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Everything posted by BarneySox2007

  1. I do know some. Just being nice. It starts at the top though.
  2. Honestly the A.D. may be powerless at Maryville to some degree versus other schools. I know he has his hands full with GoFan and all the stupid surprises just from the emails he sends out during the season.
  3. Well personally I see us going 9-1 so that isn't doom and gloom to me , Most people are thinking 6-4. Bearden will be the possible loss but hoping not. I was very impressed with what I saw this spring.
  4. When she starts farting around with the football team the powers in Maryville will run her out of town on a rail and everyone connected with letting her in the door. You saw what happened when Alcoa's radio announcer thought he was coming to Maryville, the people rose up and stopped it.
  5. I've heard Powell from someone who talked to him. I saw the kid two days ago and I should of pulled over and talked with him and wished him well where ever he goes. It will be a ale of a loss for us because I don't believe we have anyone in the stable good as him from what I seen in the spring.
  6. So who will pick the new baseball coach, her or the A.D.
  7. Full Service BBQ just like most small restaurants met their fate with high prices and begging for anyone to work.
  8. We could sure use some math teachers country wide. Ever go into a store or restaurant and the bill comes to $9.97 and you give them a ten dollar bill and 2 pennies because you wanted a nickle back and then the meltdown starts and the next thing two more people have to come and help figure it out and the place comes to a complete halt. I see this everyday and it's a sad representation of all these schools allowing these kids out the door to get shortchanged the rest of their life.
  9. If he wanted to play QB he should have either went to Heritage or William Blount and had a real good chance there. In stead he'll be exactly what he was going to be at Maryville. They already know who their QB is going to be in 2025 and it ain't going to be him.
  10. If that Yellow Paint is all gone I'll flat bet it didn't wash off there. I bet that took some scrubbing to remove that if it is gone. Lacrosse is one of those northern sports all these misplaced Yankee's that are posion to the community brought in by (Blount Partnership, ( The Devil) with them so somebody allowed them to paint their markings on the field that cost more than the twenty top people on payroll at Maryville make a year. All this to please the 1% Club and the 25 people that would come to see it. All in the name of WOKE!!!!!!
  11. I remember very well watching things change in the late 80's and yes it's all schools. Most people that are in charge today have any idea because they were raised and taught under this social experiment so they don't have a clue. Anyone that does see the truth for what it is usually try and hide it by blending in so that the School Gestapo doesn't round them up and take them to the Fuhrer ( kindly putting it ). Yes it is all schools not just Maryville. This train ride is not headed in a good direction and if the public had seen a movie of what's happening now back in 1980 everyone would have been headed home afterwards to change underware.
  12. I have no clue if Derek tried to talk some since into his dad or not about staying here. All he is going to accomplish is going from the oven to the frying pan. If I were the coach all Ale would freze over before I set back and watched one of my good players leave without a fight.
  13. West would be a good team to get behind if they can pull it off again like last year. That championship game last year was awesome.
  14. Maryville has Alcoa on the schedule at the right time of the season which helped last year instead of at the first of the year not knowing much. West will be hard pressed to repeat this year but next will be a different story.
  15. You would think with football just three months away more would be talking. There's only so much a person can say about someone allowing the field to get painted without asking their boss who would have said (((((((( ALE NO ))))))))) or all the other BULLS#!T they've done as they lead Maryville High into the new age of WOKE in a conversative town. I'm ready for some football news without hearing something coming out of 825 that Power Munger has done to cap off the week.
  16. Maryville will recapture the loses from last year against West, Bradley and Farragut. The Bearden game will be the tough one but I look for the wheels to come off that ride somewhere down the road because of all the crap that goes on there. I know to many parents there and some of the things I've been told and some of the post a few of them have made on facebook. They all can't be liars.
  17. If Heritage moves down and Alcoa moves up the best thing for Heritage is to do what William Blount did when theystopped playing Maryville or meet certain defeat. Honestly can't see Alcoa not moving up the way the county is growing. Might be in the Mountaineers best interest to stay in 5A because none of those teams on their schedule are anything close to Alcoa.
  18. Heritage may be better this year but the schedule is tough. Hearing they will move down to 4 A next year which will help the situation. They have a good coach and he has proven he will hang around and see this thing through.
  19. Glen was on the radio crying "Oh the Humanity" after each two point conversion.
  20. What we have here is an influx of outsiders raining down on the town of Maryville like a swarm of locust trying to change our culture into the same crap they moved away from. I have no issues with anyone coming here but don't bring your politics with you. Most people around here never pay attention to the elections and keep letting the same ole rats and vermin right back in the back door and wonder why things are like they are. The problem at Maryville High is mainly due to letting outsiders get a foothold on control and shove their agenda down everyone's throat. Anyone that leaves there or let's say ranoff are replaced with an outsider with the same mindset. Eventually Maryville High will never be the same as it once was which I'm beginning to believe already but it's only chance of survival are to recruit people that will get in there and reverse the damage that has already happened.
  21. Not really sure how all this would have played if he had stayed but I dang sure know he wasn't interested in anyway of ever coming back, not to this mess.
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