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Region Banquets


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Region 5 1a is having its banquet Monday nite and only coaches and players are allowed to attend. We were previously in Region 6 1a and they allowed parents to come and support their kids. What do other regions do? In my opinion why have an All Region Banquet if parents can not come and support their kids. Maybe I'm off base but I think this is ridiculus. Most parents I know will pay to help cover the cost. I was told that it had always been like that in region 5 because of space and cost. Somehow Region 6 was always able to have a banquet with parents invited and that was a 10 team region. Give your opinion.

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Don't know much about your situtation, but I would guess it has a lot to do with space and people showing up. What would happen if 100 parents said they would attend and then they didn't make it for what ever reason? How would you pay for the left over food? The only solution would be to prepay and then you would have parents that would want their money back if they couldn't make it.


This method of just coaches and players sounds like a GOOD way of doing things.

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Don't know much about your situtation, but I would guess it has a lot to do with space and people showing up. What would happen if 100 parents said they would attend and then they didn't make it for what ever reason? How would you pay for the left over food? The only solution would be to prepay and then you would have parents that would want their money back if they couldn't make it.


This method of just coaches and players sounds like a GOOD way of doing things.

It was never a problem with Region 6. You made reservations and paid your money up front. I went two years in a row, great time, great support for your kids. Why don't they ask the kids what they would like. These reasons for not having parents their does not hold up, just excuses for not willing to change. Yes at the region 6 banquet it was always crowded and packed but so what, it was great support for the kids. The Eagleville parents I have talked to think it is ridiculus. You have kids who have made all region for the first time and the parents can not be their to support their kids. Maybe I'm wrong here but maybe our banquet is not having parents because Nashville Christian is hosting it and they have only a few players on the all region team thus they are not putting the effort they need to to be host. If not true I apologize. I believe the host of the banquet is chosen on a rotating system. I'm sorry I'm making a big deal out of this but at Eagleville the parents really support their kids and in the future we think it needs to be changed.

Edited by goforthegoal
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  • 3 weeks later...

Region 6 - 5A is the same. No Parents. It's hard as a parent to support your child all these years and then when they are rewarded, your not there for them. It goes against everything I know. Look at any athlete perform well and the first thing he does is look in the stands to make eye contact with a loved one.


I think the reason is to keep the food budget at a minimum for fear that some players parents might not pay or be able to pay and that it might cause an embarrasing situation. Crazy as it sounds, it happens.

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