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I agree now that you let one slide what will happen now. 20 year olds still in highschool assualting teachers?


"Age Limit

Section 9. No student shall be eligible to participate in any athletic contest during any school year if he/she becomes 19 years of age on or before August 1." There will never be any 20 year old still in high school assaulting teachers!

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lets take hl out of it. the rule is there he is eligible. end of story as far as that goes.

this is directed at the tssaa

I have spoken with several coaches that had no idea this was how the rule is written and not a single one know of any player allowed to compete in a 5th year and all "thought" it was against the rules.


You can book this now that this interpretation of the rules has come down it will come back to haunt the tssaa in the future.


I can name so many scenarios where this could be used it is unbelievable.


Ill give you one


player (a) who is an excellent player and maybe even college material gets hurt before the season in a scrimmage before his senior season. Under the previous interpretation he would be told he would miss his senior year and possibly a schoarship while recovering from surgery.


well not so fast since he will not exceed the age limit next year

his parents pull him from school for at least 40 days that semester let him come back the next semester and pass the required hours to be eligible for next fall. He does that comes back for his 5th year and plays that semester and finishes enough credits to graduate ealrly that year right after football season and then can sign with a college and enroll early in january.


that is just one scenario but as I said what a can of worms!!

* for folks in region 4 you may have a clue who my scenario would be and any resemblance is purely coincidence. /smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />


This has ALREADY been done. Hunters Lane case did not open this up. Ronnie Carter is already aware of this happening with a marquee player being recruited in Tennessee. HL didn't open up anything. It has happened. Please understand the rules and know what has happened in the past.

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You can't keep a student at home who is physically and mentally able to attend school. It is against the law.


If he is unable to attend because of medical reasons then he must go homebound which means he is technically still in school so that doesn't work, either.


I can't imagine many cases where a kid physically can't go homebound yet would be well enough to play sports six months later.


Perhaps the case at Hunters Lane is the exception to all of the above but I don't think there will be many exceptions.



Apparantly you can or else there would not be the "non-consecutive" eight semester rule. Get ready for some "creative" maneuvering by some coaches and players. Carter has opened this can of worms by deeming this an "eligible" act. He has changed his mind in the past, so if I were HL, I would be very careful. Didn't Gallatin have it in writing from the TSSAA that their player was eligible, only to get that decision reversed a short time later?

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This has ALREADY been done. Hunters Lane case did not open this up. Ronnie Carter is already aware of this happening with a marquee player being recruited in Tennessee. HL didn't open up anything. It has happened. Please understand the rules and know what has happened in the past.



What everyone is saying is that nobody knew a) this rule existed, or /cool.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="B)" border="0" alt="cool.gif" /> it could be interpreted this way. I understand what Cat is saying and think I know what he is talking about. By Carter ruling the way he did, opens up vast opportunities for others to come after this.

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The only stupidity is coming from you. I think if you would look, most people agree that this loop hole or whatever you would like to call it, to benefit the few is a product of people with your intelligence being in administrative position without the proper training for such. So keep your stupidity in those metro schools and please don't let it spread to the schools my children are and will be attending!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ignorance is TRUELY BLIND and I guess you are too.



I will have to break my word and respond to you one last time. I'm not in metro schools. Again, your ignorance has made you look the fool. I have proven you wrong over and over. You have yet to bring up a valid point against anything I have said. You are out classed and out of your league. Go back to the shallow end of the pool and stay away from the sharks, you have proven to be no where near capable of handling yourself in this discussion.

I will always stand up for being able to turn a kids life around. Years ago, this kid made a mistake. He paid for that mistake. More recently, a coach made a mistake. He did the stand up thing and paid for his mistake. As TSSAA can and does do, it looked at the individual situation and realized that it can do what is best for the student and the school without any violation of its own rules.

Does this open a can of worms? To some, maybe they think it does. If they want to go through the possibility of forfeiting a season, then sure they can try to get the same thing done. Seems obsurd, doesnt it? As it often does, TSSAA makes decisions based on an single individual in a single situation. To those that want to try this, than yes, it opened up a can of worms. To those who want to remain above board and out of threat of penalty, there is no can of worms to even consider. Unlike you, I see quite well, and I see the bigger picture that you have no capability or experience to understand.

