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Mckenzie @ Huntingdon!


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I wish our fans at Huntingdon had more noise, I'm going to buy me some BB's and a Milk jug lol and shake it but seriously, Ive seen McKenzie fans and they cheer a lot better than us. I cant wait & Im Mustangs more than anything else but how funny would it be for 2 Carroll County teams have a gold ball at the end. It'd be CARROLL COUNTY DOMINATION lol, anyway to all the McKenzie fans Im sure you know your way around Huntingdon but have a safe trip home anyway. GO MUSTANGS!!!


Have you ever been to a Huntingdon game.It sure don't sound like you're from Huntingdon.

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Have you ever been to a Huntingdon game.It sure don't sound like you're from Huntingdon.



I meant our fans are only loud if we're doing real good other team cheer and holler every time they get a first down, if we get a touchdown they'll scream and a bad call they'll boo but I think they should be a little louder, just saying

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There have been more Mustang posters on here this weekend than all the last 5 seasons combined. I understand why too. Personally I really don't know what to expect Friday night other than a physical contest. 3-4 weeks ago I would have said at that time the Rebels had no chance against the Mustangs. Because of the rapid maturing of the young Rebels though I can't say that now. The Rebels came of age against Humboldt who is argueably as good of a team in our classification as there in NW TN. Granted they barely beat us on a fluke turnover late in the 4th but we hung with them blow for blow.


I'm gonna say that this game depends on which coaching staff does the best job of preparing their team to play and has the best game plan/play calling during the game.


GO REBELS!!!!!!!!!!!



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I wish our fans at Huntingdon had more noise, I'm going to buy me some BB's and a Milk jug lol and shake it but seriously, Ive seen McKenzie fans and they cheer a lot better than us. I cant wait & Im Mustangs more than anything else but how funny would it be for 2 Carroll County teams have a gold ball at the end. It'd be CARROLL COUNTY DOMINATION lol, anyway to all the McKenzie fans Im sure you know your way around Huntingdon but have a safe trip home anyway. GO MUSTANGS!!!


Like your style!!! :thumb:


Not too sure it's time for either of us to be thinking about gold balls though. IT would be pretty awsome if both of us brought one home this time but...............!? All of us who have been around here long enough know well the pitfalls ahead in the playoffs.

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There have been more Mustang posters on here this weekend than all the last 5 seasons combined. I understand why too. Personally I really don't know what to expect Friday night other than a physical contest. 3-4 weeks ago I would have said at that time the Rebels had no chance against the Mustangs. Because of the rapid maturing of the young Rebels though I can't say that now. The Rebels came of age against Humboldt who is argueably as good of a team in our classification as there in NW TN. Granted they barely beat us on a fluke turnover late in the 4th but we hung with them blow for blow.


I'm gonna say that this game depends on which coaching staff does the best job of preparing their team to play and has the best game plan/play calling during the game.


GO REBELS!!!!!!!!!!!



I think you're right in many ways. Coaching is going to be important and IMO these programs both have great coaches. One thing to watch for will be the Mustang O-line getting the Vinson kid blocked. That will be a major factor. I've seen the guy play and let's not kid ourselves. He's Good! It should be interesting to see how Huntingdon will get blockers on him on big downs. Should be a great game and I'm expecting a pretty large crowd at Paul Ward this Friday. Hope it's a great, injury free game! Good luck to both teams! GO BLUE!!!

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I think you're right in many ways. Coaching is going to be important and IMO these programs both have great coaches. One thing to watch for will be the Mustang O-line getting the Vinson kid blocked. That will be a major factor. I've seen the guy play and let's not kid ourselves. He's Good! It should be interesting to see how Huntingdon will get blockers on him on big downs. Should be a great game and I'm expecting a pretty large crowd at Paul Ward this Friday. Hope it's a great, injury free game! Good luck to both teams! GO BLUE!!!


Those are all good points but the Rebs have a few more "in the box" players that don't get much attention from opponents. The Mustangs will meet them Friday night. Vinson is one tough player but he's not alone.


This game depends on coaching. If my Rebels come into this game believing they can win this game it could be a classic.

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Would be interesting to see it rain like it did two years ago when I though huntingdon would kill mckenzie. Limits kids to one cut and allows the more physical team to pound. McKenzie Coach seems to have stangs figured out, but that stang qb sure does make up for a lot of mistakes his team makes. Kinda like arnold last year. Still, I'll put my guess out there...Hunt 20, Rebs 13. But, could go other way the way mckenzie's linebackers hit.

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years past and the history between huntingdon and mckenzie have nothing to do with this years game.plain and simple the team that has the WILL TO WIN will come out on top! this is the third and final battle for CARROLL CO. football in 2011.the mustangs will come out on top.



Im buying that !!! :thumb:

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