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State Tournament Observations


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Now that it is over, here is what we know. Not what is said by 90 % of these posters.


Brentwood is THE best volleyball school in Tennessee, any doubt? And Brentwood plays in the toughest Region by far.


The second best AA team was Goodpasture, and they were in A!


They need to put private school back into a SINGLE CLASSIFICATION. not enough talent to give two trophys. The small school privates are as bad as JV. No offense to Webb, they were decent, but 4 of the 6 teams couldn't line up.


The tournament needs to be at one location. Playing at high schools is a joke. Lets change locations.


Coaching makes a difference. Brentwood, Ravenswood, Sullivan South, Hume Fogg, Baylor, Webb and Goodpasture are well coached and the coaches impact the game. Other threads on here have mentioned or questioned lack of coaching or energy by some of the coaches, CAK in particular. They were 100% accurate. CAK had more size than either Brentwood or Ravenwood but zero energy. He didn't do anything. At state the coach has to be the emotional leader, they have to get the team up, keep them up, and help them up when they get down. If anything he weighted them down.


Finally, get your girls in CLUB. It will help your team. The reason Brentwood and Ravenwood and Goodpasture are good is because our entire team plays club.

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I agree on combing the privates into one division. It is too small, and is one reason we have to play at the high schools at state. Or you could pull out all the privates and put them in the pool.


I also agree on club. KVA holds tryouts this Friday. It will be exciting.

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Coach Foster is coaching and is one of the leaders of KVA. Because of the wedding I'm not going to coach club this year. I wouldn't say advocating. K2 is an established club, but it is expensive, and still some bad blood between some folks. PR seems to be having alot of defections. KVA is new, which is scary, I just saw the flyer before I posted and thought I would mention it.


Big Blue, which would you pick?

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