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People who vote on ALL STATE team


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You should take your own advice Jethro. thumb[1].gif






Lol whatever makes u sleep better at night pumpkin! I actually go days without getting on here...You always respond within the hour...I have plenty else to do during the offseason than screw off with you and crazy man....Im gone until Spring...U and crazy man keep the board warm for me.......That is all...................Wanna be Dillard

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Lol whatever makes u sleep better at night pumpkin! I actually go days without getting on here...You always respond within the hour...I have plenty else to do during the offseason than screw off with you and crazy man....Im gone until Spring...U and crazy man keep the board warm for me.......That is all...................Wanna be Dillard


Not really sure what your concern about Roy is. However, I don't know that Roy. The only Roy that I am presently concerned with is my new Roy Weatherby.

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Lol whatever makes u sleep better at night pumpkin! I actually go days without getting on here...You always respond within the hour...I have plenty else to do during the offseason than screw off with you and crazy man....Im gone until Spring...U and crazy man keep the board warm for me.......That is all...................Wanna be Dillard

Old Pirate ain't never thought ole Roy was a crazy man, jest knows for sure he's a skillet head.. :roflol: Dad burnit, recon ole RD has some rite insightful observations from time to time and more fellers should listen up from time to time. Leastways about making them youngons real fast and real strong. OP stands firm that the 2011 Pirate squad didn't have anyone that could have played back in the day. Cause them there youngons seldom cramped up and lots were real strong. Heck OP remembers back in the day them futeball playing youngons would have weight lifting contests down there at the boat dock. Don't recon most you youngons even knows about them days. Pert near sure you fellers could ask great pappys thou. Them weight lifting contests days gone like the Whochi-coochi shows. :roflol: The youngons today round here is soft and OP ain't convinced theys ever goin to get looking like any Popeyes any time soon. Jest down rite too much couch sitting & playing them games on tv now days. :popcorneater:

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People around these here parts call me Tracks or TrainTracks if you will fine sir....You can call me Thomas like the goof troop but originality goes a long way :thumb:


I'm kinda a big deal :bored:


HELLOOOO AND GOOD MORNING MISS SUNSHINE!!! Time to WAKE UP!! Nobody cares so stick to the freaking topic of GET OUT!!! BUNCH OF CRAP is what your full of! Lets talk some football! RLH you can be cute and post your cool rad pictures if you want but it dont mean CRAP to me son....I stand be my statement. Kids make it every year at positions that they didnt excel at...Never said they didnt deserve to make it though. About like if Coltin Blevins had made it as a Guard when he had a much bigger year at Linebacker leading our boys to battle game in and out. It happens here and everywhere else...Voters make room and put playmakers on the field whether its the wrong side of the ball or not. Im done on this debate son so leave it be. HELLLOOO I was only stating my opinion so if you dont like it GET THE CRAP OUT AND GO HIT SOMEBODY!!!!! GO PIRATES!!!



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HELLOOOO AND GOOD MORNING MISS SUNSHINE!!! Time to WAKE UP!! Nobody cares so stick to the freaking topic of GET OUT!!! BUNCH OF CRAP is what your full of! Lets talk some football! RLH you can be cute and post your cool rad pictures if you want but it dont mean CRAP to me son....I stand be my statement. Kids make it every year at positions that they didnt excel at...Never said they didnt deserve to make it though. About like if Coltin Blevins had made it as a Guard when he had a much bigger year at Linebacker leading our boys to battle game in and out. It happens here and everywhere else...Voters make room and put playmakers on the field whether its the wrong side of the ball or not. Im done on this debate son so leave it be. HELLLOOO I was only stating my opinion so if you dont like it GET THE CRAP OUT AND GO HIT SOMEBODY!!!!! GO PIRATES!!!




Son, probably got socks with toe jam stains older than you, son. Son, your comprehension skills are as weak as your reading comprehension skills because you never have figured out that that I was talking about something different. Plus, Son, you quoted my post to OP, and you were babbling completely about completely different things, Son. That said, where do you figure they should have listed Lankford, wide receiver? Or Chubb at Center? or Branham at end?

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Son, probably got socks with toe jam stains older than you, son. Son, your comprehension skills are as weak as your reading comprehension skills because you never have figured out that that I was talking about something different. Plus, Son, you quoted my post to OP, and you were babbling completely about completely different things, Son. That said, where do you figure they should have listed Lankford, wide receiver? Or Chubb at Center? or Branham at end?

'rlh' you do not have a clue.....you get on the T and talk about a team you have not seen but once in how many years.....find a team in Florida,to keep up with....because nobody up here cares what you think. :angry:

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'rlh' you do not have a clue.....you get on the T and talk about a team you have not seen but once in how many years.....find a team in Florida,to keep up with....because nobody up here cares what you think. :angry:


1st off, this is the first year that I haven't seen them in person. #2, I still have friends and family in SP, Jasper, Whitwell and Dunlap. #3, I am a Pirate Alumnus, a University of Tennessee Alumnus, University of Arkansas Alumnus and a University of North Alabama Alumnus and I usually catch at least 1 game for each of those each year. #5, radio, TV and streaming is great. That's how most people keep up with there college teams. #6, I do watch a few Florida teams. Even though I am courtesy faculty at UF, I still root for UT, Arkansas and who ever plays the Gaytors. Lastly, you really need to go worry yourself over L.V. or where ever it is you graduated (assuming you graduated).

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1st off, this is the first year that I haven't seen them in person. #2, I still have friends and family in SP, Jasper, Whitwell and Dunlap. #3, I am a Pirate Alumnus, a University of Tennessee Alumnus, University of Arkansas Alumnus and a University of North Alabama Alumnus and I usually catch at least 1 game for each of those each year. #5, radio, TV and streaming is great. That's how most people keep up with there college teams. #6, I do watch a few Florida teams. Even though I am courtesy faculty at UF, I still root for UT, Arkansas and who ever plays the Gaytors. Lastly, you really need to go worry yourself over L.V. or where ever it is you graduated (assuming you graduated).

seen it before,you left out california :roflolk: And no one cares :rolleyes:

Edited by lancer10
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