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Ridgeway Roadrunners


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I was terribly afraid that the special teams would be the Roadrunners undoing.. Trader B and several others did not see this as a problem however it brought the title dreams crashing down. R'way.....

1. Gave up a td on the opening possession by not covering the opening kickoff.

2. Had a punt blocked and returned to the Roadrunner 2 yd line setting up another td

3. Gave up a ko return for an 82 yd td

4. Missed 2 2pt conversion attempts

5. Had a field goal blocked that could have been the potential winner

6. Had a good punt return called back for an illegal block thereby losing great field position


Final score...21-19


R'way lost despite outgaining Hendersonville 4 to 1 in yardage..420 yds to 105


Trader B..I pulled for R'way the entire season. They have great athletes and a coach that I think a great deal of, however, once again the lack of quality special teams led to another inner city school's downfall.

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I was terribly afraid that the special teams would be the Roadrunners undoing.. Trader B and several others did not see this as a problem however it brought the title dreams crashing down. R'way.....

1. Gave up a td on the opening possession by not covering the opening kickoff.

2. Had a punt blocked and returned to the Roadrunner 2 yd line setting up another td

3. Gave up a ko return for an 82 yd td

4. Missed 2 2pt conversion attempts

5. Had a field goal blocked that could have been the potential winner

6. Had a good punt return called back for an illegal block thereby losing great field position


Final score...21-19


R'way lost despite outgaining Hendersonville 4 to 1 in yardage..420 yds to 105


Trader B..I pulled for R'way the entire season. They have great athletes and a coach that I think a great deal of, however, once again the lack of quality special teams led to another inner city school's downfall.



Your prediction was mostly right on the money about Ridgeway... I'll comment on that in my next post. For now, I must set the record straight:


I never stated that Ridgeway's special teams would not be a problem.

Below is a copy and paste of your original comments about Ridgeway and my original reply:




Here are your original comments:


"Got to check out R'way Friday night [vs Mphs East]...No way they are the no. 1 team in 5a. Atrocious kicking game will get them beat in the quarter-finals...Punting is non-existent...R'way will go on fourth down everytime unless they are in the shadow of their own goalposts (not sure after they punt, they won't still be in the shadow!) Had several x pts blocked, (field goals will be out of the question) and ko's are something to behold with the smash squib!! Very athletic bunch with talented qb and versatile, quick tb. Defensively JNS will put them to the test. R'way should win this Friday..and the ugly truth will rear it's ugly head and that is the "lack of a kicking game will be another Memphis City teams downfall". Sorry I got ahead of myself, but you don't need a great "vision" to see the handwriting on the wall.



Here is my original reply:



I have seen Ridgeway play 5 times this season.


I suggest to you that the kicking issues you observed versus East....those were an anomaly for the Roadrunners, IMHO. While they were certainly not perfect, RW did not exhibit such sub-par kicking woes during those 5 games that I witnessed. Trust me when I tell you -- Ridgeway's above-average defense is the main reason that they're a Bona Fide threat to win the 5A State Championship! They just don't give up very many points. Plus, their (VERY underrated) offense is plenty dangerous and very explosive.


While I do not know whether Ridgeway is truly the #1 team in 5A, I will say this much: Potential Kicking woes aside, it is simply gonna take an awfully, awfully special team to score more points than the Roadrunners.


My money is on Ridgeway to win this year's State Championship!

Edited by TraderB
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I was terribly afraid that the special teams would be the Roadrunners undoing.. Trader B and several others did not see this as a problem however it brought the title dreams crashing down. R'way.....

1. Gave up a td on the opening possession by not covering the opening kickoff.

2. Had a punt blocked and returned to the Roadrunner 2 yd line setting up another td

3. Gave up a ko return for an 82 yd td

4. Missed 2 2pt conversion attempts

5. Had a field goal blocked that could have been the potential winner

6. Had a good punt return called back for an illegal block thereby losing great field position


Final score...21-19


R'way lost despite outgaining Hendersonville 4 to 1 in yardage..420 yds to 105


Trader B..I pulled for R'way the entire season. They have great athletes and a coach that I think a great deal of, however, once again the lack of quality special teams led to another inner city school's downfall.




(now, having set the record straight...)



All of the 6 items that you listed are 100% FACTUAL, unfortunately for Ridgeway! You are also 100% correct (sadly) about our Inner City Schools and their special teams play.... They absolutely MUST find a way to address this persistent problem.


When one looks at how Ridgeway absolutely dominated the stats vs Hendersonville, only to lose on the scoreboard, it's easy to speculate that this loss will probably haunt Ridgeway's staff and players for many years to come! Multiple breakdowns in special teams led directly to the Roadrunners getting knocked out of the playoffs and not getting a chance to play for the State Championship!


