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Pigeon Forge Football


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If Coach lee is starting Fresh, and soph it is because he is force to, I know the hall ways are full of young men who could help out on the field, but would rather stand on the field befour the game with cheerleaders and cheer.let me say this if the parents don't support the coaches neither will their Kids, Im not from PF but have been too a couple games and heard parents booing the coaches, so you know at home they bash them in front of thier kids and when they do they make the coaches Job that much harder, and they hurt their team.If you ever want to help turn your program around stop that, a few years ago a new fan at our HS stood up and starting coaching from the stands and my wife got in her face. we never heard her say another negitive word.( had it been a man I would have done it) surely their are some PF fans that understand how important it is too support your leadership, and believe me the coaches will love you for it.

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I will say that the coaching staff is doing the best that can be done with what they have. For instance Halls youth programs have been some of the more dominant teams in the past in the much stronger Knoxville leagues. They get into High School and the kids are still 5'5" 120 lbs. They have not gotten any faster. They do get really strong, but it has just not added up to wins. In PF situation, the best players are not always playing football. I would like to see the PF youth programs play in the Knoxville Youth League or at least play some games with them to see how they compare and compete with them.


Halls dominant in the Knoxville Youth programs????? I thought Pilot pretty much dominated the Knoxville programs......



I guess you have trouble reading JuniorsDad. I said that "Halls youth programs have been some of the more dominant teams in the past". Yes Pilot has dominated some leagues. Of course Pilot has handpicked the best kids from many teams and putting them together to play community teams. Just so you know Pilot has not dominated the leauges like Halls used to. Halls would have 3 teams of the same age, and win all three divisions some times.


Back to a previous reply". I was trying to get across that winning a youth league championship does not always add up to winning in High School. I used Halls because they have won many leagues for many years, but that has not added up to winning in high school. Unlike Pilot where Pilots kids end up going to high schools all over. Even several kids outside the county. Halls kids normally play at Halls High School.

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I shouldn't even touch this subject, but here goes: Number 1: If they don't zone the county PF will always have a hard time keeping up becuase of the tradition and accomplishments of the other county schools that have been drawing PF athletes for years. #2: Until people get out of Lee's business and let him coach the kids the way he wants to without having to look over his shoulder to see who he's ticked off it will be tough to be any good. #3: The players that decide to go to PF to play ball MUST have a desire to make it to the off-season training or they will never be able to compete in the region that they are in now. #4: I love the coaching staff, those guys put in a TON of time in film study, and getting scouting reports together and then scheduling practices, but all the kids ever hear is how bad they are and how this guy should be gone or how this guy can't coach. Kids are suppossed to listen to their parents and unfortunately alot of them only listen when their parents are spuing this nonsense, bottom line is if the parent is so much better why is he or she not out there?

I am a PF native and a product of the PF little league program, and we've had a proud tradition of winning for years. I would love to see PF rise up and be the program it has the potential to be, but in order for that to happen, a couple of the things I mentioned above have to happen. Any way good luck to the Tigers the rest of this year and in the future! :popcorneater:

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It sure would help Lee to have some athletes, and those things sure don't just pop out of a hat.


Wow, way to tear your team down.



First of all I was in no way trying to tear a team down. Pigeon Forge is in a league with Fulton, AE, Carter, GP, Union Co., and Gibbs. Three of those teams will always have pretty good athletes, can you name them. I probably said it in the wrong way, but if a team has lineman that can outrun your skill players then you could use some athletes. I am a believer in Lee. He is in a tough league. I am not a Pigeon Forge person what so ever, but I do hope that they have success though.

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I said this last year when this same bs started and I will say it again....I will support this program and everything and everyone involved with it as long as it is around. Every program has its "fairweather fans" and whatnot and I would suppose those people will show up for the Gatlinburg game and not care what happens the rest of the year. The kids that chose to stick out the entire year after the big mess during spring practice have my upmost respect and I hope they do well. I would like to see the program improve tho and that will only come with student athletes and their parents supporting the entire program and not supporting it only when they have something to gain. Hope to see alot of ya'll at Grainger on Friday night :ph34r:

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I said this last year when this same bs started and I will say it again....I will support this program and everything and everyone involved with it as long as it is around. Every program has its "fairweather fans" and whatnot and I would suppose those people will show up for the Gatlinburg game and not care what happens the rest of the year. The kids that chose to stick out the entire year after the big mess during spring practice have my upmost respect and I hope they do well. I would like to see the program improve tho and that will only come with student athletes and their parents supporting the entire program and not supporting it only when they have something to gain. Hope to see alot of ya'll at Grainger on Friday night :thumb:

I've seen Grainger of film and I believe that the Tigers are the favorites this week in my eyes any way. You guys should be able to handle them from what I've seen, they are NOT nearly as good as they were last year.

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There is alot of posting taking place in regards to PF Football from people that I feel know absolutely nothing first hand about the program, the coaches, or the players. There have been statements that there are NO athletes on the team. I know personally one young man who puts in an hour daily before school in the weight room at the PF Community Center (at 6 a.m., and has done so preparing for the awesome opportunity to play PF ball). He is also in Advanced Wellness which means he is lifting for another hour and a half, once again, preparing for PF ball. He plays both sides of the ball and he had poured his life into this sport so when you say there are NO athletes, you are much in error. There are also other players who pour themselves into the sport and it shows every Friday night. I appreciate the positive notes, as a parent of a player its great to know that there are those who believe in this program, the players, and the coaches. It will make a turn around in the next couple of years! Coach Hammonds and his staff are positive and uplifting. He has encouraged us as parents to be positive and believe in the program as he does. Go PF TIGERS!

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I admit taht i am not inside the program but i know alot of the kids that are. They told me that coach Lee let two players bakc on the team this week, one that quit last spring and one that quit in august. They told me that there first day of practice was wednesdays half speed practice, day two was thursdays waldthrough and that one of them actually started last night. What about the kids that have put all that time into that program and then dont play a down. I know that you have to play your best but com on. what about loyalty to your players coach Lee. Why should they work hard all offseason and through the dog days of summer just to get passed up by a quitter that decides to come back when the weather cools off. That is no way to run a program. If anyone on here thinks that is acceptable I urge you to take a good hard look at what coach lee is really trying to teach these kids. lets face it, high school football will be the athletic high for most of these kids lives and he is teaching them that hard work does not matter and loyalty is worthless if you can not produce as well as a quitter that decided to return after all the hard work is over. Nice lesson coach lee. Well, I know I am bashing but enough is enough, I went to one practice and was embarrassed at the language being used out there by the kids and coach lee himself, wow. I am just over it, i am not concerned with winning as much as I am teaching these kids how to be successful in football and in life. all they are learning is how to cuss and how hard work and loyalty is worthless. Maybe i am wrong for thinking that ther is more to high school sports than winning. Anyway, way to go Chase, I am sure glad you decided to not transfer or we would be 0-5

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Hey pfan, if you dont like it then dont come to practice and quit crying. It sounds like to me that you are a loser and trying to keep saying negative things about PF. I guarantee Coach Lee or as we know him, coach Hammonds dont really care what you say. Coaches try to do what's best for the team. But it seems like you know alot about the program, sounds to me like a typical idiot!!! What happen pfan, did coach Lee make you mad and you can't handle PF winning games. Do the team and coaches a favor and don't support them or show your face and quit hiding behind a message board. That takes a lot of guts!!!!!

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