to play pass defense...learn from CPA...I've heard they've got a tape for sell....we have an opening for a spring scrimmage...give us a call! stay in the stands and make cat calls or come on down to the field and let's dance!Hope all this good talk didn't "lure" you out to play! Who loves you baby?

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That has to be the most bullcrap I've ever read in the time I've been on CoachT.com. You are really something. But with all that wit and sarcasm, you will still not be any closer to getting hired back in metro. I'll tell you what to do, find out what type of beverage the principal is drinking and send her a case. Maybe she will give you a nod. Who knows, do the same thing for Coach Burnette and see what happens. No one can deny you're a good coach, but that may not be enough for Stratford. I've been in this business for many years. I started out in Florida, then moved to another state, and ended up in Tennessee. We've actually met, and you would remember me if I told you who I am. I used to live in Antioch, and I have sat in the stands and stood on the sideline across the field from you. One game was very close and one was not. I respected you then, but I lost that respect after the 2001 season and the Loretto game. Good night and good luck. My guess is Coach Burnette has already picked his candidate for the job and it isn't who I want or you.

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Tut, I knew you couldn't keep me off your mind or your postings...have you told your wife yet? If you have noticed, I have stayed out of this one, even though I have better info than all of you...and could tell you right now who the frontrunner is...but because you your childish name calling, I am staying out. You didnt have much to say after I was proven right, did you? I am 3 for 3 so far in metro positions...ever wonder how? I will be 4 for 4 when its over. Looking back at your posts, you are 1 for 3. Not very good. Try to do better in the future.

Keep me out of your postings, you bore me. Tell Dr. Jan I said hi...oops, was I not to tell that?


Post if you love me baby (Tut).

The lightening rod has spoken.

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Dear wise men,

Until this weekend I had never posted on this site, caesar, it has been a pleasure talking to you this weekend, you alone have made spring break tolerable, and you are right Smith should not be considered for the job, I personally don't think he's as mentally tough as he needs to be....plus if he did get the job no one would work with him, coachtut...thank you for ribbing, wish you would interject your opinion more....answerking, you are always right and I think I know who you are....Who will get the job at Stratford and do you think that person will be a good fit? As for Smith do you ever see him getting back into metro as a head coach, or should he fade away into that good night?

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