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Final Farewell


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It does not matter how much you tell yourself that there will be a final game at some point you are still not prepared. I can't believe 4 years can go by so fast. As I reflect this morning on the experience I read a letter that I wrote to my son back in November. I have debated putting it on a public forum because of it's private nature but feel it sums things up right now. As Kenny Chesney says: "Don't Blink" because it is all over so fast.

Letter to My Son

To most, this was another day with a moderate change of routine for your teammates, coaches, and close friends. The “signing†was not long and everyone hugged, congratulated, shook hands, took pictures, and went about their way. As I went back to my office and began working again I could not stop thinking about this journey we have been on as a family. It took roughly 17 seconds for you to sign your name on a piece of paper today. What no one saw or realized is it took 17 years to get to that moment in time.

When you were 10 months old you would wake up in the middle of the night and we would sit in the kitchen and throw a ball back and forth. I suppose that is the first time we really played catch. I can’t count the hours and days that we have played catch since, but I do remember and cherish every moment of them. That is one thing I will miss the most I guess as you move on. That has been our time and sometimes really has nothing to do with baseball as we would talk about life. Sometimes we would say nothing and merely enjoy sharing time together doing something that we both love so much.

When you were 4 you started signing baseballs. When asked why you simply said you were practicing. I always found it amazing that at 4 years old you knew exactly what you wanted to do in life. Many thought it was just a phase or “cuteâ€, maybe even me at the time, but you have never wavered on your dream of playing baseball.

At the age of 11 your competitive side really came out. After losing a game on a bad call your coach had to go get you off an empty soccer field as you walked around in frustration. Even to this day when someone that was there says, “that was a foul ball†everyone cringes because they know what follows is a 20 minute rant on how that umpire missed the call and we should have won the game.

At age 12 we went to Coopers Town. You and I standing in front of Nolan Ryan’s 7 no hitter hats with our arms around each other and tears rolling down our faces are priceless memories. A father and son’s shameless love of the game and more important love of each other.

As you moved into your teenage years you never lost sight of the goal you set at 4 years old. You were willing to sacrifice many things in your life to focus on baseball. I never had to push you son because you took care of that yourself. You often pushed through pain and heartache to stay the course.

This has been an amazing journey with you son. I am sure you don’t realize it but you have taught me many things along the way. We have laughed and we have cried. We have learned how to fail and succeed. We have learned how to be patient and endure. We have been humbled, angered and joyful. We have learned lessons that have made us closer, wiser, and stronger. Through it all – I would not change one thing son.

I am excited that you can continue to play the sport that you (we) love so much. I can’t believe the 4 years of high school have flown by so fast. I will cherish every moment of your senior season this spring. We are very blessed that there will be more springs that will allow us to continue this journey. I could not be more proud today. Not just because you have reached one of your goals that you have worked so hard for, but because of the man you are becoming. Even if you never play another inning, we have been blessed to have the experiences baseball has given us through people, places, and each other. Most people believe that baseball is just a game. To us baseball is family. Thank you son for who you are and more important for who you will become in this journey we are taking together from a 10 month old in the kitchen to becoming a man!! Never stop chasing your dreams!!



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God bless you for sharing, grown men don't often wear their hearts on their sleeve for the world to see. Best of luck to you and your son(I doubt that you'll need it), you've given me a blessing that will be long remembered... brought back a lot of memories of my daughters,and visions of my future with my grandchildren.


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