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Is Cheatham scared?


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All i want to know is why did cheatham move down to 2A? If they keep goin at this rate they will be 1A in two years. They couldn't win a game in 4A. They could only win a few in 3A. Is this why they keep goin down because they are afraid of keep being beaten? For the first time in like 6 years they have a winning record.

So if cheatham players,coaches, or fans want to answer please do, because i just want to why you are scared?




Oh yeah after we beat you i want to see what clam clam has to say after the game if he can from the beating the baby cubs will get from their daddy.

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Didn't Cheatham make the playoffs last year?


And isn't the reason why they went down is because since Sycamore has opened their student population has decreased... which would allow the team to drop down?


Schools just don't drop down because they can't win. If they don't have the kids, they should be allowed to drop down.

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It has nothing to do with "being scared." It is based upon numbers of students in the school. Who wouldn't drop? PearlCohn, WhitesCreek plays up to 4A so they can play other metro teams and not travel as far. Trousdale plays up to escape Lipscomb, Goodpasture, and other private schools in 2A. Cheatham is basically playing where TSSAA says is equal. If Sycamore was so tough, why do you have 2 loses and why don't you play up a class like other schools? You had better be focused on Greenbrier instead of the Cubs. Do I smell jealousy coming from the Sycamore bunch?


Speaking of "daddies," it appears to me that Marshall Co is your daddy, along with Page and Greenbrier sneaking in the back door.

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Trousdale plays up to escape Lipscomb, Goodpasture, and other private schools in 2A. Cheatham is basically playing where TSSAA says is equal.  If Sycamore was so tough, why do you have 2 loses and why don't you play up a class like other schools?

Most teams have to petition to play up. TSSAA doesnt let any one play up that wants to.. If a school is border lined in population they can petition to move up or other special circumstances, but it isn't set in stone.. Most of the reason why teams move up is to keep their traveling down...That is usually the reasoning behind moving up.... if your a competitve team in one division then you will be competitive in another, depending on the schools of course..

Edited by Bonfire
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I dont know for sure, for I am not from there, but they probably moved down becasue their attendance was lower, and they didn't fill like hastleing with the tssaa on being moved up, also, if you are a small school in a small county then it is usually in the best interest to play where you belong, there is a reson why tssaa has division and that is so the school will have comparable students to choose...

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