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Rules governing players during a time out


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She was listening to the upcoming play. I was extremely surprised to see this happen and to see that no referee made any attempt to chastise her or her coach. I found out after the game that she had done this in our previous games also.


This player is one of the Miss Basketball nominees. I noticed an extreme bias towards her during each of the three games we played against their team. If we were close or ahead of them then there was always one referee who called fouls against our players repeatedly to the point of ridiculousness and called nothing against the other team (while the other two referees called nothing either way) until the other team caught up with us and took the lead.


I'm old school...I really enjoy talent and ability regardless of which team they are on, but I'm very disappointed by unscrupulous coaches and referees.

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As an avid basketball fan, It seems to me that there is apparently a disgruntled parent whose team has lost to Marshall County recently. I have attended every basketball game that Marshall County has played in the last 4 years, home and away and I have NEVER seen this player outside the huddle at team time outs. To call attention on this board to a player and to call that player's name sounds like an outright case of jealousy, plain and simple. I don't know if it's jealously because your team lost or jealously because she is a Miss Basketball Finalist. I really don't think that Lauren or any other player on her team gives a flip as to what plays the other team is calling at time out. You make her sound like a super spy. I am sorry that YOUR team didn't win against Marshall County, but please remember that when two teams play,on any given night, there is only one winner.


As far as the coach, Boyd West is a great coach and he genuinely cares about his players. If this incident had occurred, I am sure that he would have been informed of it and appropriate actions would have been taken. Apparently, you are not aware that good teams watch film of the opposing team over and over, so they already know most of the other teams plays before game time. As far as glory, during a previous game, Coach West wasn't the coach who threw a tantrum and got a technical during a game and he wasn't the coach that told his players to take out a Marshall County player by any means possible during a game. Glory is a harsh word to use. I am sure that he is very proud of his team. He has a reason to be. I don't think that he needs Lauren as a spy, he is a very, very smart coach, and he has his game plan all thought out before each game.


Please don't hate. Marshall County has a great group of young ladies, who are humble, play one game at a time, who exhibit extraordinary sportsmanship skills and who are very dedicated to the game of basketball. As far as biased- what is biased!!! Lauren is a high school player , she fouls, makes mistakes, misses shots and misses free throws just like any other player. The losing team always wants to blame the lost game on the refrees, but the truth is, no coach or referee puts on a team uniform and I guess sometimes teams have to beat the opposing team and the referees. Had your team won, this subject would never have been brought up!


Everyone has opinions, but please remember that these are young adults and we should set good examples for them. Your opinion is what you believe, but please don't spew hate and cause malacious gossip that is not true.! A man/woman is judged by his/her words as well as his/her actions! Hope that you enjoy the Championship Game and the Consolation Game - they should be good ones /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" />



Marshall County Tigerettes - Keep your heads up, play hard, believe in each other, take one game at a time and keep striving to be the best! We believe in you and we are very, very proud of your accomplishments!

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Bballbaby ... I know what I observed, and believe me .... I was quite shocked and surprised. I posted this to find out if there are TSSAA rules against this type of behavior, because as I stated earlier I am a fan of talent and abitlity not cheap tricks.


I'm neither jealous nor disgruntled...merely disappointed and concerned about what i saw.


As for most of your post, please review the game video and then formulate a reply.




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Never heard of a player joining an opposing team's huddle during a timeout.

Was it a 30 second timeout and her team didn't observe the timeout and she just stood near the opposing team?


Now I have seen players during free throws or dead ball situations listen to an opposing Coach and player conversation while the opposing player is called to the sideline near their bench. Would you consider this to unsportsmanlike or just a savvy player?

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Believe me, I do watch videos of each game that Marshall County plays. I have a copy of every game for the last 4 years and I watch them regularly. I have seen nothing out of the ordinary. All I can say is that sometimes people see what they want to see. During time outs, players are constantly checking back in, after being on the bench. Maybe she did get close to the opposing team while checking back in, but knowing Lauren as I do, she is a very smart young lady and I am sure that during a game, her mind is focused on winning, not what the other team is doing. As far as cheap tricks, as I stated before, other coaches have told their players to try and hurt a Marshall County player during a game-- that's a cheap trick. I'd like to know the importance of this - is it inform? or is it to try to bring embarrassment or is it out spite? What purpose does it serve? Apparently Marshall County played you and won - game over!


