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Eddie Van Halen

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Everything posted by Eddie Van Halen

  1. What part is not true? Ensworth has to get their kids from somewhere. They're not going to just grow them on trees. The topic of this thread proves this: Ensworth is geting good people from other places. They're getting them as teachers and/or coaches, and they will do the same with students and/or athletes. (I am in no way implying that they will do this illegally.) It cracks me up that few seem to believe that their school of choice will be impacted by Ensworth. I guess they'll get their kids from Metro. I'll go beyond CPA and say that Ensworth might (notice I said "might" both times) also hurt other surrounding private schools like FRA, Lipscomb as well as the already mentioned BGA, MBA, HH.
  2. Might also hurt CPA. If Ensworth is good enough for Pack to leave for then it might also be good enough for kids to leave as well.
  3. I would like to see a public school or two jump over to DII, or at least give it a shot. Wouldn't it be funny if a bunch of the small, 1A, football playing public schools made the move?
  4. I'll preface by saying I am very torn between the two sides. I am not torn b/c I know little of both sides, but rather I am torn b/c I know much of both sides. I do know for a fact that several private schools are VERY upset w/ the multiplier. I have read the letters to the editors, and I have even heard some of them first-hand. I also know for a fact that several public schools are VERY happy that the private schools upset. I see a lot of irony here. For years the private schools have been frustrated w/ the public schools and their "whining" ways. There have even been statements made by private school coaches to the effect of, “Stop complaining, get of your butts and work hard like we do.” On the other hand, public schools have fought for “a level playing field” and when others didn’t see the same inequity they felt frustrated. They felt that they had no voice b/c TSSAA wouldn’t yield to their wishes, or at least compromise. They made statements like, “It’s easy for you to say ‘Just work hard, you’re the ones w/ the advantage.’” Now the shoe is on the other foot for those on both sides of the issue. What if both sides remembered how it felt to be on the other side, and maybe even practiced what they’ve been preaching? What if the private schools just sucked it up and played ball? After all, that’s what they’ve been screaming for years to the public schools. What if the public schools actually listened to the private schools gripes about inequity? After all, they might be able to remember how that felt. It seems to boil down to this: Marley was right when he said, “It’s all about winning.” Few seem to be seeking equity, and most seem to be seeking wins. Few seem to be able to see beyond their own selfish desires, and again, that goes for those on both sides. I realize these thoughts will be dismissed as idealistic garbage. That’s OK. At least I feel better after saying it.
  5. It wouldn't bee too different at all. Let me just say, as someone approaching all of this from a very torn and divided position, as I read the posts from both sides I cannot help but see how each side seems to be arguing for the same things (or at least similar things) by using the same arguments (or, again, at least similar arguments). The only difference lies within the intricacies and minutiae of the more complex issues.
  6. Reminds me of my favorite philosopher, Homer Simpson (Hey, if Bush can claim Jesus as his favorite philosopher then I can claim Homer!). "It's pronounced nucular, Marge, nucular."
  7. Hearing Briarcrest will be forced to move up to the Super 7. Their enrollment is over 600, and that is being considered as the new cut-off between AA & AAA. Also hearing that Notre Dame may also be forced up, but unlikely. BGA moving up is not even an option (from what I know).
  8. I agree, Collinwood better grab one while it's easy b/c '05 will mean they have to beat Huntingdon, Alcoa, Trousdale, Union City, etc.
