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well ive been called out so here i am...

First off i did not get to go i didnt have the money and i had a family vacation during it so i was in a tough spot HOWEVER MY OLDER 2 BOYS did get to go brandon graduated in 07 and Richie who will be a JR did get to go they returned on late tuesday night and they are STILL talking about it now if you have boys you know that after about a 10 minute conversation about a trip and its done but they boys really had a great time!!!!!!

the bus left approximtly 430 monday morning ....due to the amount of room in the owners box only 20 players were able to go in the owners box and on the feild for batting practice and these were varsity players from the 07 year however all players were invited and almost all of them did come....i hope i have set the scene up for you a little bit

when they arrive in St Louis they are taken (bus the booster club rented for the trip)to pujols restuarant where the food was provided for them they were allowed to choose from 3 meals including dessert at no cost to the players then after that they took them to the hotel and changed clothes and then went to batting practice where the players(20) were able to be on the feild where they were able to mingle with the players and converse with them my son said they had their own fenced off area even other people were not even allowed to be my boy thought that was pretty cool....albert gave each player an aoutgraphed pair of batting gloves that he signed in front of them (i am proud of my boys on this part....gotta brag on them a little...they gave the autographed glove to their twin brothers and the opposite glove went to 2 of their cousins...they said they have the memories and the trip and this was the least they could sorry proud poopa moment)the also had a brief meeting with larussa that the boys thought was pretty cool they said he was busy so they only got ot talk to him for only 5 minutes or so they got a tour of the clubhouse the batting cages EVERYTHING...everywhere they go their guide would tell them yall must be special no one gets to go here or here LOL the boys were loving it...there was a note in the clubhouse telling the boys they had to be out of there by 5:05...albert spent about and hour to an hour and a half of his time with these boys and it is something that he did not have to do but that little bit of time will give these boys a llifetime memory...we lost JORDON HENDERSON ALMOST (JULY 5TH IS A YEAR)A YEAR AGO AND HE IS A MEMORY that will always be there and everytime they think of the st louis trip they will think of their teammate...

Ken and Doris we Love you and you are in our prayers everyday and thank you for your son and thank you for the opporutnity you gave OUR boys

This article does not give this trip justice but i tried

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Thanks for sharing the story Riverdaleman.

My son played ball in Murfreesboro a few weeks back. We played our last game there at Riverdale against the Warriors summer team. I visited a friend over the weekend and learned his daughter attends Riverdale. She told us about the young man Jordon Henderson and the tragic accident. My hearts goes out to the family and community.

What a great act of kindness , hats off for Albert Pujols and the Card's.


tbca.org has a very nice story covering the teams trip to St. Louis and how the trip developed.

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