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AAA State Brackets Released!


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If I read correctly they wanted to know what was called, which he gave what was called so how is that wrong? That makes the assement right, you just gave an opinion.

To say:?  "keeper came out and took kid out on a breakaway" is also an opinion! If you just want to know what happened----->Ref said keeper fouled kid. Does that statement satisfy you better? /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />

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RockyTop, your assessment of the foul is inaccurate. Cleveland's keeper came out and got ball. The Kingsbury player ran into him. It should have been a no call but instead a very marginal official gave Kingsbury a PK which they converted.



I will disagree with you I was right there and youre probably a Cleveland parent but i was impartial to any teams i watched and it was a PK no doubt...but the ref was terrible the whole game but atleast he consistently was bad...


I left after that game and didnt see the Farragut game or Brentwood but from what the score indicates A)Brentwood and Bearden is gonna be an AMAZING game...and Farragut won like i expected and should take care of Cleveland next round...


Now to the games I saw...


Bearden looked dominant. They missed about 5 or 6 great chances in the first half before the keeper finally lost the handle on one and they found the back of the net...Second half they came out and finally connected on their finishes...Columbia looked either intimidated or just way out matched...


I was not impressed at all with Cleveland...yes...they won...give credit where credit is due...but for being the so called 7th best team in spring soccer in the nation...I wasnt impressed...Kingsbury took it to them in the first 5 or 10 minutes but then Cleveland setteled and began to work it and scored with i think about 20 min left in the half...second half was a lot of whining and complaining by both teams and the internationals on kingsbury defintely lived up to the flopping and taking an hour to get up...but Clevelands coaches showed that they obviously have never been here before because they were complaining a good portion of the half and i couldnt tell which of the 5 coaches they had was yelling...PK was well deserved...#20 for Kingsbury was the most impressive part of this game...if you put him on a team with the level of talent as good or near his he would be amazing...yes he was whining alot too but so was everybody else...and his yellow was another bad call by the ref because he had already left his feet for the header before the keeper caught the ball so it was 50 50 ball and yes he ran into him but the reaction by (i dont remember who) on Cleveland was unwarranted...crossbar saved kingsbury in the 1st overtime and goal for Cleveland was a nice leave by one player and great volley by the goal scorer...Overall i think Farragut should beat Cleveland 2-0 or 3-1...


My predictions are that Brentwood will beat Bearden in OT 3-2 and Farragut will beat Cleveland 2-0 or 3-1



No hard feelings to anyone if i may have offended anyone in this post just giving my perspective

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I will disagree with you I was right there and youre probably a Cleveland parent but i was impartial to any teams i watched and it was a PK no doubt...but the ref was terrible the whole game but atleast he consistently was bad...


I left after that game and didnt see the Farragut game or Brentwood but from what the score indicates A)Brentwood and Bearden is gonna be an AMAZING game...and Farragut won like i expected and should take care of Cleveland next round...


Now to the games I saw...


Bearden looked dominant. They missed about 5 or 6 great chances in the first half before the keeper finally lost the handle on one and they found the back of the net...Second half they came out and finally connected on their finishes...Columbia looked either intimidated or just way out matched...


I was not impressed at all with Cleveland...yes...they won...give credit where credit is due...but for being the so called 7th best team in spring soccer in the nation...I wasnt impressed...Kingsbury took it to them in the first 5 or 10 minutes but then Cleveland setteled and began to work it and scored with i think about 20 min left in the half...second half was a lot of whining and complaining by both teams and the internationals on kingsbury defintely lived up to the flopping and taking an hour to get up...but Clevelands coaches showed that they obviously have never been here before because they were complaining a good portion of the half and i couldnt tell which of the 5 coaches they had was yelling...PK was well deserved...#20 for Kingsbury was the most impressive part of this game...if you put him on a team with the level of talent as good or near his he would be amazing...yes he was whining alot too but so was everybody else...and his yellow was another bad call by the ref because he had already left his feet for the header before the keeper caught the ball so it was 50 50 ball and yes he ran into him but the reaction by (i dont remember who) on Cleveland was unwarranted...crossbar saved kingsbury in the 1st overtime and goal for Cleveland was a nice leave by one player and great volley by the goal scorer...Overall i think Farragut should beat Cleveland 2-0 or 3-1...


