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cocke co football


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the new coach has to be more of a salesman then x's and o's football coach than anything, I think.


He may be best if he brings his own coordinators to handle the gameplanning and x's and o's - while he sells the program.


He's got a tough bunch to sell to: not only the 30 or so returning kids on roster, but the other kids who haven't played, but are capable of playing, or the kids that have played and have quit.


Then, he has to sell to the student body. There's no need for those kids who busted their butts this year on the field to get cracked on by their fellow students at school. Sure they went 1-9, but they got out there from July 25-October 27 and got after it everyday. The coach needs to sell to them that things are changing and that he needs their support at the games. I know they had a student section there in the past, but it went from a decent one to a bunch of guys who just wanted to go above and over the line of taunting the oppositions fans and got pretty vulgar at times. Give the student section a name - give them incentive for coming. Get them INTO the game. Create an atmosphere at the games.


Then, he has to sell to the community. The new coach has to tell the general public of what he's doing, and what he's going to do differently, and how things are going to change.


He's gotta be the coach, he's gotta establish control of the program. But I think more importantly and on the surface level - he's gotta be a Bruce Pearl type of guy.


Sell the program at all costs. You gotta start somewhere, and this somewhere - unfortuantely - is from the ground up.


Thats why I think its important for this new coach to come in, and he establishes the system and framework and guidelines for the program and for his system (ie: offense/defense) and then he finds two guys that are capable and that he can trust to operate their units within his framework and guidelines.


If he does that, that gives him the time to be the figure head and be able to sell the program.


More importanly as well, he's got to establish pride. I remember even as quickly back as 1998 and 1999, when Cocke County and Jefferson County played, you had better get to the stadium by 6:30 or you had no where to sit and you were probably parking at White's Grocery. But they didnt have any crowds like that last year. Or the year before, or the year before.


The new coach has to change that as well. Get community pride back. When the football team excels, then the community pride is there, and it really does affect the other sports as well.


He has to improve the morale. 6 wins in three years doesn't do much good for anyone involved.




As far as timetables go, I think they are probably shooting for sometime between the end of the month and the end of February. There has to be someone in place for spring ball.


Names? Haven't heard a name with any real fire with the rumors. A lot of names, locally - but just smoke, no fire from what I see. I do know in an article in the Plain Talk in December, it was mentioned that the job was posted on several other associations (pretty much every bordering state) and that there had been responses.


Personally, I feel like this may be the best route. Find someone who maybe would like to double-dip (draw retirement from that state and get a paycheck here) or someone with a fresh viewpoint. I think a lot of local folks may be scared off with the parameters and the recent history of the program.


Only time will tell however.

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the new coach has to be more of a salesman then x's and o's football coach than anything, I think.


He may be best if he brings his own coordinators to handle the gameplanning and x's and o's - while he sells the program.


He's got a tough bunch to sell to: not only the 30 or so returning kids on roster, but the other kids who haven't played, but are capable of playing, or the kids that have played and have quit.


Then, he has to sell to the student body. There's no need for those kids who busted their butts this year on the field to get cracked on by their fellow students at school. Sure they went 1-9, but they got out there from July 25-October 27 and got after it everyday. The coach needs to sell to them that things are changing and that he needs their support at the games. I know they had a student section there in the past, but it went from a decent one to a bunch of guys who just wanted to go above and over the line of taunting the oppositions fans and got pretty vulgar at times. Give the student section a name - give them incentive for coming. Get them INTO the game. Create an atmosphere at the games.


Then, he has to sell to the community. The new coach has to tell the general public of what he's doing, and what he's going to do differently, and how things are going to change.


He's gotta be the coach, he's gotta establish control of the program. But I think more importantly and on the surface level - he's gotta be a Bruce Pearl type of guy.


Sell the program at all costs. You gotta start somewhere, and this somewhere - unfortuantely - is from the ground up.


Thats why I think its important for this new coach to come in, and he establishes the system and framework and guidelines for the program and for his system (ie: offense/defense) and then he finds two guys that are capable and that he can trust to operate their units within his framework and guidelines.


If he does that, that gives him the time to be the figure head and be able to sell the program.