  9. My sources tell me that there is still much debate left regarding the use of Plan Z. However, if I had to bet, I'd say Plan Z will be adopted. I think it will look this way: 1A 69 Tennessee School for the Deaf 131 Trinity Christian Academy 170 Nashville Christian School 180 Clarksville Academy 217 Columbia Academy 223 Jackson Christian School Fayette Academy (???????) 2A 249 Christian Academy of Knoxville 249 Friendship Christian School 269 Christ Presbyterian Academy 283 Franklin Road Academy 289 Ezell-Harding Christian Academy 305 Boyd Buchanan High School 316 University School of Jackson 324 Davidson Academy 335 Donelson Christian Academy 3A 377 Goodpasture Christian School 513 David Lipscomb High School Of course, this means for every school that moves up, one will move down. Here are the schools that are smallest is 2A and could move down to 1A: 364 Rockwood High School 369 Mitchell High School 384 Tyner Academy 384 Dresden High School 386 Manassas High School 386 Alcoa High School 387 Adamsville High School 390 Trousdale Co. High School 394 Houston Co. High School 396 Huntingdon High School 398 Harriman High School 403 East Robertson High School 415 Wartburg Central High School 423 Westmoreland High School Much of my information is of the most dangerous type: mildly informed and a whole lot of speculation. Please take much of this for what it's worth (maybe nothing!). However, my original post stating the use a 1.8 multiplier is correct.
  10. Where will Peabody play (1A or 2A)? What about Boyd-Buc? AA or AAA? From what I understand, it's final. Boyd-Buchanan is 2A. Not sure about Trenton.
  11. Here's what I know: Multiplier will be 1.8 for private schools. This will put Lipscomb and Goodpasture in 3A, most of the "more successful" football programs in 2A (CPA, Ezell, USJ, etc.), and leave some of the smaller private schools in 1A (Jackson Christian, Nashville Christian, etc.). At the same time, several public schools will move down. Huntingdon, Trousdale and Union City will now be 1A.
  12. I don't know, I can count pretty high there, sball23. In fact, once a person can count to 100 it's pretty easy to take it on up to 999 with few problems. Of course then you get into problems of the thousands, millions, billions, etc. But I trust have have adequately equiped to count Coach Smith's wins. Oh, you were being sarcastic?!?!?!? Well, imagine that. Perhaps I too was being a bit sarcastic w/ the thread, especially the comment implying Smith is over 70.
  13. Hume-Fogg tore Lipscomb apart tonight. Margin of victory ended up somewhere around 12, but Hume-Fogg dominated the second half and lead by over 20 for much of the 4th. I think Coach Smith needs to hang it up. The game has obviously changed more than he's capable of changing with it. It's time DL bring in someone under 70!
  14. I don't like wrestling, so I'll give you my unbiased opinion. What else are message boards for?!?!?!?!? Actually I do like wrestling, and I like wrestlers, but what I don't like is inferiority complexes. The tone on this thread has often been, "We work harder than anyone." Well, if you do indeed work harder than anyone then that satisfaction ought to speak volumes and on its own. Telling the world you work harder than other sports is almost as bad as telling everyone how humble you are. Somebody on this thread said it well: "You don't need to run down other sports to build yours up." A successful old coach once said, "You can't build your program [sport] by putting someone else down." I've never heard a basketball player say, "Well I was going to play basketball, but now that I see that derogatory shirt I'm going to go out for wrestling!"
