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Sequatchie County at Goodpasture


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Wow. The trash talking is not just on CoachT, my son said there was alot going on during the game last night on the field by both teams. It is an emotional game for both teams, and unfortunately no one would know how it started accept the boys, but the refs only see the retaliation. It was unusual for GP to loose their cool however I am glad to see them fired up. This was a good lesson, because they are going to have to exercise self discipline next week against PC. The Sequatchie fans were loud and supportive...I am sure the boys appreciated it. Hope everyone made it home safe.


Congratulations Cougars!

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Really? Really?

A true Goodpasture fan.

GP players have to be in the top 3 dirtiest teams/programs I have ever seen in high school football. Even in scrimmages, they start fights. I'm all about playing hard, and being physical...but there is a difference in being physical while plays are going on and spearing or cheap shotting a player after the play is dead.

I expected GP fans to get on here to defend the recruits...I'm sure you all drove off GP campus last night, in your Hummers and Mercedes cars, very proud of the team. (probably right after they gave a few Benjamins away to those recruits).

Great job SC...the dirty play will catch up with GP soon enough.

Stop it! I am a loyal Goodpasture fan and I have been to every game the last five years. Do not make blanket statements. That is bull....! And I love the stereo type. If you would of looked in the parking lot, the cars were not like you described in your post, but then, that would'nt support your arguement. So I am glad you have taken your shots at Goodpasture. I hope you feel better. And yes, I am very proud of my Cougars!!!

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Really? Really?

A true Goodpasture fan.

GP players have to be in the top 3 dirtiest teams/programs I have ever seen in high school football. Even in scrimmages, they start fights. I'm all about playing hard, and being physical...but there is a difference in being physical while plays are going on and spearing or cheap shotting a player after the play is dead.

I expected GP fans to get on here to defend the recruits...I'm sure you all drove off GP campus last night, in your Hummers and Mercedes cars, very proud of the team. (probably right after they gave a few Benjamins away to those recruits).

Great job SC...the dirty play will catch up with GP soon enough.

You musty be a closet Goodpasture fan. It sound like you know alot about them. You even follow their scrimmages. Look, you all fought hard. It was awesome to see the crowd that came and supported Sequatchie. I am just saying the late hits/pushing and trash talking was both sides, not one sided.

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There is a difference between trash talking and plain out dirty play. Trash talking goes on in every game between both teams, that's normal. Whats not is the deliberate late hits, spearing and the officials letting them get away with it. If they had stepped in when it first got started and took control, this would be a mute point.


And if this was unusual for GP, then why did Golddust281 warn us? he described what would happen to a T, and then some. As I said before, GP would have won with out the unnecessary conduct, it didn't intimidate us at all.

Edited by bratt22
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Did Sequatchie start pushing back and talking back, to an extent, sure. Wouldn't you if you'd been late hit, cheap shotted, speared and been thrown to the ground away from the ball the entire game?


Someone mentioned some numbers for Sequatchie who were talking-I really don't think you GP folks want things to go there, it would be a mighty long post if specific jersey numbers and their actions are brought up.


What summed up the refs for me was after the no-penalty on the kicking. The coaches were discussing it, not even talking to the refs or mentioning the refs and the ref, all the way back on the field away from the sideline, throws a flag for unsportsmanlike. There was no cursing or anything of the sort, one of them just described what he was seeing the entire game. I really do think they waited until the score got out of hand until calling penalties so they could always go back and say "hey we flagged them, what else do you want?"


One of the GP fans overheard some of the Sequatchie fans complaining as they were all walking out, I'm told, and brushed it off saying, "that's just football." If everyone up there has that attitude, and from the looks of some of these posts it's looking that way, what went on shouldn't have been a surprise.

Edited by Indian
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After reading this thread I thought SEQ County had more class than this I was at the game and yes GP Got 3 personal foul penaltys on one drive 45 yards which ended in a score for SC But smack was being said on both sides of the ball. But i thought GP sucked it up and got through it and seemed to get a little momentum after those penaltys. To say Only one team caused it thats bs. I was talking to a lot of SC fans as they came in to the stadium and 99% of them very nice fans. There are always a few that ruin it for all. I just did not think i would hear all this winning and crying, putting blame on the other team playing dirty, bad officiating I bet the food in the consessions wasn't good either. Cry all you want SC cause ya'll got it handed to you last nite. Sorry GP had to be the one to send you home

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Everyone has their opinion of class and GP team does not period. GP people I talked to yes they were nice. And no one as even talked about your coach onside kicking after the last two scores and throwing a long pass to score with 3 minutes to go, but I guess that's just part of the game huh. I'm not crying you won we lost it's the dirty play that upsets me.


I'm moving on with this thread no use arguing about the obvious.

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One thing I forgot to ask, why did y'all not have a program? Were we not worthy enough for one? The Senior parents certainly would have like one.



Here is a link to our media guide for the game. Pass it along to any Sequatchie family you think might want one.

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Everyone has their opinion of class and GP team does not period. GP people I talked to yes they were nice. And no one as even talked about your coach onside kicking after the last two scores and throwing a long pass to score with 3 minutes to go, but I guess that's just part of the game huh. I'm not crying you won we lost it's the dirty play that upsets me.


I'm moving on with this thread no use arguing about the obvious.

So you are going to move on after you get your parting shot. Goodpasture has a great history of class. And by the way, the onside kick you are talking about was not one, it was suppose to be a pooch kick, and the kicker just missed it. And just to let you know, the reason they were pooch kicking all night was because the normal kicker did not play in last nights game. But you knew that did'nt you. And just to let you know, the dirty play did'nt start until the game was out of hand for SP. Do you think there is something to that? I know it is hard to see your season end. Alcoa had done it to us several times in the last several years, but you just need to move on and try your best again. The fans for SP were into it. But the game was over by the middle of the second quarter, and I think the dirty play reflected that. I tapped the game. And I watched it again today. There are numerous times when the Goodpasture boys retaliated, and they got caught. There are also times when the SP boys were getting in the face of the Goodpasture boys and our boys took the bait. Goodpasture knew they had the game in hand before halftime. Goodpasture knows they need to be at there best to advance to state. What did they have to gain by playing dirty? Nothing! What happened was the SP boys were very spirited. They got into it, and the Goodpasture boys did to. It got into a chest thumping contest in the second half, and pride kicked in for both teams, reguardless of the score! That is what happened. I wish all the best to SP, and good luck next year!

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So you are going to move on after you get your parting shot. Goodpasture has a great history of class. And by the way, the onside kick you are talking about was not one, it was suppose to be a pooch kick, and the kicker just missed it. And just to let you know, the reason they were pooch kicking all night was because the normal kicker did not play in last nights game. But you knew that did'nt you. And just to let you know, the dirty play did'nt start until the game was out of hand for SP. Do you think there is something to that? I know it is hard to see your season end. Alcoa had done it to us several times in the last several years, but you just need to move on and try your best again. The fans for SP were into it. But the game was over by the middle of the second quarter, and I think the dirty play reflected that. I tapped the game. And I watched it again today. There are numerous times when the Goodpasture boys retaliated, and they got caught. There are also times when the SP boys were getting in the face of the Goodpasture boys and our boys took the bait. Goodpasture knew they had the game in hand before halftime. Goodpasture knows they need to be at there best to advance to state. What did they have to gain by playing dirty? Nothing! What happened was the SP boys were very spirited. They got into it, and the Goodpasture boys did to. It got into a chest thumping contest in the second half, and pride kicked in for both teams, reguardless of the score! That is what happened. I wish all the best to SP, and good luck next year!


who is SP you keep posting???? :blink:

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