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The point to this is that St. Agnes has a varsity and a J. V. team. The J. V. team plays their games and the varsity plays theirs. During the year, a few girls from the J V would be brought up to games where the score could have been 20-0 to give them experience and reward them for their hard work. This was explaned to the parents at the first of the year by the coach and his staff. The school has many sports teams that travel, so like other schools, has a obligation to fund these other sports too. The decision was made to just take the varsity and a few girls to fill the roster. Also with the possibility of being there for a whole week,missing school was another issue. The school offerd to charter a bus for those who wanted to see the game Saterday, but only a few girls signed up. I'm telling everyone this because I felt like a few peaple where misled into thinking that our school was mistreting all of these very special girls that we have on our J V team that next year will have their chance to make varsity. The administration desided to give all of the girls rings even though it is not their policy to do so. This was not because of a disgruntled parent who has tarnised a special season for the kids, parents , and one of the most thoughtffull coaching staffs in the state at a time they should remember for life. IT was for the kids. Anyone that has to air this out in public so they can build up enough nerve to talk to someone about it should have talked about it first with the coachs . We at St. Agnes have a wonderfull adminisration, athletic department, and great kids. I hope that this in no way has left anyone with a bad impression of our school. After all, anyone who has been around either H S, club, or ODP soccer has had a few parents like this on the sideline.

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Sports 4 fun... I'm reading you. How it was presented to us was not necessarily how you presented it, so our responses were done accordingly. Like I said in one of my previous posts,

I don't know the situation outside of what you told me, so I am not going to judge. I hope everything works out for you.


I have learned over the years that, especially on Coach T, most people's hearts are in the right place, but sometime they have different views. I still would err on the side of giving "more rings" than "less rings", but to each their own. I can't speak for the others, but I do not have a bad impression of SA because of any of this. I just wish I had been able to see them play. Congrats on a 3rd place NATIONAL ranking on NSCAA.com!!! Awesome!

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Hey sports 4 fun, thanks for the post. While the exact operation of the St. Agnes teams (Varsity and JV) was a little confusing from the posts above, I didn't assume any negative intent on the part of the St. Agnes administration or coaches regarding their initial approach to the award rings. I read the posts and assumed that there was at least some degree of confusion as to "how its done" at other schools and, I assume, little precedence at St. Agnes--hence the inquiry by h2odog. I don't think anyone thought or thinks poorly of St. Agnes and I know no one thinks poorly of your fine teams.


In fairness to h2odog, while there was an undercurrent in her post of a concerned parent of an initially excluded player---a fact I think she fairly disclosed in the first post---she mostly seemed to be seeking information from the board before she raised the issue with someone appropriate at the school. She clearly wanted a ring for her daughter, but she also seems to be doing her homework to see if she was way off base with her feelings. I think BigG's approach at CAK is pretty standard around the state and it sounds like St. Agnes is following a similar philosophy with your girls. I don't think his approach (everyone who plays for the Varsity or contributes to the team --i.e. manager, trainer, etc.,is included) would vary because of an initial division of the girls into JV and Varsity---most schools do that if you are fortunate enough to have sufficient interest in your teams. I think good teambuilding (now and for the future) demands inclusion in the rewards for anyone who contributes to the team's success, no matter how limited their contribution. I guess I don't think h2odog's motives, regardless of how you think of them, would have changed the substance of the responses in this thread.


The real difference at St. Agnes may be the suggestion in your post that the school is going to actually bear the expense of the rings, whereas at most other schools the funds come from the players' families or donors. I don't know that the source of the funds would change my view on the appropriate recipients; however, it is certainly a significant expense and would be an important factor to be considered by the school administration if it is paying. I would vote for total inclusion of all varsity participants anyway, but that's easy to say when it's not my money.


In short, don't be too mad at h2odog for the question. It was, I think, a legitimate research effort that in absolutely no way diminishes my respect for the St. Agnes team or the St. Agnes administration and I truly doubt it affected anyone else's opinions either.


I personally would like to see you all arrange a couple of games with CAK and Knoxville Catholic next season. I'd really like to see you play and I think those two scruffy little A/AA teams in West Knoxville could give your girls some reasonable competition. :thumb:

Edited by hoya75
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Hey sports 4 fun, thanks for the post. While the exact operation of the St. Agnes teams (Varsity and JV) was a little confusing from the posts above, I didn't assume any negative intent on the part of the St. Agnes administration or coaches regarding their initial approach to the award rings. I read the posts and assumed that there was at least some degree of confusion as to "how its done" at other schools and, I assume, little precedence at St. Agnes--hence the inquiry by h2odog. I don't think anyone thought or thinks poorly of St. Agnes and I know no one thinks poorly of your fine teams.


In fairness to h2odog, while there was an undercurrent in her post of a concerned parent of an initially excluded player---a fact I think she fairly disclosed in the first post---she mostly seemed to be seeking information from the board before she raised the issue with someone appropriate at the school. She clearly wanted a ring for her daughter, but she also seems to be doing her homework to see if she was way off base with her feelings. I think BigG's approach at CAK is pretty standard around the state and it sounds like St. Agnes is following a similar philosophy with your girls. I don't think his approach (everyone who plays for the Varsity or contributes to the team --i.e. manager, trainer, etc.,is included) would vary because of an initial division of the girls into JV and Varsity---most schools do that if you are fortunate enough to have sufficient interest in your teams. I think good teambuilding (now and for the future) demands inclusion in the rewards for anyone who contributes to the team's success, no matter how limited their contribution. I guess I don't think h2odog's motives, regardless of how you think of them, would have changed the substance of the responses in this thread.