  15. Very interesting thread. Here is my summary: easttnfootballexpert: Desperately wants respect for Tyner, and in the proces has none for anybody west of the Tennessee River. Says it will be a good game, then come back 30 minutes later to explain to us how Tyner will dominate. Can you say schizophrenia? Probably drives a Chevy Cavalier. chatt choo-choo: Is probably also easttnfootballexpert. Who else would make a statement like, "The only smart football quote on this thread is from easttnfootballexpert." Probably drives a maroon mini-van. dlu07: Is just looking to argue. Go back to class, kid, and stop wasting your parents' tuition money on idiotic message boards. Probably drives an H2 Hummer, but will upgrade as soon as the H3's come out. tackle: Has too much time on his hands. Hey buddy, don't you have a job? He goes from jokes, to Mr. Serious, to jokes, to Mr. Factual, to jokes, to Mr. Respect-for-Tyner. Maybe you're easttnfootballexpert - you're jusy as schizophrenic. Probably drives a Geo Prizm (very economical) one day and an S-10 the next. 9yr.oldchamps: Hates Tyner, period. Probably drives a Ram, but treats it poorly. mnewballer21: Hates dlu07, period. Probably drives dlu07's H2. jet: Is a jerk, but an extremely funny one. However, he is apprently unaware that Tyner's entire program is monitoring the boards and looking for motivation. He's so stupid he probably thinks any program that needs a message board for motivation is getting pretty desperate. Probably is too young to drive; no adult is that sarcastic. gopher15: Also a jerk. Probably one of jet's other aliases. (Yes, some people actually get on here and argue under more than one name! Rumor has it that some ppl will even argue with themselves! Idiots.) Probably rides w/ jet's mom to his pee-wee soccer games. Green37: Is so afraid that these boards do actually mean something and that Turner is really posting this crap on their bulletin board that he cannot stop his praising of Tyner. If Josef Rutley walked up to him right now he'd kowtow and lick his cleats. Probably drives Greg Smith's limo. space21: Needs to get off the library computers and go back to class. Probably will one day drive an H2 and waste his parents' tuition money. Or maybe jettjuice27 is behind the whole thing!!!!!! Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. You've been great. I'll be here all week. Please remember to tip your waitress.
  16. Amen, gopher. It's our constitutional right to say whatever we darn well please on message boards. After all, this is a MESSAGE BOARD. Now, you have the right to be wrong (cf. the 31st Amendment), but no one can pry away my .38 Special (If you do, it will be from my cold, dead hand, pretty boy!). Apparently some ppl don't understand this great nation's constutution. I have the right to party, and I'll fight for that right if I have too (cf. the Beastie Boys).
  17. I think the winner of the Tyner GP game will be Houston County. Now I know that doesn't seem possible, or logical, but that's what jettjuice wants someone to say. And if you disagree with my logic (or lack thereof) it's simply b/c you must be from one of those uppity private schools that think they're better than everyone else.
  18. That McTillman guy is pretty funny, but what you whackin PETA fer? You some ulra-conservative? If U R I know where i can get you some presciption pills. You obvioulsy don't know tackle as I know him. He is anything but ultra-conservative. He is the president of the local chapter of Football Enthusiats for Condoning And Loving All That is Liberal (FECAL-ATL). He loves Clinton. Voted for him in '92, '96 and even wrote him in the ballot in '00. Hwen Clinton was governor of AR tackle actually moved there just to be closer to the man. He has tattoo on his right calf of the ACLU and their entire mission statement (he has big calves). He has a poster on his office wall of a life sized Jesse Jackson and his entire family (he has a big office). He hates Limbaugh, Roy Moore and David Starr.
  19. you must be really smart to think of all these things up on the spot! Great ones. you mean that he didn't type these himself? Techmology never ceases to amaze me!!! I think this comes from a comedian named Scott Tillman. I think these are scottish proverbs You're probably right. However, I think Scott is Scottish.
  20. I cannot believe the lengths some will go to get an edge. The thought of Ezell using headphones in their helmets appalls me. Scott Smith should be fired and Ezell put on probation. Come on TSSAA, do something! Oh, I forgot, you LOVE the private schools.
  21. you must be really smart to think of all these things up on the spot! Great ones. you mean that he didn't type these himself? Techmology never ceases to amaze me!!! I think this comes from a comedian named Scott Tillman.
  22. You're right. So right in fact, DL should go back and forfeit their game to Goodpasture. There should be a clause that says if a team improves on things that beat them earlier that games should be reviewed and changed. Too bad no other teams in the state have improved this year - only Goodpasture. Congratulations: the trophy is now yours. I know that's not what you said, but you were thinking it . . . go ahead and admit it. Come on, you know you want to.
  23. Oh, now I get it, sarcasm. Is that the same thing that Apu, Jr. was using on another thread when you told him to "just report facts or don't report anything at all"? I hope DL's McAdams reads this thread before he announces to the team that HC conceded. Scissor, I have been readin your crap all week and have help my tongue. You, my friend, are one arrogant jerk. Now I feel better.
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