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District 9-AAA


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Brentwood by 20. What was the story?


Brentwood came out firing threes and making them in first quarter; score was 21-8 after one period, but WC cut it to 12 by halftime. WC actually did a good job defensively for awhile, creating turnovers on four straight possessions and Williams corralled several of his famous offensive boards. Rosshirt had a beautiful no-look assist in first quarter.


After cutting Brentwood's lead to 8 early in the 3rd, the Bruins put together a run starting with a Jack Bautista three to stretch the lead back out to 13. On three straight possessions, WC turned it over and Brentwood capitalized for easy layups and a dagger three. Game was pretty much over by that point. Rosshirt threw at least 4-5 balls away in second half.


Brentwood spent the last part of the 3rd and pretty much the entire 4th draining clock with their lead hovering around 20. Williams was pretty much suffocated for the majority of the game and was not able to get the ball apart from putbacks on offensive boards. Palmer made some pretty plays in the first half but he was also neutralized in the second half.

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Where is looking for talent's stats for brentwood vs wilson Central?

BHS 107.4

WC  98.8

Sorry I was out trolling other threads this one seemed dead my picks were Brentwood, Hamilton, Arlington and Oak Ridge with Brentwood winning it all. When you play at state everything is different. I have gained a lot of respect for WC this year honestly the trap they run is as impressive as I've seen at the HS level but I don't think they or any team that relays mainly on there traps will be succesfull at the state level. Coaches have to realize that going from the standard 84ft HS court to a 94ft college court makes that same full court/half court trap about 75% less effective an extra 500 sqft is huge for spacing. It is the same reason I belive Dyer County will not win at the state level. But will continue to have sucsess at regional level and below. Teams thats staple is traditional half court defense and have good offensive set will half the most success. And is why I like Brenwood to host the trophy

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At Portland, you get what you pay for. Cant afford a good coach, dont argue about your results.


how does a school go about "affording" a coach? how much does a coach get paid and how much should a coach, say at Portland, get paid? From my understanding, a coaches stipend is a percentage of his teachers salary, all set by the county BOE. If I'm wrong here, or perhaps not in the entire loop, let me know.

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