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Your a joke. Its Summer Ball. All officials do a 1/2 arse job in summer ball. I know when I ref AAU games I stay at 1 end and the other guy stays at the other end. It sounds like you just need to get over the officiating and teach your kids to play through it. Any true competitor would want the refs to call very little compared to too much. Its basketball, and it has changed since the 70's. /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" />

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Your a joke. Its Summer Ball. All officials do a 1/2 arse job in summer ball. I know when I ref AAU games I stay at 1 end and the other guy stays at the other end. It sounds like you just need to get over the officiating and teach your kids to play through it. Any true competitor would want the refs to call very little compared to too much. Its basketball, and it has changed since the 70's. /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" />


Why dont you go jump in a lake

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Your a joke. Its Summer Ball. All officials do a 1/2 arse job in summer ball. I know when I ref AAU games I stay at 1 end and the other guy stays at the other end. It sounds like you just need to get over the officiating and teach your kids to play through it. Any true competitor would want the refs to call very little compared to too much. Its basketball, and it has changed since the 70's. /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" />




No, sir you are the joke. If you got paid for referring the games and stayed at one end of the court, you were not doing your job. I don't care if it is summer ball or the NBA finals, you should do what you get paid for.

You, sir are a slacker---as a true competitor, I want it called correctly.

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Hey genius, I don't get paid, which is called volunteering, and I also usually ref 6+ games in one day. So good try there buddy. /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" /> And by the way I didn't refer a game, we reffed.

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I to have reffed summer games and can tell you that in most cases the officials ref somewhere between 5 and 7 games per day. They are the first ones to arrive and usually the last to leave. And in many cases are unpaid volunteers. It sounds like some of you need to have more realistic expectations of what it means to play in local tournaments during the summer. /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" />


As for you movinonup I would like to see you get out there and officiate that many games in one day. Something tells me that you would be a "slacker" as well. /blink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":blink:" border="0" alt="blink.gif" />

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Hey genius, I don't get paid, which is called volunteering, and I also usually ref 6+ games in one day. So good try there buddy. /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" /> And by the way I didn't refer a game, we reffed.




Look genius, if you want to get picky, go back to your original post. "Your a joke. Its Summer Ball"

You are is You're not Your....geez-this is not an English board.


If you volunteer, do you job, or don't volunteer. I don't (that's for do not) care if you ref 10 in a day. The last one may be the 3rd or 4th game these kids have played that day too and they deserve to have a reFF that will let them have a fair game. This Mom had a kid get an arm broken in a game that probably was called by someone of your caliber and you want to call her down---don't think so.

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Look genius, if you want to get picky, go back to your original post. "Your a joke. Its Summer Ball"

You are is You're not Your....geez-this is not an English board.


If you volunteer, do you job, or don't volunteer. I don't (that's for do not) care if you ref 10 in a day. The last one may be the 3rd or 4th game these kids have played that day too and they deserve to have a reFF that will let them have a fair game. This Mom had a kid get an arm broken in a game that probably was called by someone of your caliber and you want to call her down---don't think so.



I coached a game two years ago and had a kid get a serious concussion and had to be rushed to the E.R. This game was officiated by refs from TSSAA and they had done a decent job all night. Officials can't make a call until something happens. In this particular case a foul was called but only after the kid got hit with an elbow. I guess you are of the opinion that the refs should have used their psychic powers to make the call before the injury occured.

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I to have reffed summer games and can tell you that in most cases the officials ref somewhere between 5 and 7 games per day. They are the first ones to arrive and usually the last to leave. And in many cases are unpaid volunteers. It sounds like some of you need to have more realistic expectations of what it means to play in local tournaments during the summer. /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" />


As for you movinonup I would like to see you get out there and officiate that many games in one day. Something tells me that you would be a "slacker" as well. /blink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":blink:" border="0" alt="blink.gif" />



#1---you don't know me so you have no idea if I have reffed or not (the answer is yes). And what from this post suggest to you that I would be a "slacker"? Sorry if my expectations are a little too high for you. Parents pay good money and yes, I understand that games are going to get a little rough and going to be called differently than they are during the fall, but I also expect a little more effort than standing on one end of the court and trying to call the game.


#2--to answer your second post (so I can be done with you)--accidents and injuries happen in all games, well called or not. DudeNix called out Mom because she questioned refs with TSSAA patches and calling 8 fouls in an entire game. It gets to a point to where this does not help the kids get better, which is the whole point of playing summer ball. We had a similar experience last year with less than 5 fouls called in a game---we opted out of their tournament this year and they could not understand why.

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#1---you don't know me so you have no idea if I have reffed or not (the answer is yes). And what from this post suggest to you that I would be a "slacker"? Sorry if my expectations are a little too high for you. Parents pay good money and yes, I understand that games are going to get a little rough and going to be called differently than they are during the fall, but I also expect a little more effort than standing on one end of the court and trying to call the game.


#2--to answer your second post (so I can be done with you)--accidents and injuries happen in all games, well called or not. DudeNix called out Mom because she questioned refs with TSSAA patches and calling 8 fouls in an entire game. It gets to a point to where this does not help the kids get better, which is the whole point of playing summer ball. We had a similar experience last year with less than 5 fouls called in a game---we opted out of their tournament this year and they could not understand why.



Sounds like you should become an official. With your overwhelming knowledge of officiating it should be a walk in the park. I have a feeling you would be the guy making the calls on your end and the other guy's end. Which drives everyone crazy! Please remember that no matter how good a job you do their is always going to be one side that thinks the ref did a horrible job. /thumb[1].gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":thumb:" border="0" alt="thumb[1].gif" />

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Because they both were wearing TSSAA patches on there shirts and were using there affiliation in response to every thing that was said to them.


I'm callin' BS on this.....just because the patch is on the shirt doesn't mean there is any affiliation.....So I guess Benard Childress called his asign officers and told him to have refs at this tournament....don't think so pal..



Because they both were wearing TSSAA patches on there shirts and were using there affiliation in response to every thing that was said to them.


I've seen guys with GA and NC patches working tournaments in Tn...so does that mean they have any affiliation to something in this state?

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WOW, I've been missing out!!!

First off, if you are one of those referees that have worked 6 games a day for free then you sir are a fool! Why not get certified and actually make a little money while working those 10 games? Seems simple to me!

The young lady has a point though, if you are out there officiating a game, no matter the pay rate if any, you are perceived to be getting paid to do a job. If you can't work the 10th game like the 1st game then you should not be volunteering your time. Believe me, I have done my fair share of "volunteering" but it does the "game" an injustice. So if you are a true player, you wouldn't want a referee doing anything halfway if you were playing. Even if it was summerball. Shoot when I played, we were just happy it was summer ball because we got to actually play and play through a lot of things.

Second, Young lady. Summer AAU and high school camps are typically officiated by high school/ college certified referees. There may be some that were certified back in the day and still have the patch on the same shirt. However, the good news to you is that atleast they are certified. /smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /> High school camps are mostly worked by newer referees trying to get better and be seen by coaches. If you have a problem at a site for AAU then your best best is either contacting the site coordinator or contacting AAU directly.

So thats my two cents... Enjoy!

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