Stop drowning yourself with your obtuse responses. Just stop. I feel like I'm scolding a disrespectful and misbehaving elementary kid who doesnt know any better. You are being laughed at. I really feel bad for you and hope your kids get the education you apparently missed out on or at least havent put to practical use.

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By the way the tssaa rule does not even address they why of the student athlete being out 40 days. It does not say it has to be medical or give any guidance as to the reason. It just says that the missing 40 days makes that semester not count toward the 8 semesters.



As for manipulating the rule, well the way it is written and now interpreted it would not be hard to do



student (a) - a sophmore gets behind and is failing and ineligible but stays in school. Any semester he attended and did not miss 40 days will count against him.


studebt (/cool.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="B)" border="0" alt="cool.gif" /> - a sophmore gets behind and is failing and ineligible but after some checking sees he could still be eligible age wise in a 5th year a slong as he misses th 40 days required.



the only difference is student (/cool.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="B)" border="0" alt="cool.gif" /> failed and missed school



If you honestly dont believe schools with a lot of failing students won't go back and look to see if those students also missed enough days for an extra semester you are kidding yourself.No manipulation needed it just hey johnny you are in luck not only did you fail a semester your sophmore year but due to also excessive absenteism you now get a another semester of school and football.


for all you hl folks once again this is not aimed at you the rule is the rule but anyone should be able to see what a horrible set up this creates.

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I will have to break my word and respond to you one last time. I'm not in metro schools. Again, your ignorance has made you look the fool. I have proven you wrong over and over. You have yet to bring up a valid point against anything I have said. You are out classed and out of your league. Go back to the shallow end of the pool and stay away from the sharks, you have proven to be no where near capable of handling yourself in this discussion.

I will always stand up for being able to turn a kids life around. Years ago, this kid made a mistake. He paid for that mistake. More recently, a coach made a mistake. He did the stand up thing and paid for his mistake. As TSSAA can and does do, it looked at the individual situation and realized that it can do what is best for the student and the school without any violation of its own rules.

Does this open a can of worms? To some, maybe they think it does. If they want to go through the possibility of forfeiting a season, then sure they can try to get the same thing done. Seems obsurd, doesnt it? As it often does, TSSAA makes decisions based on an single individual in a single situation. To those that want to try this, than yes, it opened up a can of worms. To those who want to remain above board and out of threat of penalty, there is no can of worms to even consider. Unlike you, I see quite well, and I see the bigger picture that you have no capability or experience to understand.

Stop drowning yourself with your obtuse responses. Just stop. I feel like I'm scolding a disrespectful and misbehaving elementary kid who doesnt know any better. You are being laughed at. I really feel bad for you and hope your kids get the education you apparently missed out on or at least havent put to practical use.


You're the one being laughed at with you closed minded, one sided opinion. I have A GOD that I worship that leads and guides me and I know him well enough to know not to listen to people who sit and judge(By the way I'm talking about you). So next time you want to enter into a discussion try not to think you are the only one with an opinion. Open your mind and understand that we live in a society that the youth and others in it take advantage of every loophole and open door they can because like yourself they feel they are entitled to something. Try EARNING it FOR ONCE.


No Further comments are needed from you because you talk out of both sides of your mouth. So reserve them to those stupid enough to listen because we're all moving forward. So when you decide to come off that high pedestool you have put yourself on (Because I'm quite sure you have never earned anthing of importance in life) maybe then you can have a positive impact on something or someone.

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fyi...There doing this other places as well


By Alan Goldenbach

Washington Post Staff Writer

Saturday, October 6, 2007; Page D10


A day after learning their students now have five years to complete four seasons of athletic eligibility, D.C. Interscholastic Athletic Association coaches and athletic directors were still coming to grips with the policy change.


According to the rule, athletes will have 10 semesters to complete four seasons of eligibility...


