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boys, the season really does not count. as long as you win the games in your district the others are just for practice. and when you practice the score does not always matter. Bone was always the fastest player onthe field and he is only one player. he can not account for the rest of the team.it was a district award and Blackman and Riverdale are in another district. Besides that he was one goal and mins. away from the regional title game the other guys were either at home or getting beat also. No one in our district can out run him to the goal bottom line end of story, that made him the MVP of Defense. he did not name himself.

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boys, the season really does not count. as long as you win the games in your district the others are just for practice. and when you practice the score does not always matter. Bone was always the fastest player onthe field and he is only one player. he can not account for the rest of the team.it was a district award and Blackman and Riverdale are in another district. Besides that he was one goal and mins. away from the regional title game the other guys were either at home or getting beat also. No one in our district can out run him to the goal bottom line end of story, that made him the MVP of Defense. he did not name himself.


I wanna schedule a race

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Since you guys are stat guys. One other stat you need to look at for Central. On Eurosportscoreboard.com at the bottom there is an over all opponent won loss record. It seems from this that Central played a much harder schedule than anyone in the district. And if other teams played tougher teams they might just get scored on more!

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