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Everything posted by CCLHL08

  1. I done told you go meet the coaches and get your playbook!
  2. Have you noticed you’re the only one ever complaining about football. I noticed you never complained the past 10 years. Kinda odd. Also went just as far in football as they did in basketball got beat in the quarterfinals.
  3. IF you do live In Crossplains and want to get out I know some moving people I would be more than welcome to help you move
  4. Ignore this guy! He’s definitely not a ER fan he’s the biggest bot Troll on coach T. Good luck to you guys today.
  5. He definitely needs some stability in life!
  6. Your good friend? Lol. You are still standing behind Margret and won’t go talk to him and show him your playbook
  7. That’s fine and all but someone needs to tell him the pandemic is over. Not like the mask work anyways let him know that as well. Good luck rest of the tournament
  8. Yea you can’t wear a mask the shake sweaty hands cmon man!
  9. Maybe. But can’t believe the coach shook hands. Wearing a mask the whole game had to be tuff. Then shaking hands getting sweaty germs
  10. Also contact me and quit running away from a meeting with Coach Brooks. Bring Margret as well! Also your psychiatrist and any other meds that you need to concentrate in the meeting. I’ll contact that coach anytime you are ready. But until then keep being that guy and being real jealous of a situation you was part of last year. Grass isn’t to green at BDP is it?
  11. You poor thing! He is talking about the region area!
  12. Lol. I’m sure you were there looking for Coach Brooks!
  13. Depends which ER team shows up. They are probably undefeated in first quarters of the year. Maybe one or two there not. Start out hot but don’t finish hot
  14. Go talk to coach Brooks. He would love to hear your input!
  15. Get used to it he is East Robertsons village idiot
  16. egrad is a very jealous person! I know a football coach and tried to set up a meeting to explain how egrad would win the quarter finals, but he ran with his head tucked between his legs. He has mental health issues and is the only person In Crossplains complaint about football.
  17. Shocked you don’t want to fire the coach. Sure you have all the answers for basketball as well!
  18. I 100% agree. If you can’t control fans and students let them travel. It’s sad how immature people can get. Pretty pathetic
  19. This cat we’re talking to don’t have a clue. I’m trying to get him set up with the coaches so he can correct them and help them win it all! Lol. I only know one of them. This Homer done went and threw Wix under the bus. I don’t Wix that well but have talked to him before. Don’t seem like he is that type of guy. I also heard the samething he was one of a few people that helped pull this hire together. Hope ole Indian grad can meet the coaches this week for some chalk talk
  20. Any day of the week 2:00 pm. Pretty sure they have workouts at 4th block. Just confirm a date. That’s your link
  21. Wow you’re really struggling in life huh. Man up accept the meeting with the coaches and go explain how to win. You seem to have all the answers. When would you like to do that?
  22. Yea sure and I talk to Nick Saban about twice a week. I’m just trying to get you an invite to talk to the coaches. But I knew you wouldn’t accept anyways. You can bring Margret, Indian1989, Indiangrad89 and whoever else you got. Just trying to get you an invite.
  23. Yea I’m sure you do! Let me know when you want to talk to the coaches I will set it up for you.
  24. I’m trying to comprehend if you actually have a brain. I actually know one of the coaches at East I can set up a meeting and you can ask any questions that you want to ask. Maybe you have some great insight of the game that they are missing. What you think you up for that?
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