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Baylor v McCallie ending


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Further more, why are you still crying and whining about that call? You won the match and its over. No matter how much you type and try to distort the facts the arm bar was completely parallel to the long axis of the body. The Cbhs wrestlers fist was on the top of the Baylor kids shoulder . That's as parallel as it gets. The half had nothing at all to do with the call even if that's what caused the injury. I would love for the 120 lbers parents to post the video for no other reason than to show everyone how much your long winded revelations actually are just a bunch of purple tinted hot air.


No one is crying or whining about a match. Ghouse responded, based on the statements of Baylor's own parents that they put a wrestler on the mat, who had not practiced in months. That's irresponsible in any book, no matter how much the young man wants compete. At least someone is willing to call it what it was, WRONG! A lot of parents and coaches lost respect for that move. Also the move of the CBHS wrestler was completely legal and run perpendicular to the body. He was driving the half, what were you watching???

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Let me guess, you are a Cbhs fan? Have you read the posts he has written? He tries to persuade everyone to agree with his opinion by writing eloquently written dissertations that actually say nothing but a nicely worded view of his personal opinion. He actually has the audacity to attack the Baylor coaches integrity when his own team has wrestlers who walk on the mat like its the entrance to UFC fight and then start taunting the opponent right after the referee blows the whistle. Then you have a wrestler who many in the state view as being the dirtiest wrestler in years who constantly appears to be over zealous in his physicality and just got kicked out of a match for it. Let me ask this question. Have you seem any of the Baylor kids act this way? I have never seen it and I can guarantee you they wouldn't tolerate that kind of embarrassing behaviour. So while you are busy casting stones you need to take a step back and look at your own kids and program.


That's funny. No need to respond to the, "he tries to persuade someone" quote, 2Leg already hit that and gave you a sign. On the second comment, help me to understand your logic. I think you are saying that ghouse should not point out something that the Baylor coaches did which was clearly irresponible and put a young man at risk, because of they way a CBHS wrestler approaches a match or wrestler. Comparing the actions of a coaching staff to 14-18 year old wrestlers?


"Then you have a wrestler who many in the state view as being the dirtiest wrestler in years who constantly appears to be over zealous in his physicality and just got kicked out of a match for it." I assume that you are talking about KB, who has now been kicked out of one match in four years, actually in the years I have watched him, one match in 10 years. CBHS wrestles hard all the time and not down to the level of competition. You probably need to watch a few Iowa Hawkeye matches or practices, they will push an opponent or teammate all over the mat or off of it to get the other man to wrestle. Our wrestlers do three takedowns and a pin against lesser competition, because they don't want to embarrass the other team. I have never seen anyone condone or support dirty wrestling and believe you'll see less of this from CBHS than about any other team in the state.


KB and Oliver were both still in the practice room tonight an hour after the high school practice working and KB stayed longer because a middle school wrestler asked him a technique question. These are exceptional young men at a time when society does not help much. Maybe you ought to wait before throwing rocks at what is currently the best program in the state and some of the best young men.


An example of something from this past weekend that was likely illegal. In the d2 finals at 126, the CBHS wrestler jumped out to a lead, the FR wrestler responded, he was going at it and wrestling physical. He led with his head a couple of times and gave the CBHS wrestler a nice jolt. Wasn't called, but I respect the FR 126 for fighting back and getting physical. If it doesn't make you a little upset that someone is beating you or in on a deep shot, then you probably aren't going to make it in college wrestling. You could call that dirty wrestling, but I think he was responding and appreciate it.


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No one is crying or whining about a match. Ghouse responded, based on the statements of Baylor's own parents that they put a wrestler on the mat, who had not practiced in months. That's irresponsible in any book, no matter how much the young man wants compete. At least someone is willing to call it what it was, WRONG! A lot of parents and coaches lost respect for that move. Also the move of the CBHS wrestler was completely legal and run perpendicular to the body. He was driving the half, what were you watching???