More importanly as well, he's got to establish pride. I remember even as quickly back as 1998 and 1999, when Cocke County and Jefferson County played, you had better get to the stadium by 6:30 or you had no where to sit and you were probably parking at White's Grocery. But they didnt have any crowds like that last year. Or the year before, or the year before.


The new coach has to change that as well. Get community pride back. When the football team excels, then the community pride is there, and it really does affect the other sports as well.


He has to improve the morale. 6 wins in three years doesn't do much good for anyone involved.




As far as timetables go, I think they are probably shooting for sometime between the end of the month and the end of February. There has to be someone in place for spring ball.


Names? Haven't heard a name with any real fire with the rumors. A lot of names, locally - but just smoke, no fire from what I see. I do know in an article in the Plain Talk in December, it was mentioned that the job was posted on several other associations (pretty much every bordering state) and that there had been responses.


Personally, I feel like this may be the best route. Find someone who maybe would like to double-dip (draw retirement from that state and get a paycheck here) or someone with a fresh viewpoint. I think a lot of local folks may be scared off with the parameters and the recent history of the program.


Only time will tell however.

real good post everytime we go to school in the fall and someone brings up any kind of football it usually ends up with how bad we are and why dont we all just quit playing and selling to the community needs to happen too because i think some people just come to the game to complain about how we are playing, but i hope we can get someone in here soon so we can get more people in the weight room

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not bad ptsports writer. so do you think the right decision will be made or will it get screwed up again. wil the new coach be due to politics. for some reason i just cant help be believe that this could go bad for cchs. i had one of the applicants ask me to put in a word for him. i could not help but laugh. i told him i was probably the last person he wanted to give a good word for him. oh well i guess we will know sooner or later right. talk to you later

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not bad ptsports writer. so do you think the right decision will be made or will it get screwed up again. wil the new coach be due to politics. for some reason i just cant help be believe that this could go bad for cchs. i had one of the applicants ask me to put in a word for him. i could not help but laugh. i told him i was probably the last person he wanted to give a good word for him. oh well i guess we will know sooner or later right. talk to you later


I don't know. I'd rather not make a call.


I think they will take the careful time and consideration to make the right hire.


I'm not sure what their process is at the moment - but maybe narrow it down to 3 finalists and bring each finalist in for a weekend, or a Thursday evening and mingle with folks.


Gameplanning and X's and O's are important - as is teaching the kids the game; but I think this hire needs to be someone who can sell the heck out of his vision for the Cocke County program, and someone who knows how to win.


This HAS to be a Bruce Pearl kind of hire - now by any means, I'm not expecting a 10-1 season, or wins over Morristown West, but they have to know how to win and show they are changing the program.

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ptsports writer do you think they will put a committe together. like they did the last time they hired a coach, or will it be just be the AD, and principle's recomendation to the board and superintendent. i think sometimes when you have a big committe you get to many ideas of what different people want. i feel like it should consist of the AD, principle, the board member from that distict, and 2 to 3 junior and or senior players.

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the new coach has to be more of a salesman then x's and o's football coach than anything, I think.


He may be best if he brings his own coordinators to handle the gameplanning and x's and o's - while he sells the program.


He's got a tough bunch to sell to: not only the 30 or so returning kids on roster, but the other kids who haven't played, but are capable of playing, or the kids that have played and have quit.


Then, he has to sell to the student body. There's no need for those kids who busted their butts this year on the field to get cracked on by their fellow students at school. Sure they went 1-9, but they got out there from July 25-October 27 and got after it everyday. The coach needs to sell to them that things are changing and that he needs their support at the games. I know they had a student section there in the past, but it went from a decent one to a bunch of guys who just wanted to go above and over the line of taunting the oppositions fans and got pretty vulgar at times. Give the student section a name - give them incentive for coming. Get them INTO the game. Create an atmosphere at the games.


Then, he has to sell to the community. The new coach has to tell the general public of what he's doing, and what he's going to do differently, and how things are going to change.


He's gotta be the coach, he's gotta establish control of the program. But I think more importantly and on the surface level - he's gotta be a Bruce Pearl type of guy.


Sell the program at all costs. You gotta start somewhere, and this somewhere - unfortuantely - is from the ground up.


