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Everything posted by BringBack119

  1. Yes who were the winners against Wilson Central from MJ and Lebanon.
  2. Wilson Central and Clarksville top two. Enough said.
  3. Good Luck today to the TN wrestlers who are still alive: Michael Murphy (Baylor), Sean Kennedy (Riverdale), John Kramer (Wilson Central), and Sammy Evans (Alcoa)!!!!!
  4. My opinion so calm down Coffetalk. You have yours and I have mine.
  5. Proud of all the guys however with trying to get better for the regular season. Great job
  6. Other than Murphy no one else from Tennessee has looked impressive. Hope Murphy can keep it up and represent TN well. By far the best wrestler in TN after placing up in Fargo and with this deep run here.
  7. Sounds like Kramer won't have much trouble from Shotts this season
  8. I know that but MLK has a collection fund at there school for Coach Bass. So I know you can send any type of donation there for him.
  9. Just send it to MLK Magnet High School with attention to Paul Bass. That's what I would do.
  10. November 2: Sparten Takedown Tournament at Stratford High School December 14: McGavock Tournament will have a girls division
  11. I think what your doing is a great thing for these kids. Thanks Coach
  12. Beech high school in Middle Tennessee
  13. This is great! Checking out their website now.
  14. I love the idea. I believe it would go over really well. Great atmosphere
  15. The kids respected him in that wrestling room. I personally saw him running that room and every single wrestler in there was 100% zoned in on him. He is a great coach and is more technical then almost all the head coaches in Tennessee. He was a D-1 wrestler at Oklahoma State when they as a team won the National Championship. He did help coach Eli as well but he is not completely responsible for that. And I would hold off saying Eli is a beast right now. He hasn't wrestled one high school match yet. As far as a replacement they have that guy they hired last year to coach the middle school team who was also a former D-1 competitor. I can't remember his name off the top of my head. He would be a great replacement. And other thing is Damon Smiths wife just announced she is pregnant so that was the major factor in why he left.
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