Thank you for correcting us all again and gracing us with your infinite knowledge. After reading through all the posts it appears your sidekick ghouse twisted the words of a parent to fit his own agenda. I do not believe it was ever said the wrestler wasnt medically cleared to wrestle. I would think the Baylor staff, the wrestler or his parents wouldnt put him out there if they werent all ok with it. You want to call people on whats wrong but you dont like it when people point out all your own faults and inability to correct them. As far as the move in question you are losing all credibilty. I was standing at the top of the Baylor section and saw the chicken wing/ arm bar clearly as I was right in line with it. I yelled out along with about 50 Baylor parents, coaches and wrestlers at the exact same time the ref deemed it neccesarry to stop the match and award a point. Do you honestly think this was a well orchestrated pre-planned maneuver by that many people to gain an advantage? Could it be possible that you and ghouse couldnt see it from your angle on the rail where you were standing on the opposite side of the wrestlers? Maybe it was a distorted view for ghouse since he was jumping up and down like a girl at a Justin Beiber concert the entire match.

Edited by heresyourstupidsign
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That's funny. No need to respond to the, "he tries to persuade someone" quote, 2Leg already hit that and gave you a sign. On the second comment, help me to understand your logic. I think you are saying that ghouse should not point out something that the Baylor coaches did which was clearly irresponible and put a young man at risk, because of they way a CBHS wrestler approaches a match or wrestler. Comparing the actions of a coaching staff to 14-18 year old wrestlers?


"Then you have a wrestler who many in the state view as being the dirtiest wrestler in years who constantly appears to be over zealous in his physicality and just got kicked out of a match for it." I assume that you are talking about KB, who has now been kicked out of one match in four years, actually in the years I have watched him, one match in 10 years. CBHS wrestles hard all the time and not down to the level of competition. You probably need to watch a few Iowa Hawkeye matches or practices, they will push an opponent or teammate all over the mat or off of it to get the other man to wrestle. Our wrestlers do three takedowns and a pin against lesser competition, because they don't want to embarrass the other team. I have never seen anyone condone or support dirty wrestling and believe you'll see less of this from CBHS than about any other team in the state.


KB and Oliver were both still in the practice room tonight an hour after the high school practice working and KB stayed longer because a middle school wrestler asked him a technique question. These are exceptional young men at a time when society does not help much. Maybe you ought to wait before throwing rocks at what is currently the best program in the state and some of the best young men.


An example of something from this past weekend that was likely illegal. In the d2 finals at 126, the CBHS wrestler jumped out to a lead, the FR wrestler responded, he was going at it and wrestling physical. He led with his head a couple of times and gave the CBHS wrestler a nice jolt. Wasn't called, but I respect the FR 126 for fighting back and getting physical. If it doesn't make you a little upset that someone is beating you or in on a deep shot, then you probably aren't going to make it in college wrestling. You could call that dirty wrestling, but I think he was responding and appreciate it.


Last post as I have to get back to work. The life of the common man is rough sometimes. I will leave all you dii people to fight your own battles. You seem to be missing the point. The point is cbhs and ghouse or smwrest are not the moral police or gods of the Tennessee wrestling world. Its not your place to question other people or write essays proving you are better or smarter than everyone else. This whole post was about Baylor vs McCallie but yet ghouse wants to interject and somehow say the Baylor program and its coaches are not of his standard. Well, thats his opinion but Im not sure what he's basing it on or why he would think anyone would care what he thinks. I think if you took a poll most would put Baylors, Father Ryan, McCallie and all the other dii schools standards and actions much higher than those of Cbhs. Thats my opinion anyway based on how I see the wrestlers conduct themselves and what I hear the dii people saying. Nobody put a young man at risk. You are basing that on a parents post that you twisted around. As far as throwing rocks, you opened that door and thats exactly why I responded. I never mentioned a single name only actions of wrestlers. I think the two wrestlers you mentioned are the best two wrestlers in the state. I was using that as an example of how maybe you shouldn't throw stones though when you have your own issues. As far as the one being kicked out I have only seen him wrestle a few times the last two years at the Cleveland duals but in two of the instances he was called for illegal/unnecessary roughness. Neither of the matches were close or contested as he was clearly the better wrestler and much more physically developed. I don't need to watch Iowa wrestling as you advised. This is not Iowa wrestling. There is a difference in wrestling in College and wrestling a 14-15 year old freshman you are clearly better than and just cross facing him hard for no reason. As far as the taunting on the mat there is no excuse for that and I love how you have never acknowledged that. You bring up them staying after practice or you bring up a match with Father Ryan and how he head butted your kid. You cant divert attention away from the issues at hand no matter how hard you try. There is a difference in wrestling tough and physical and doing things you shouldn't. Kids will be kids, they all come from different backgrounds and have different personalities and we all know that. But when you have things you really need to fix maybe you shouldn't point out what you think other peoples or programs faults are or say you dont respect them based on your faulty view of the circumstances. When you do that you open the door for people to express why they dont respect you. Thats what was done here and obviously it touched a nerve. Decipher, distort, and twist my words around all you want . Post until the cows come home but I have said all I have to say to you smwwrstling and ghouse. By the way I think most would agree Cleveland is the best program in the state. Not only by the scores but the way their wrestlers and fans conduct themselves.