I do know the game of basketball, having played and watched many a high school game and college game. If the TSSAA hasn't said anything ( if anything occurred) then apparently nothing happened or you do have a problem with this particular player. Having done research since you posted, I can find nothing about team timeouts and where players should stand. I do stand by my previous post. Envy and defeat are hard pills to swallow. When all is said and done, Lauren March is a very smart young lady and an awesome basketball player. I wish her and the Tigerettes the best of luck in the games to come. Play hard and play smart! /cool.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="B)" border="0" alt="cool.gif" />

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Bballbaby ... I know what I observed, and believe me .... I was quite shocked and surprised. I posted this to find out if there are TSSAA rules against this type of behavior, because as I stated earlier I am a fan of talent and abitlity not cheap tricks.


I'm neither jealous nor disgruntled...merely disappointed and concerned about what i saw.


As for most of your post, please review the game video and then formulate a reply.






I just happened to see all 3 games of Marshall vs Hickman this year, and also have video from all 3 games. For this particular incident you have to consider what the facts actually were. 1. Yes, she did get near the perimeter of their huddle. 2. The whistle to end the timeout had already been blown at that time. 3. The ball was being in-bounded right in front of the Hickman bench, and she was the player that was guarding the in-bound pass. 4. The male referee did in fact approach her, not sure if he actually asked her to move, but she did. If there was a wrong committed here, I'd suggest that it was in the fact that they stayed in their huddle after the whistle was blown.

As for the "bias" that you mentioned, I'm not a referee and try not to call fouls from the stands, but from all the games I saw, there was A LOT of hacking and bumping going on, files were being called both ways, not just one sided. I'd say your defense did a great job in holding a great player like that down for once, but you know deep down in it wasn't just a good defense, it was a lot of grabbing and pushing being done inside.....BOTH WAYS.

Being from west TN I don't usually respond or even worry about what folks think about one thing or another, and you did ask a very good question, that I think only the officials can answer. BUT, you took this to a personal level that was uncalled for.

Hickman has a great program, a great fan base and should be proud of what they've done this season. I'd stack them up with any team here in west TN, and they'd still be good.

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This player is Lauren March from Marshall County.


Don't know if this was her idea or her coach but it was very unsportsman like and certainly not the kind of behavior you'd expect from a Miss Basketball nominee.


You should be ashame of yourself!!!! This is a child that you are talking about. I would never get on a board to dog out a child. If you wanted to know the rules why didn't you go under the TSSAA web to find out. If she was in your huddle why didn't your coach tell her to get out or why didn't he tell the refs or better yet why come you didn't tell the refs when it happened? This really saddens me because the Tigerettes and Lady Bulldogs have kept a decent relationship with one another. Its usually parents like you that make it hard on the atheletes. You are probably a parent that has never liked Lauren and this is your chance to attack her. Well, I am here to tell you that its not going to work. KEEP YOUR HEAD UP, LAUREN, WE GOT YOUR BACK!!!


Good Luck Marshall , Hickman, Lewis, and Loretto tomorrow night and good luck to all of you next week in the regions!!!!

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Was the score that bad and she was trying to change teams? Why was she over there?


Marshall County was in the lead when this was suppose to have happened. The timeout was over and the ball was going to be taken out near their (Hickman) bench. Marshall had already broke from their huddle waiting for Hickman to break from their huddle. If Coach Barrett had of thought Lauren was trying to listen, I am pretty sure that he wouldn't have had any problems speaking up. This lady( Judyinfinity) needs to get all the facts before posting something like this. There is nothing worse to me, than a grown person getting on a post degrading children. Lauren March is not only a great player, she is also a wonderful young lady. This young lady has played lots of games and no one has ever had a bad thing to say about her. This lady has personally attacked Lauren and it is ashame.

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