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Springfield Yellow Jackets versus Northwest Vikings

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Springfield Yellow Jackets versus Northwest Vikings. Mop up game. Also fall break in beautiful Robertson County. I am looking for a bad football game between two bad teams who have given up and are just playing out the season. Probably will be a small crowd with students out on Fall Break.


Hope very much that I am wrong and the teams reach down and play hard for pride. With these two team's records there isn't much else to play for

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You do not know if the teams have given up, they still have internal pride to play for and pride for the program. Stop cutting them down and build them up with support. They have alot to play for, a win. Yes last week's game was poorly played. But that was last week not this week. How about the games against Henry and Dickson we played very well. Stop beating up the players and staff and administration.

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You do not know if the teams have given up, they still have internal pride to play for and pride for the program. Stop cutting them down and build them up with support. They have alot to play for, a win. Yes last week's game was poorly played. But that was last week not this week. How about the games against Henry and Dickson we played very well. Stop beating up the players and staff and administration.

I am not beating anyone up. I have seen every play of every game for the past five years, except for this year's Dickson County game. Show me ONE post that I beat up the staff, players, or administration. Show me ONE post where I have even mentioned the administration. Show me facts before you call me out
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The players for SHS have plenty to play for. Don't ever underestimate personal pride and love for a team and teammates. I know many of the players personally and I can tell u that they care about these last 2 games. Don't bash them or the coaches who work their butts off preparing the team to do their best. Support them no matter what

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The truth is spoken with wins and defeats. Show me someone who doesn't think winning is important and I'll show you a loser. Statements that this season would have been the same, even if there had been no coaching change is not factual , but the record at the end of the season is factual. The preception of no discipline is just an excuse for the coaching change and dismal season that have occured.I know of former players who don't share the oppinion of SHSjackets4life on the coaching change. One thing is for certain, I hope we can get back to winning.And for those who think hiring former alumni of SHS is important, maybe we should look at the new principal at SMS as a solution to the leadership at SHS , after all he is a former Jacket footballer and grandson of a former popular principal at SHS , he would be a great administrator and not a deterent to Coach Wilson and his staff. Now thats some "new direction" i would support along with many other parents who have expressed concerns about the current leadership at SHS.

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I was not directly referring to you individually but to others who are constantly bashing the new coach and principal. I know from first hand knowledge and experience about the discipline problems that were present with the previous coach and it was bad. So unless you personally were present on the field and in the lockeroom on a daily basis you do not the problems that existed.

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There are still problems. The starting QB wasn't dressed out last night. The starting WR and MLB didn't play against Kenwood. There has been the benching of players almost weekly for breaking team rules. I am not bashing anyone in the program. But to say things are going well is " putting your head in the sand.". I am concerned about the product we are putting on the field right now

Edited by TheCommissioner
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