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BIG 8 in Week 0


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I moved into the area a few yrs ago and have attempted to maintain support for all area schools. Every year there have been individuals that utilize the coachT resources to argue, slander and intimidate others, as well as run-down area schools other than their own. I have not seen you until recently on coachT. You have posted more-than-not in regards to all the "DB-haters" out there. You don't see me on here but so very rarely; I'm just reading, hoping to pick up some tidbits of useful information regarding area football. I think you are probably new to this area and I must tell you that most of the "hating" has, over the years, come from DB'ers toward the other area schools. When I see those comments--"DB Haters"---I can't help but chuckle, for that is the ultimate "calling the kettle black". I am compelled, as well, to inform you that you are quickly becoming to sound like that Waco guy. Now, maybe you aspire to that "prominence", but I'll hope, until I give you adequate time, that you can be better than that.

Respectfully, for now, Mutt. Jeff sends his regards, as well.


Excellent post.

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I moved into the area a few yrs ago and have attempted to maintain support for all area schools. Every year there have been individuals that utilize the coachT resources to argue, slander and intimidate others, as well as run-down area schools other than their own. I have not seen you until recently on coachT. You have posted more-than-not in regards to all the "DB-haters" out there. You don't see me on here but so very rarely; I'm just reading, hoping to pick up some tidbits of useful information regarding area football. I think you are probably new to this area and I must tell you that most of the "hating" has, over the years, come from DB'ers toward the other area schools. When I see those comments--"DB Haters"---I can't help but chuckle, for that is the ultimate "calling the kettle black". I am compelled, as well, to inform you that you are quickly becoming to sound like that Waco guy. Now, maybe you aspire to that "prominence", but I'll hope, until I give you adequate time, that you can be better than that.

Respectfully, for now, Mutt. Jeff sends his regards, as well.



Mutt & Jeff sleep together.

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A possible three way here ?


Now that's funny, I don't care who you are.


Muttandjeff, no offense as your post was written in a respectful manner (and I'm assuming you're being truthful and aren't a troll alum of county school X), but you have no idea what you're talking about. Which is ok, and frankly understandable if your base of knowledge is having moved into the area a few years ago and gathering a little info from talking to a few people in the community and reading CoachT. For starters, it would be absurd to draw conclusions about any fanbase or group of alumni based on what a relatively tiny number of individuals post on an internet forum. Not only is it not large enough to be a representative sample of the group in question, but there is no way to even know if the posters are even part of the group in question (i.e., that they went to the school they claim to have attended, etc.), and the anonymous and impersonal nature of the forum distorts people's actions and reactions. CoachT and other internet forums are often interesting and entertaining, and even informative, but they aren't remotely a substitute for real world experiences.


Which brings me to my next point, which is based not on having moved here recently, or having read CoachT or the Times-News, but on being a Kingsport native who is the son of a teacher at DB, a graduate of DB, and the father of 2 (soon to be 3) DB graduates, including a football player and a cheerleader. And that is that there is little to no "hating" going on by DB alums toward our area rivals. It's more like a confident sense of contentment mingled with an intermittent amused fascination with Charlie Brown's inability to understand that Lucy is still going to pull that football away just as he tries to kick it, no matter what may have changed since the last time he tried to kick it. What I mean is that the vast majority of DB folk don't even think about our rivals most of the year; we're know we're the big dog with the target on our back, and we expect to beat our area rivals every year. The vast majority of the time, we're right. So what is there to hate about? Or even talk about? It's highly debatable whether annual butt-whippings actually constitute a rivalry. Then as the games approach, just like we know the leaves are going to start turning colors, we know Charlie Brown is going to start thinking he's going to be able to kick that football this time, this year, and some of our rivals are going to start proclaiming that this is their year, this is the year they finally beat us. This may lead to some banter back and forth, but it's usually good natured on our part because we're much more amused by the psychology involved than anything else. Certainly we're not upset or angry. And even if we happen to lose a game to an area rival, which happens once every 10 or 15 years, we're still not angry. We know that aberrations happen in the world, and things will return to their natural order. And in the meanwhile, it gives everyone something to talk about and fuels Charlie Brown's ambitions for another decade or two. So where is this hate you speak of? Well, it's mostly directed toward DB because, well, we're DB, and we win a lot and have nice stuff. Pretty simple, right? :) RTR

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west 24 south 20

boone 31 seymour 7

elizabethton big

SH 38 sd 17

north 35 cent 14

East 28 crockett 14

Farragut 31 DB 28 DB fumbles late and farragut kicks a field goal to win it.


Does anyone know how the DB-Farragut game turned out tonight? I see the prediction above by the tosssalad, I was just wondering if he got it right? He sounds like he really knows alot about football.

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Applebees has two for one drinks tonight if you want to drown you sorrows. Or you could.....well never mind.



Applebees... Chophouse only tonight baby. I can dish it but I am also man enough to take it. Enjoy your win but when you lay that head down tonight I know the truth will come. When the playoffs start we don't have the horses up front to get it done.

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Applebees... Chophouse only tonight baby. I can dish it but I am also man enough to take it. Enjoy your win but when you lay that head down tonight I know the truth will come. When the playoffs start we don't have the horses up front to get it done.


You couldn't get in the parking lot at Chophouse. I've owned you from your very first post on here. I don't care what screen name you use. You look like the front runner for Mo-Ron of the year to me. I might put your other screen name in second place for now.

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