Without a doubt, Ridgeway had a Championship caliber team this year (so did Whitehaven...that's a whole 'nother topic, though). Despite losing last night, the Roadrunners (I strongly suspect) probably still felt like they were the better team!! As you know, I certainly believed that Ridgeway was the best 5A team in the whole State.


At the end of the day, though -- there are NO do-overs in playoff football!! If you're the "better team" then-- hey, you've got to go out on the field and PROVE IT on game night. You only get one shot at it... They don't pass out victories or hand out State Titles to teams with the best stats, or teams that think they're better; only the team with the most points at the end of the game gets awarded the Victory.


Unfortunately for our Memphis Ridgeway Roadrunners (all all us fans), Hendersonville dominated the only "statistic" that matters: The scoreboard.

Edited by TraderB
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Ridgeway has some amazing talent. I don't think I've ever seen that many super-fast dudes on one team before. But I saw a lot of lazy blocking & poor execution Fri night on their part. Heck, if I was used to the RB hitting the corners & streaking down the field all season long I might get a little lazy too. ;) But it cost them this time, big time. Special teams were a disaster for them. That lonely kicker didn't have a chance on some of those plays. Was it because the line grew complacent in not having to hold their blocks 'cause of the speedy dudes? I don't know. Our D stunts aren't rocket science, I think this one falls squarely on the coaches shoulders. Back to the kicker. Vanderbilt has an excellent kicking camp in early June. Send him to it. You can thank me next Fall!




H'ville plays as a team. THAT'S the difference, in a nutshell, from other teams. I'm tellin' ya, you might think you got it goin' on but Coach Hat & his staff have some sort of juju that, if bottled, would bring big bucks. Their cohesiveness is simply amazing. It reminds me of a team from my youth in Alexandria, VA. T.C. Williams. Of Remember The Titans fame. I was a Freshman in the stands (only JV & Vars dressed out) and those guys were a MACHINE. Hayfield Hawks got owned & we had some individual talent. Didn't stand up to a concerted team effort though. THAT will beat individual talent every time. See Ridgeway/H'ville score.



Edited by CommandoHQ
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(now, having set the record straight...)



All of the 6 items that you listed are 100% FACTUAL, unfortunately for Ridgeway! You are also 100% correct (sadly) about our Inner City Schools and their special teams play.... They absolutely MUST find a way to address this persistent problem.


When one looks at how Ridgeway absolutely dominated the stats vs Hendersonville, only to lose on the scoreboard, it's easy to speculate that this loss will probably haunt Ridgeway's staff and players for many years to come! Multiple breakdowns in special teams led directly to the Roadrunners getting knocked out of the playoffs and not getting a chance to play for the State Championship!


Without a doubt, Ridgeway had a Championship caliber team this year (so did Whitehaven...that's a whole 'nother topic, though). Despite losing last night, the Roadrunners (I strongly suspect) probably still felt like they were the better team!! As you know, I certainly believed that Ridgeway was the best 5A team in the whole State.


At the end of the day, though -- there are NO do-overs in playoff football!! If you're the "better team" then-- hey, you've got to go out on the field and PROVE IT on game night. You only get one shot at it... They don't pass out victories or hand out State Titles to teams with the best stats, or teams that think they're better; only the team with the most points at the end of the game gets awarded the Victory.


Unfortunately for our Memphis Ridgeway Roadrunners (all all us fans), Hendersonville dominated the only "statistic" that matters: The scoreboard.





I know it is difficult on the Roadrunners to be as talented, to come so far, and yet fall short. I don't know the answer for the city programs however, I do know that when you put things in the order of importance, Defense is first, special teams are second with offense third. To try and compete with only two thirds of the package puts a huge burden on a team.

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To TraderB and kwc...how many state title opportunities does Memphis have to give away due to problems in the kicking game, before the respective schools and their coaches will do something about it? The missed titles are countless. The athletes are being wasted when it comes to championships not achieved. The coaches should be ashamed for just counting on amazing talent and not developing at least a semblance of a kicking game. With the talent that exists at Melrose and Ridgeway, just to name a couple, the kicking game doesn't have to be great, but it needs to become a priority. What's the answer TraderB and kwc? Am I being to hard on them?

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(now, having set the record straight...)



All of the 6 items that you listed are 100% FACTUAL, unfortunately for Ridgeway! You are also 100% correct (sadly) about our Inner City Schools and their special teams play.... They absolutely MUST find a way to address this persistent problem.


