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Everything posted by alcoadaddy

  1. Not a chance little boski!! You seem like a fine fella but your hard woods will get turned into splinters Friday night!
  2. Nope, CAK won for the 1st time 2 years ago winning both games CAK has only won 3 times in this series.
  3. BPM, you must know the goon!! Rofl!!!
  4. Alcoa and Maryville will make bank they split the gate.
  5. C'Mon Jlames6 no mention of the O-line! COME ON MANN!! LOL!!
  6. Congratulations to Mr. Braylon Young being named top DT at rivals camp in Pittsburgh, Pa. Kid has a motor that won't stop even choo choo has to be proud!!
  7. GVK, I'm just glad he is a Senior and we don't have to see him anymore (the ultimate compliment)!! One thing no one can take from the kid he is a great competitor. Someone needs to take a chance on this kid no doubt!!
  8. Yep, Coach Sweetland is the QB coach and a good one at that. Really liked what he did with our QBs, they came a long way. Freshman QB will be a player.
  9. Haven't heard that. Coach Rankin is the OC.
  10. Maybe the official in question is a long lost relative of SR?
  11. GVX I again dont doubt that some things were said that yes probably shouldnt have been said but I will say that not all Alcoa fans are nasty bad people. Some just a little more animated than others! Wishing the Warriors luck this Friday night! (not that I think you guys need it)
  12. Look enough is enough! I've heard how bad it is at Alcoa and how we are uncivilized my question for any of you who are saying these things (and I don't doubt that you heard some language heck you hear it just about everywhere you go) is this where were you sitting and how do you even know who the Ad and principle are? For one thing both of these men are on the field during the game so if they were standing where you said they were the fussing and cussing was coming from the jug ladies or the student section! So hum where was it coming from and I will address it with whom it needs to be adressed! We strive to have a good game atmosphere and apologize if you heard things that were out of line but for you to continue to bash is also not very Christ like either! I know where I sit I don't hear it maybe next time you come to an Alcoa game you come sit with me and I promise you will have a good time!
  13. BVD we need to find a way to continue our series. If it takes some purty pleases and some candy ill bring it all the way up there, and troll we are looking for games so if Signal is available we would like to see you guys as well. It's sad that we can't get games in our area!
  14. Polk salad pride, scared I think not. You obviously have never saw us play or are not a very astute fella. Our men are not afraid of anyone. We ARE VERY FOCUSED and ready to go. Remember this ain't our first rodeo!!!! Where as your team has never gotten past the goat riding!!!
  15. GVX I bet you liked the bc. Crew that was there last time! Just sayin.
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