Thanks Hoya 75,the problem i had with the post and quotes around school was that some of the girls that " got a ring for rideing on the bus " got very upset thinking that they had somehow caused all of this. There is more to the story than you have read in these post. I won't go into them becauce enough has already been said.Thanks for the invite, would be fun to play class acts. Call our coach.
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Hey sports 4 fun, thanks for the post. While the exact operation of the St. Agnes teams (Varsity and JV) was a little confusing from the posts above, I didn't assume any negative intent on the part of the St. Agnes administration or coaches regarding their initial approach to the award rings. I read the posts and assumed that there was at least some degree of confusion as to "how its done" at other schools and, I assume, little precedence at St. Agnes--hence the inquiry by h2odog. I don't think anyone thought or thinks poorly of St. Agnes and I know no one thinks poorly of your fine teams.


In fairness to h2odog, while there was an undercurrent in her post of a concerned parent of an initially excluded player---a fact I think she fairly disclosed in the first post---she mostly seemed to be seeking information from the board before she raised the issue with someone appropriate at the school. She clearly wanted a ring for her daughter, but she also seems to be doing her homework to see if she was way off base with her feelings. I think BigG's approach at CAK is pretty standard around the state and it sounds like St. Agnes is following a similar philosophy with your girls. I don't think his approach (everyone who plays for the Varsity or contributes to the team --i.e. manager, trainer, etc.,is included) would vary because of an initial division of the girls into JV and Varsity---most schools do that if you are fortunate enough to have sufficient interest in your teams. I think good teambuilding (now and for the future) demands inclusion in the rewards for anyone who contributes to the team's success, no matter how limited their contribution. I guess I don't think h2odog's motives, regardless of how you think of them, would have changed the substance of the responses in this thread.


The real difference at St. Agnes may be the suggestion in your post that the school is going to actually bear the expense of the rings, whereas at most other schools Bethe funds come from the players' families or donors. I don't know that the source of the funds would change my view on the appropriate recipients; however, it is certainly a significant expense and would be an important factor to be considered by the school administration if it is paying. I would vote for total inclusion of all varsity participants anyway, but that's easy to say when it's not my money.


In short, don't be too mad at h2odog for the question. It was, I think, a legitimate research effort that in absolutely no way diminishes my respect for the St. Agnes team or the St. Agnes administration and I truly doubt it affected anyone else's opinions either.


I personally would like to see you all arrange a couple of games with CAK and Knoxville Catholic next season. I'd really like to see you play and I think those two scruffy little A/AA teams in West Knoxville could give your girls some reasonable competition. :P

W O W !!!!!! There is no reason for me to even think about a response. You were incredible. (But I must offer................)

Our new poster joined at 8:00PM last night and went on the attack. I joined August 25, 2006, to be an advocate for St. Agnes. Maybe when he or she gets more familar, they can see the previous 60 posts I have that are all fighting for St. Agnes as a serious contender on the way to the State Championship. Very few knew what we thught we knew and were trying to paint SAA as playing a weak schedule. I tried not too be "too over the top" cause actions speak louder than words. I have never said anything that questions the TEAM'S ability, the Coaching Staff or the Administation. The only tarnishing that might have occured would be from limiting the awards. Now that has been polished and should be forgotten.

As you stated, I just asked to question as SAA has never been there before. Last year as I stood in Chattanooga as my daughter was part of the team (she basicly just rode on the bus) and asked, "What do we do for the girls not rostered for the State, if we win?". I was told we would deal with it when it happened. It did not happen. If my daughter had gone this year again, I would still fight for ALL THE GIRLS. As far as I know, I am the only St. Agnes supporter that posts on CoachT (until last night) and for that I am very proud to have been a voice on road to State. Everyone is a winner. And for what it is worth, I think the Administration, Coaches, Faculity, Parents and Players are above average spellers (except for me) and I think sports 4 fun is either an outsider trying to pretend to part of SAA or trying really hard to hide who they are. The SAA soccer family knows who I am and if they need to talk to me, they all know how. Best wishes for a Happy Holiday Season to all of you on CaochT and I am proud to display my newly acquired PLUS Membership. THIS IS A CLOSED ISSUE FOR ME-PROMISE!!!!

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I would but I can't get another picture to my computer because I uploaded this one from my phone. I'm at college right now and there is no Verizon here so can't send pix messages. I will try and get one on here as soon as i can.

Where in the world do you go to college that doesn't have Verizon?

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Wow! This is what makes message boards like CoachT so great! Anyone should be able to post any questions or issues they would like, regardless of being a parent, administrator, coach, or whatever. I enjoy talking with all of you about your opinions on everything, even if I don't agree every time. That is what makes it meaningful conversation, right? I see both sides of the argument, and as stated before by others, I think this one is put to rest now. I will say that St. Agnus should enjoy their victory this season (as it was well deserved) because with a lot of young talent returning, we are going to make a serious run next season.

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