When one looks at how Ridgeway absolutely dominated the stats vs Hendersonville, only to lose on the scoreboard, it's easy to speculate that this loss will probably haunt Ridgeway's staff and players for many years to come! Multiple breakdowns in special teams led directly to the Roadrunners getting knocked out of the playoffs and not getting a chance to play for the State Championship!


Without a doubt, Ridgeway had a Championship caliber team this year (so did Whitehaven...that's a whole 'nother topic, though). Despite losing last night, the Roadrunners (I strongly suspect) probably still felt like they were the better team!! As you know, I certainly believed that Ridgeway was the best 5A team in the whole State.


At the end of the day, though -- there are NO do-overs in playoff football!! If you're the "better team" then-- hey, you've got to go out on the field and PROVE IT on game night. You only get one shot at it... They don't pass out victories or hand out State Titles to teams with the best stats, or teams that think they're better; only the team with the most points at the end of the game gets awarded the Victory.


Unfortunately for our Memphis Ridgeway Roadrunners (all all us fans), Hendersonville dominated the only "statistic" that matters: The scoreboard.



DITTO!! It is sad!

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To TraderB and kwc...how many state title opportunities does Memphis have to give away due to problems in the kicking game, before the respective schools and their coaches will do something about it? The missed titles are countless. The athletes are being wasted when it comes to championships not achieved. The coaches should be ashamed for just counting on amazing talent and not developing at least a semblance of a kicking game. With the talent that exists at Melrose and Ridgeway, just to name a couple, the kicking game doesn't have to be great, but it needs to become a priority. What's the answer TraderB and kwc? Am I being to hard on them?


Good question Red Warrior. We Memphians who frequant this forum have had discussions about this very same thing. Blocking and protection are COACHING issues that can be directly addressed. Plain and simple, one thing is blatently obvious. What's been done in the past isn't working and another approach is needed.

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To TraderB and kwc...how many state title opportunities does Memphis have to give away due to problems in the kicking game, before the respective schools and their coaches will do something about it? The missed titles are countless. The athletes are being wasted when it comes to championships not achieved. The coaches should be ashamed for just counting on amazing talent and not developing at least a semblance of a kicking game. With the talent that exists at Melrose and Ridgeway, just to name a couple, the kicking game doesn't have to be great, but it needs to become a priority. What's the answer TraderB and kwc? Am I being to hard on them?



Right on target Warrior!! I knew as soon as I first saw R'way against East, that somewhere along the line the bubble would burst. Melrose lost 3 chances at a State Championship simply because they could not kick an xpt. They lost 3 games by a total of 5 points..all due to the lack of a kicking game. R'way couldn't punt the ball a foot and consequently didn't try throughout the year. Time and time again they were able to make huge plays to move the sticks. In late playoff action you must have the special teams solid if you are to have a legitimate shot at a championship. Where does the blame lie?...You said it..The coaches have got to prioritize this area if our inner city schools have any chance. Special teams have got to be a part of weekly preparation with more than just a "line em up" approach. Until coaches realize this they will continue to beat their heads against a brick wall. Hopefully one day they will realize how "good" it feels when they stop!

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To TraderB and kwc...how many state title opportunities does Memphis have to give away due to problems in the kicking game, before the respective schools and their coaches will do something about it? The missed titles are countless. The athletes are being wasted when it comes to championships not achieved. The coaches should be ashamed for just counting on amazing talent and not developing at least a semblance of a kicking game. With the talent that exists at Melrose and Ridgeway, just to name a couple, the kicking game doesn't have to be great, but it needs to become a priority. What's the answer TraderB and kwc? Am I being to hard on them?

Red Warrior,



No, you are NOT being too hard on our Mphs City School coaches!!



You know, just thinking about all of the lost State-Title opportunities resulting from poor kicking games...it is VERY frustrating to me, as a fan. One word comes to mind when I think about it:




For the life of me, I will never understand why our Mphs City School Coaches have not eliminated these perennial kicking-game deficiencies. Lord knows--there is more than enough (painful) evidence to support an URGENT need...Having said this, I must give huge 'kudos' to Whitehaven's staff! It is very obvious that they have tackled this issue head-on and, IMO, eliminated that weakness from their team...this season, anyway. Hopefully they will not regress but, instead, continue to strengthen this area in the future.


As for solving the kicking-game problems throughout the rest of our MCS football programs....at the current rate of utter failure, it's probably going to take some sort of City Council/School Board mandate (yeah, I know it's an outlandish and outrageous idea), FORCING our Coaches to create a viable long-term plan for the development of kicking programs.


Realistically, I suspect that the true solution to solving kicking-game woes begins and ends with each Head Coach. It's just a matter of whether they will (miraculously) wake up one day and finally smell the coffee:


Special teams are just as critical as defense and offense, when it comes to winning Championships.

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