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LA at Harpeth for Thanksgiving classic


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Guys, guys... remember the holidays are just around the corner. Let's all be nice!!


As for Dunn, I can't imagine having to play against him. I'd hate to have to defend him or try to get a play around him. He's good. And in my experience, the good players are usually the ones who "have an attitude" -- in the eyes of the opponent.


Home crowds just love their players. Kinda like Harpeth loves the blond headed kid with the faded tattoo. Most LA fans probably saw his "attitude". (Not on the missed dunk, of course - which, by the way, was a fluke - I've seen him dunk - he's usually very good at it.) His being a good player makes his home crowd like him. Harpeth fans probably don't think he has an attitude. LA fans might think differently. And they might have posted it had their team been defeated last night. If Harpeth had won, would Dunn's "attitude" have been mentioned today?


Now, that being said, I don't think LA played anywhere close to their potential last night. They'll get it together, though. This year could be their year. Good luck to both Harpeth and LA.

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Guys, guys... remember the holidays are just around the corner. Let's all be nice!!


As for Dunn, I can't imagine having to play against him. I'd hate to have to defend him or try to get a play around him. He's good. And in my experience, the good players are usually the ones who "have an attitude" -- in the eyes of the opponent.


Home crowds just love their players. Kinda like Harpeth loves the blond headed kid with the faded tattoo. Most LA fans probably saw his "attitude". (Not on the missed dunk, of course - which, by the way, was a fluke - I've seen him dunk - he's usually very good at it.) His being a good player makes his home crowd like him. Harpeth fans probably don't think he has an attitude. LA fans might think differently. And they might have posted it had their team been defeated last night. If Harpeth had won, would Dunn's "attitude" have been mentioned today?


Now, that being said, I don't think LA played anywhere close to their potential last night. They'll get it together, though. This year could be their year. Good luck to both Harpeth and LA.


Good post. I actually would have talked about his attitude, because to me win or lose attitude is huge. And his stinks. That is all I have said, but it has turned into me saying Dunn stinks(which he does not) and LA stinks(which they do not). Good luck to everybody...

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Good post. I actually would have talked about his attitude, because to me win or lose attitude is huge. And his stinks. That is all I have said, but it has turned into me saying Dunn stinks(which he does not) and LA stinks(which they do not). Good luck to everybody...




I see. So if Harpeth had won, you still would have talk about Dunn's "stinking attitude"? Interesting. You may very well be the "number 1 fan". It has been my experience that negative posts - aimed directly at a kid - usually come from "jealous wanna-be's" But since "attitude is huge" with you, I'm sure you're not a "jealous wann-be" - you're just a concerned "number 1 fan" who only wants to help a kid improve his game. Big of you. Merry Christmas.

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I see. So if Harpeth had won, you still would have talk about Dunn's "stinking attitude"? Interesting. You may very well be the "number 1 fan". It has been my experience that negative posts - aimed directly at a kid - usually come from "jealous wanna-be's" But since "attitude is huge" with you, I'm sure you're not a "jealous wann-be" - you're just a concerned "number 1 fan" who only wants to help a kid improve his game. Big of you. Merry Christmas.


Why would I be jealous of this kid? I said he has a bad attitude, which he does, sorry I brought it up and got all of your panties in a wad. I go to Tech, he will be going next year, and I just wanted to see a good player, that respected the game. Sorry that he does not. I have seen him play more than once, so there goes that argument. I am not in high school, I do not have any reason to keep anything I see a secret. I am not going to do that. If LA fans do not like it that is fine, but why act like a bunch of babies? I am over it, good luck in your season. /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" />

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And you all resort to bashing, which I am fine with I can take it. I definitely will not lose any sleep over it. /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />



I'm glad you can take a good bashing. However, I have not read any posts that are even close to what you might call a "bash". I simply stated some facts and scrubby merely bragged on your unique insight of the game of basketball and nicely asked you to enlighten him a little more. Was anyone worried about you losing sleep? I figured you didn't sleep much anyways being involved with basketball as much as you are.


Anyways, I'm tired of this silly kid... Lets start a new LA thread on the next game.

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/huh.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":huh:" border="0" alt="huh.gif" /> Down with the Sickness is cut off before the filthy part comes in. There might be a word or two that got by, but I'd be surprised. $uck it Up doesn't have any filthy words in it. Some of your coaching staff was into the warm up music too I noticed. I didn't hear any profanity or it would not make it to that awesome sound system that we have at Harpeth. We'd already cut off a visiting teams CD earlier in the day.


I think good players exude attitude and sometimes that rubs some folks the wrong way. Chase Dunn and Trey Caruthers both exude a little attitude from time to time. I rolled my eyes more at the whining about the refereeing when the hand checks, grabbing the jerseys and pushing off was going on all night and nobody fouled out. The referees let them play for the most part. Dunn and Caruthers are going to get a few charges now and then because they go so hard to the basket. For the record, Harpeth only had one of their starters from last year on the floor last night, that being Caruthers. Horkins was the first off the bench usually.


I said I was disappointed in our crowd, but it was due to the holiday weekend I assure you. The gym will be rocking once the district starts up. I like LA's game. They'd fit in really well in our district and as I said, I think this would be a really good home and home rivalry. Both teams have good traditions. Caruthers didn't have his legs last night which was evident. Having to go 28-30 minutes a game and playing the day before definitely took it's toll. His hops were a little less than usual. He had two nice dunks the night before against Kenwood and Horkins had one as well.