Thats why I think its important for this new coach to come in, and he establishes the system and framework and guidelines for the program and for his system (ie: offense/defense) and then he finds two guys that are capable and that he can trust to operate their units within his framework and guidelines.


If he does that, that gives him the time to be the figure head and be able to sell the program.


More importanly as well, he's got to establish pride. I remember even as quickly back as 1998 and 1999, when Cocke County and Jefferson County played, you had better get to the stadium by 6:30 or you had no where to sit and you were probably parking at White's Grocery. But they didnt have any crowds like that last year. Or the year before, or the year before.


The new coach has to change that as well. Get community pride back. When the football team excels, then the community pride is there, and it really does affect the other sports as well.


He has to improve the morale. 6 wins in three years doesn't do much good for anyone involved.




As far as timetables go, I think they are probably shooting for sometime between the end of the month and the end of February. There has to be someone in place for spring ball.


Names? Haven't heard a name with any real fire with the rumors. A lot of names, locally - but just smoke, no fire from what I see. I do know in an article in the Plain Talk in December, it was mentioned that the job was posted on several other associations (pretty much every bordering state) and that there had been responses.


Personally, I feel like this may be the best route. Find someone who maybe would like to double-dip (draw retirement from that state and get a paycheck here) or someone with a fresh viewpoint. I think a lot of local folks may be scared off with the parameters and the recent history of the program.


Only time will tell however.

I feel your pain brother. We had the same problem here in Hickman Co. It couldn't have gotten any lower than it had been for the last 3-4 years. Any coach coming into a situation like this better have some energy and a vision because there is a reason things have gotten as bad as they have and he'll find out more and more the longer he is there. Its usually not the players fault but a lack of support from the top or they put the coach in an unwinable situation. He'd better be able to bring in his own staff or at least another coach or two. The new coach has got to try and fit into the community and become visable. He's got to talk up the program and rally the community. I almost feel like you have to hire a guy who is looking for a shot and has blinders on. They've got to be cocky (in a good way) and believe in themselves and there ability to do the impossible. They've got to be able to get the kids excited. This requires they have the mouth of a used car salesman. They've got to be an extrovert and not care what other folks think. Because he's gonna hear how crazy he is for taking your coaching job. If you can find someone like that you'll be fine. B)
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ptsports writer do you think they will put a committe together. like they did the last time they hired a coach, or will it be just be the AD, and principle's recomendation to the board and superintendent. i think sometimes when you have a big committe you get to many ideas of what different people want. i feel like it should consist of the AD, principle, the board member from that distict, and 2 to 3 junior and or senior players.

why is this a hush hush deal seems like someone would know who the apps are.Do you have any idea?

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not right where are you from. i supect your not from cocke county or you could answer that question yourself. there are alot of things around this town that are hush hush. that is one if the problems here. people make things hush hush so they can make desicions with out to much input from people they dont want involved. while i was in college we had a head coaching change. during that process every canidate had to sit thourgh a Q & A with the jr & sr players. the players were then given the opportunity to report to the AD and other commity members. final results Frankie DeBusk tusculum college head coach. think about it who are you hiring a coach for and what type of situation his he coming into. i would like to think that i am the type coach that crackatoa discribed. i took over a small program that was struggling. i was able to surround myself with a good staff that worked with each other and me. i also have to fight the same problems as cocke county. it not easy by any means and you never know what each season may bring you. again i say this cocke county has a great opportunity to look and search for a man that can hellp turn things around. i hope they get the right guy or it may be another rough go for the program.

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ptsports writer are you saying from what you know and or heard that the Director of schools is going to be handeling the hire of a new coach or just the procedures to be taken. give me a call at work if you dont get me leave a number or your email address.


Mainly, they are waiting on him to give the go-ahead to proceed with the processes.


I've not gotten any official word however.


My email is: ptsportswriter@comcast.net

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Mainly, they are waiting on him to give the go-ahead to proceed with the processes.


I've not gotten any official word however.


My email is: ptsportswriter@comcast.net

well mr. blazer is back now so are they going to start with the interviewing now and is anyone going to update the cockecountysports.net website ptsportswriter

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