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quote name='heresyourstupidsign' timestamp='1360226582' post='2944907']


No, more than one Baylor parent told me that the wrestler had not been cleared to wrestle. I could name several names, but won't. It doesn't get any straighter than that. I agree, "I would think the Baylor staff, the wrestler or his parents wouldnt put him out there if they werent all ok with it." We have the video (its on the team Hudl account) and Ghouse has gone back over it several times and it clearly was not an illegal move. It appears you saw it once from the crowd. No one thinks it was a "well orchestrated pre-planned maneuver by that many people to gain an advantage?" but they put a wrestler in a bad position and then capitalized when the opportunity arose. Hopefully, it never happens again and is good reminder to every coach.


I suggest you drop the personal attacks on Ghouse. Opposing coaches often come up and ask his opinion on rule interpretations, non-CBHS wrestlers often find him at national tournaments and ask him to coach them (because they know how good he is at what he does-one of your team's wrestlers may be in that position some day because I have seen Baylor and FR guys do that in the past) and his rankings are often used to seed high school tournaments. Ghouse is a coach that dedicates thousands of hours to developing wrestlers that aren't his son. He puts himself out there. What do you do? Frustrating when people sit in the cheap seats and make ridiculous comments. Quit being offended by the well written, studied and thorough posts and just try to learn despite the big words. You obviously need the help.

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Actually, Ghouse raised something important safety issue and you attacked him and then tried to distract with extraneous things. Not trying to win a popularity contest, but our wrestlers are taught to wrestle as hard as they can all the time regardless of the competition, preparing for the next level. and if you are pushing that hard it will likely take you over the line occasionally. Cleveland has a great program and respect the coaches, wrestlers and parents. We've beaten them 4 times in the last two year either in duals or at tournaments, but knowing that program they'll comeback at us.

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Whose side are you on...

You keep asking who's side folks are on. As far as the wordsmith Hoc, he's always seemed supportive of intellectual facts (Including pointing out the soms grammatical flaws), but in good- hard to decipher fun... As far as ghouse, the same- few more words, but with less sarcasm and always very polite on this board. Now for the Miss. River, bean counting, Swimmerswrest, the master debater since the infamous Vol, I sense he gets paid well to scout (eps. for the Falcons of Air Force) but you will not find one more educated on documented facts & historical analysis; and I don't blame you for backing down before he goes full throttle on ya. :)


In a moment, I will post a statement of his on how supportive he actually has been on wrestling in general, including d1 TN wrestling. He goes back a ways and saw some things in the mid 80's I didn't know or see until my return from BYU when the Soddy Daisy Machine began to blossom.

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Actually, Ghouse raised something important safety issue and you attacked him and then tried to distract with extraneous things. Not trying to win a popularity contest, but our wrestlers are taught to wrestle as hard as they can all the time regardless of the competition, preparing for the next level. and if you are pushing that hard it will likely take you over the line occasionally. Cleveland has a great program and respect the coaches, wrestlers and parents. We've beaten them 4 times in the last two year either in duals or at tournaments, but knowing that program they'll comeback at us.

Maybe Fedex & checkintocash will fund a dual like the Sooners and Bama coming to Cleveland for a preseason scrimmage a few years ago? Decent draw you think? TSSAA get a cut? NEVER HURTS TO ASK?!?! Edited by Sommers
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Here's a sample smwwrest supporting his views with history and experience...