Look, HHSnumberonefan knows of which he speaks when it comes to elite basketball teams in AA. Harpeth's has had the fortune or misfortune to have to go against Tyler Smith led Giles County and then Wayne Chism and Willie Kemp led Bolivar teams or those Liberty Tech meat grinders in region. Harpeth had some teams that would have gone to state in a lesser region 2 or 3 times, but when you're playing the state champion or runner up in region every year, it's a tough row to hoe. LA has a nice team and they are playing good ball right now and their coach is doing the right thing by playing good competition outside of their district to get them prepared for post season. Harpeth is very young and have their work cut out for them to go far in post season. The Indians are a notch below last years team talent wise and a couple notches below the 2 years before that imo, but their team chemistry is better and their youth will get experience as the year goes on. They have a good upside.

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/huh.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":huh:" border="0" alt="huh.gif" /> Down with the Sickness is cut off before the filthy part comes in. There might be a word or two that got by, but I'd be surprised. $uck it Up doesn't have any filthy words in it. Some of your coaching staff was into the warm up music too I noticed. I didn't hear any profanity or it would not make it to that awesome sound system that we have at Harpeth. We'd already cut off a visiting teams CD earlier in the day.


I think good players exude attitude and sometimes that rubs some folks the wrong way. Chase Dunn and Trey Caruthers both exude a little attitude from time to time. I rolled my eyes more at the whining about the refereeing when the hand checks, grabbing the jerseys and pushing off was going on all night and nobody fouled out. The referees let them play for the most part. Dunn and Caruthers are going to get a few charges now and then because they go so hard to the basket. For the record, Harpeth only had one of their starters from last year on the floor last night, that being Caruthers. Horkins was the first off the bench usually.


I said I was disappointed in our crowd, but it was due to the holiday weekend I assure you. The gym will be rocking once the district starts up. I like LA's game. They'd fit in really well in our district and as I said, I think this would be a really good home and home rivalry. Both teams have good traditions. Caruthers didn't have his legs last night which was evident. Having to go 28-30 minutes a game and playing the day before definitely took it's toll. His hops were a little less than usual. He had two nice dunks the night before against Kenwood and Horkins had one as well.


Look, HHSnumberonefan knows of which he speaks when it comes to elite basketball teams in AA. Harpeth's has had the fortune or misfortune to have to go against Tyler Smith led Giles County and then Wayne Chism and Willie Kemp led Bolivar teams or those Liberty Tech meat grinders in region. Harpeth had some teams that would have gone to state in a lesser region 2 or 3 times, but when you're playing the state champion or runner up in region every year, it's a tough row to hoe. LA has a nice team and they are playing good ball right now and their coach is doing the right thing by playing good competition outside of their district to get them prepared for post season. Harpeth is very young and have their work cut out for them to go far in post season. The Indians are a notch below last years team talent wise and a couple notches below the 2 years before that imo, but their team chemistry is better and their youth will get experience as the year goes on. They have a good upside.


I remember that Giles County team quite well. I was on the team that year, and that was not a fun at all! Liberty was probably the funnest team I ahve ever had the chance of watching. Cannot wait to see some great teams this year, hopefully over the Christmas break.


Good luck to everybody. KS thank you and keep us posted on the outcomes in the next few weeks. /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" />

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This has been very fun. We all know what we heard on the great sound system.....in both games. The refs even commented on it. If it's cool with the Harpeth faithful then have at it. Profanity is just tacky, especially at an amateur sporting event.


People are going to see it differently. Lots of people probably think Dunn has a bad attitude but he doesn't. The opposition loves to hate the best players. It's nothing new. Chase is one that is motivated by it as are LA's other players.


I think Caruthers is a great player. He does have confidence on the floor, but I don't think he has a bad attitude. Good luck to Harpeth.


Go LA!


KS.....I like reading your posts. I think you're knowledgable about the game. But here's some info. Down with the Sickness was cut off before he goes balistic on his mom. But have you ever listened to the chorus or read the lyrics? Seriously. And the other song. OMG. It has the F bomb bout 50 times in it. Playing it loudly doesn't change it. I'm sure you didn't realize it. Listen or read again! Good luck to you and look forward to reading more of your posts.

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Ive watched dunn play sense hes been in high school. He is a very good player. Does he have a bit of a attitute? of couses all good players do thats what makes them good. Does he do some dumb things? yea they all do. He is probably one of the best players that has ever played at LA and probably the smallest to play there. As for the music to each school there own. But I would hope that any school wouldnt knowing play music with words like that in it.

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OK HHFan you obviusly werent watching your players pushing Chase Dunns buttons last night at the game. I think your coach saw it, cause he took a player out when he saw what was going on. I happened to notice that player never went back in the game. To me Chase showed greatness on the floor last night, by not reacting with anger. At least he was able to laugh about it. In all the years I have watched chase dunn play ball through middle school and high school, I have never seen him mad on the floor, much less lose his temper. To me that kid has one of the best attitudes and more control over his emotions than any player I have ever watched. Most players that have to listen to some of the crap that your players were giving him would have lost it and it did not bother him in the least. He kept playing with a smile on his face. The refs were terrible last night, that did not help the game go any easier on either team. Chase is a great leader on LA's team. He wears his emotions on his sleave, and lets all the crap just roll off his shoulder. Most of the time with a smile on his face. I guess in your opinion if you smile on the floor that is a bad attitude. You better stay in school a few more years maybe chase dunn can teach you a thing or two about good and bad attitude while yall are in school together.

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