"What the chancellor was trying to do was, if a kid flunks the ninth grade or the 10th grade, then that student would be able to play as a senior, provided [he or she doesn't exceed age 19 prior to senior year].

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You're the one being laughed at with you closed minded, one sided opinion. I have A GOD that I worship that leads and guides me and I know him well enough to know not to listen to people who sit and judge(By the way I'm talking about you). So next time you want to enter into a discussion try not to think you are the only one with an opinion. Open your mind and understand that we live in a society that the youth and others in it take advantage of every loophole and open door they can because like yourself they feel they are entitled to something. Try EARNING it FOR ONCE.


No Further comments are needed from you because you talk out of both sides of your mouth. So reserve them to those stupid enough to listen because we're all moving forward. So when you decide to come off that high pedestool you have put yourself on (Because I'm quite sure you have never earned anthing of importance in life) maybe then you can have a positive impact on something or someone.



You have said nothing of any consequence in this entire thread.


Go to your room, little child. Grow up and dont come out until you have some respect for your superiors. Hows that for my high pedestal? You are like teasing a little school girl, its so easy to get you upset and bent out of shape. Apparently you never played sports to learn how to handle taunting and trash talking and being beaten. Is this David's wife actually signing on with his name?


And no point did I say or think I am the only one with an opinion. I just blew your opinion out of the water. Sorry if that hurt your feelings. It always hurts to be shown your own weaknesses, and you can't handle that, can you?


I am entitled to work hard and be rewarded for it. I have.


Glad you traded in all your little exclamation points for CAPS. You do seem to have the capability to learn at least a little something. But that abilility doesnt extend to messing with those out of YOUR league.


The HL situation was handled well and appropriately. Sorry you dont like that. Try complaining to TSSAA and not on a message board where you have no hope of getting anything accomplished other than to complain like a little girl.

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fyi...There doing this other places as well


By Alan Goldenbach

Washington Post Staff Writer

Saturday, October 6, 2007; Page D10


A day after learning their students now have five years to complete four seasons of athletic eligibility, D.C. Interscholastic Athletic Association coaches and athletic directors were still coming to grips with the policy change.


According to the rule, athletes will have 10 semesters to complete four seasons of eligibility...


"What the chancellor was trying to do was, if a kid flunks the ninth grade or the 10th grade, then that student would be able to play as a senior, provided [he or she doesn't exceed age 19 prior to senior year].



The rule is the same in New York, you just have to fill out a request for extension of eligibility so it is definitely made known that this person is in an extra year of high school.

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When I look to how to run schools washington dc and new york city are right at the top we all know how well their systems are run /smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />



10 semesters to play 8 - you have got to be kidding me. "Well it helps a child that may have failed a year of hs."



I have news for you that the folks in new york and washington dc have not told you





just as a note dc and nyc have the lowest graduation rates and worst schools in the country.

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You have said nothing of any consequence in this entire thread.


Go to your room, little child. Grow up and dont come out until you have some respect for your superiors. Hows that for my high pedestal? You are like teasing a little school girl, its so easy to get you upset and bent out of shape. Apparently you never played sports to learn how to handle taunting and trash talking and being beaten. Is this David's wife actually signing on with his name?


And no point did I say or think I am the only one with an opinion. I just blew your opinion out of the water. Sorry if that hurt your feelings. It always hurts to be shown your own weaknesses, and you can't handle that, can you?


I am entitled to work hard and be rewarded for it. I have.


Glad you traded in all your little exclamation points for CAPS. You do seem to have the capability to learn at least a little something. But that abilility doesnt extend to messing with those out of YOUR league.


The HL situation was handled well and appropriately. Sorry you dont like that. Try complaining to TSSAA and not on a message board where you have no hope of getting anything accomplished other than to complain like a little girl.





The Handout league is out of my league.. I have 3 businesses and 15 employees. No one has given me what I have. The only point you have even brought to this is that TSSAA approved it and that is how you wanted it and anything else is not open for debate. So take your Government supplied job, keep fooling yourself into thinking you have earned it and be on your way. GOOD BYE YFL-GFN-NLAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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