My predictions are that Brentwood will beat Bearden in OT 3-2 and Farragut will beat Cleveland 2-0 or 3-1



No hard feelings to anyone if i may have offended anyone in this post just giving my perspective



If you're not trying to be offensive, you are not doing very well especially when you go as far as demeaning 'internationals on kingsbury" and criticizing the Cleveland coaches when obviously you don't even have a clue as to who said what by your own comments. Also, by the way, this is not Cleveland's first time to state as you stated by your veiled comments/insults. Having said all that to respond to your "perspectives" , there should be some good soccer coming up tomorrow night.

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I will agree that Clevland was very disappointing. I watched the game and Clevland controled most of it. Kingsbury had one good player but Clevland could not find the back of the net. Kingsbury keeper was not very good. (didn't catch anything). At times the Raiders picked up the intensity but I am totally suprised that they are undefeated and I see them getting knocked off tomorrow night. Dont get me wrong, they are not a bad squad, but i would put my money on Brentwood, Farragut, Hendersonville, and Bearden before Clevland. Also, Bearden and Brentwood did not get tested tonight. Very boring games. White Station and Columbia never had a chance.

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If you're not trying to be offensive, you are not doing very well especially when you go as far as demeaning 'internationals on kingsbury" and criticizing the Cleveland coaches when obviously you don't even have a clue as to who said what by your own comments. Also, by the way, this is not Cleveland's first time to state as you stated by your veiled comments/insults. Having said all that to respond to your "perspectives" , there should be some good soccer coming up tomorrow night.



sorry i voice my view of games...ill keep quiet...hows this for you...


Cleveland won 2-1 in overtime ...the end

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As a neutral observer to all four AAA games today, I thought I'd give my reaction to the teams moving on:


Bearden: Although they won handily, Bearden failed to impress me from the half I saw (First Half). It looked like they had trouble working the ball around all half, and resorted to a "kick and chase" style too often. However, they did well to get a 4-0 result.


Cleveland: Watching Cleveland was a big letdown for me. There was little buildup through the middle, a lack of creativity in their play, and (what seemed to me) minimal effort around the field. Kingsbury looked far inferior in skill and speed, but were able to hang around only because they gave the effort where Cleveland did not. Cleveland will need to pick it up if they hope to even play Farragut close.


Brentwood: Brentwood came out looking like I expected them to, displaying good possession work and good finishing. I left after the score reached 4-0, but was impressed with what I saw up to that point. Based on the Bearden game/Brentwood game, I'd bet on Brentwood taking the semi final game by a bigger margin than people think. They seem to be playing well at the right time.


Farragut: Farragut also gave me exactly what I expected them to: good effort on the ball and fairly good distribution through the middle. I thought they played the better game and deserved the win against Hendersonville. Farragut's back line was solid and impressed me from beginning to end. I'd look for Farragut to beat Cleveland fairly handily (3-0 or so) if the two sides continue to play as I have seen them.

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If this was the foul, someone may likely be withdrawing their comments.


I believe that was the second foul where the keeper was run into after he had control of the ball and the ball had been knocked from his grasp. Both players were carded, the keeper for retaliation. One picture however cannot make anyone sure of what transpired. You had to be there. The comment stands.

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I believe that was the second foul where the keeper was run into after he had control of the ball and the ball had been knocked from his grasp. Both players were carded, the keeper for retaliation. One picture however cannot make anyone sure of what transpired. You had to be there. The comment stands.


Sounds like you are not sure which time this was that the keeper and the forward had contact. Being there puts a lot of emotion into one's memory. The photo is just a snapshot in time that records what happens. The photo appears to reveal a keeper without possession of the ball hitting the forward.


I have no loyalty to either team, I just saw this photo and thought it would focus someone's memory.

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