One person I probably hold more respect for than any other in our state is Steve Henry.


I met Steve Henry in 1984. I was a freshman wrestling at UTC. My first year was also the first year for my coach, Ethan Reeve. It was also the first year for Steve Henry as a wrestling coach at Soddy Daisy.


Steve was a track man. Though he wrestled in high school (for Red Bank), he had very little wrestling background. On top of that Soddy Daisy had no wrestlers. They were terrible. As bad as it gets. Ethan Reeve attended a local match in which Soddy Daisy proceeded  to lose 72-0 (I think there were only 12 weight classes then). Steve Henry went to the stands and sulked. Ethan Reeve went up and sat beside him. Ethan said “hey coach, if you need any help at all, let me knowâ€. Steve’s pride got in the way and he declined.


The next day he came to his senses. He took Ethan Reeve up on his offer. Ethan invited him to practice the next day.


I can’t tell you how many times I saw Steve Henry after that day.


He was at EVERY practice. Taking notes, filming, getting to know all the wrestlers. He began to implement everything that Ethan did. With all volunteers, he resurrected an old run down building for his wrestling room (the same room they use today). He incorporated all the same drills we did. He raised money to pay for people to come and work with his kids. He even incorporated the same colors and t-shirt designs as us. Eventually he started a kids club, a  middle school program and a booster club.


HE STARTED WITH NOTHING. Where is Soddy Daisy today?


PS I appreciate you selectively pulling quotes of mine and deliberately piecing them together, out of context, to try and make them appear to say something entirely different.


Those were your quotes and insulting to the many hard working small school coaches.  Without walking miles in their shoes, you suggested easy solutions to complex issues.  When are they supposed to start their middle school program?  Many of the small school coaches also are required to coach spring and fall sports.  They don't have a staff of coaches for each sport.  


Soddy is a great program, has an exceptional coaching staff and has developed great support.  Are you suggesting Soddy Daisy is a small school?  Its not an example of a small school that has overcome to annually have individual state champions.  


Again, though repetitive, the point remains as the small school coaches overwhelmingly voted for a separate division, let's get behind them and provide support, not criticism.  I will be happy to let this thread die and agree to disagree, if you'll quit taking shots at the small school coaches and suggesting there are lazy and trying to avoid competition.  Let's assume instead they are good, hard working coaches that dedicate a tremendous amount of time to wrestlers, often with little support and they believe another division would help their programs.

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You keep asking who's side folks are on. As far as the wordsmith Hoc, he's always seemed supportive of intellectual facts (Including pointing out the soms grammatical flaws), but in good- hard to decipher fun... As far as ghouse, the same- few more words, but with less sarcasm and always very polite on this board. Now for the Miss. River, bean counting, Swimmerswrest, the master debater since the infamous Vol, I sense he gets paid well to scout (eps. for the Falcons of Air Force) but you will not find one more educated on documented facts & historical analysis; and I don't blame you for backing down before he goes full throttle on ya. :)


In a moment, I will post a statement of his on how supportive he actually has been on wrestling in general, including d1 TN wrestling. He goes back a ways and saw some things in the mid 80's I didn't know or see until my return from BYU when the Soddy Daisy Machine began to blossom.

Nobody backed down. As I stated I was at work and now I need to sleep. Why is not surprising you would side with them? Lol

I am bored with the topic . They state one thing and try to dilute the facts with mass volume. It probably works on simple minded people as yourself but not on me. It also doesn't work on anyone who watched the match in question. As far as smwrestling claiming I am personally attacking ghouse isn't that what ghouse did to start this whole thing? I never questioned Ghouses commitment to the sport but that doesn't give him the right to personally attack programs and coaches. If his dedication over the years gives him free reign then I guess you could say the same for the Baylor coaches. I would say they have devoted quite a bit of time as well wouldn't you? Nobody cares if they write intelligent well thought out posts. Right is right and wrong is wrong and if you are going to call out people you better hitch up your big boy pants and expect the same treatment. I would award you with another stupidsign soms but you already have enough of them.

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