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Just for Fun, your fav. wrestling quotes


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WRESTLERS: Are the strongest fastest and smartest athletes in the world. But that's not what makes them unique. They are the MOST dedicated people in the world. They sacrifice their lives to a sport of fighting. Where practice is 3 hours of lifting and throwing and conditioning. 3 hours of a literal street brawl. They give up there social lives. They cant party and get drunk because making weight on Saturday won't allow it. They cant go smoke after school cause they have worked too hard to get into shape. They have no team out on the mat with them to help get past an opponent. They stand on a mat with all eyes on them, alone, no one to fall back on when they make a mistake, no safety to make the tackle, and no goaly to make a diving save. They are the leanest meanest and strongest in the world. Ladies want them, men want to be just like them. So this is a tribute to all those who sacrifice everything, their free time, their food, and most importantly their life. Why would someone work so hard, 'til they are puking in practice, sweating in 3 layers and a sauna suit or skipping that bada$$ party? Or why would they induce the blood sweat and tears? Or the early morning runs, or mid day workouts or the extra run after practice to lose that last pound to make weight. The road in wrestling always ends in tears. The man that takes second cries because his dreams are over, and the man that wins it all cries more than anybody because finally everything that they have afore mentioned is finally worth while. Wrestlers will wrestle through anything because they are friggin' wrestlers. And greatness walks right with the word wrestler. I salute all who commit there life to something greater, something bigger than themselves. Wrestlers dont do wrestling cause they like it, you would be crazy to like to beat yourself up on a daily basis, and get beaten up by teammates and opponents just as much. Yet there are the few who love it, they do it because they were born to. These select people I applaud. There is no future in wrestling, no pro league, no million dollar contract. Just a smelly practice room and a dream to be great. Wrestling is not a sport, it is a lifestyle.

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I'm partial to:


"The most wonderful sight on a basketball floor, is wrestling mats from door to door."

"Winning is something, Pinning is everything."

"Gold medals aren't made of gold. They're made of a rare alloy called GUTS."

and my personal favorite.


"I've never lost, I just ran out of time."

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A Wrestler's Mom


There's my son-so young and strong

surely doesn't seem so long

since I rocked him in my arms,

so small and easily kept from harm.


Then one day he said right out...

"Wrestling's what it's all about!"

I will have to watch my weight,

all your goodies will have to wait!


So, I thought...What can this be,

this wrestling that's replacing me.

Why, those wrestlers on TV,

They're as mean as they can be!


My poor son will be a wreck.

He'll hurt his knee or break his neck!

NO! I thought... this mustn't be!

But did I say it? NO...no not me.


I fixed poached eggs and toast and meat,

and bit my lip when he'd retreat

from the table without a taste

of that luscious cake.

Oh Dear! What a waste!


Then he'd come with a long lean pole with weights at each end,

for it's his goal to put on inches...increase his strength,

and you know, I think it stretched his length.


How the house would shake and quake

with each deep breath and lift he'd make.

But did I holler..."Save the house!"

No, not me, I was quiet as a mouse.


And how about this mate of mine?

This wrestler's Dad...was he inclined

To back me up and say, "Enough!

this wrestling business is too tough!"

Oh my, no... He'd sit and grin,

puff out his chest when he looked at him,

and say to me as his eyes filled;

"That kid of ours has quite a build!"


So you see, I lost the fight

and felt quite badly, until that night.

That night, his first time on the team,

I couldn't help but sit and beam,

to see him stand, all dressed and ready.

I'll admit, I didn't feel too steady.

My hands were wet, my heart was beating.

Oh, please, I prayed, let time be fleeting!


The other fellow looked so tall,

he should be playing basketball!

The referee, his whistle blew,

I couldn't look, for I just knew

that some great dread calamity

would soon descend and pinned he'd be.


But say, what's this? They gave him two,

(What it was for, I never knew.)

But my, he really did quite well,

in fact, quite great to hear Dad tell.


Oh, the tension and the straning!

All the blood from my head draining!

Six minutes long I agonized,

and shook my head in sheer surprise,

When they raised his hand... It's done... He's won!


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While at a Bradley match a few years ago this kid, he was about in 6th or 7th grade at the time, was running around and playing and sliding on the floor and having a good ol' time when BayouBear says to him, "One of these days I'm gonna be watching you out there on that Bradley mat", and the kid's reply was, "Yeah, if you live that long!". Hilarious!!! I asked that kid, when I saw him at the State Tournament, if he remembered saying that. He said that he did remember it and that he was very embarassed that he said that, therefore, I will not associate his name with it. A priceless quote from a kid!!!

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From an 8 year old boy named Romeo, wrestling in a tournament up north last year, there were a couple of very good quotes during the match.


1 - He turns to the ref and says "Can I just please rest for a minute"


2 - While in the middle of wrestling he says "Can you please ask him to stop grabbing my leg"

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Two from Coach Brimer:


"If you would hit one recognizable move, I could help you."


To a kid that lost the heartbreak match at the state tournament:

"The consequences of your actions are your on worst punishment."


Another one from Coach Brimer:


To his wrestler for not wrestling aggressively: "Just invite him over to watch the Supper Bowl, make him a sandwich, and call him you life long buddy"


I was reffing the match, I almost sallowed my whistle for laughing.

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