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Sink the Admirals part Deux


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Sweet, I'm pretty sure Lavergne pitched his arm off, thank God he isn't hurt. Worthless post, thats all i can say, all of you people are taking this too far. Farragut is a great team, a great bunch of guys, i can proudly say that a lot of them are my best friends. These guys are getting scrutinized on the internet for no other fact than jealousy. Just be quiet and watch them keep winning. Where is Lavergne now? Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure they are sitting at home.

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bhump, yes true, maybe that guy beat us LAST year, but that was LAST year. We are talking about this year buddy, and im pretty sure this year's Farragut team has 95% of last year's firepower, and many of those guys were playing their first varsity baseball seasons last year. So great, pat yourself on the back for last year's LaVergne pitcher, but that was last year.

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OK Admiral's.....everyboby calm down and start focusing on Maryville. Remember "bat's and balls".....no thats "sticks and stones........."

You are great bunch of guys and do not need everyone to tell you so. With success comes criticism. Please return to paying attention to the task at hand.


bizazz.......thanks for the encouragement. As I said on another post, you and HVol have put an truely objective perspective on all of KIL/area baseball this year.

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bhump did have 1 thing right in his previous post, and admirals1 echoed it. This is all from diehard fans. Talking to the guys on the baseball team, you would never guess they have been ranked in the top 10 nationally. Humble, calm bunch of guys. It is us fans that are getting more riled up than anything else.

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As a famous politician once said, "Those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat their same mistakes". LaVergne was a great team last year, an unknown that peaked at the right time. Whose to say that another team doesn't lurk in the bushes with a great pitcher, timing hitting and good defense that takes care of business. The thing about being the prohibitive favorite is that the pressure mounts when things don't go well and other teams have a nothing to lose attitude. Just ask the Yankees about that prohibitive favorite pressure !!!

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Untouchable8---You're way over board. No hate here at all. In fact, alot of admiration for Farragut's accomplishments this year . Just a game called baseball, mam, try and keep it in perspective in the scheme of things. Just talking some smak here and reminding you that sure things don't always become sure things !!! :rolleyes::D:)

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