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East Nashville comes to the ROCKPILE in Motown

Mr. Postman1

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East Nashville has an excellent squad and were a class act. It could have been worse than what it was. Mcaffee was an excellent runner. The most impressive thing I thought was the line on both sides. Good solid hard nosed blocking and quickness on the Dline. If y'all meet CPA in the playoffs I'd love to see y'all win. It will be nice though to get Bradley Evans back if possible. It's been a bad year for injuries so far. I'm still Westmoreland through and through. Lots of stuff we can accomplish. I hope we don't get down over this one and allow it to carry over. In the grand scheme of things this didn't mean too much. It didn't mean some pride. By the way, to show you all our luck. We had a Dline break his toe tonight before the game even started. No excuses though, we got whooped.

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East Nashville has an excellent squad and were a class act. It could have been worse than what it was. Mcaffee was an excellent runner. The most impressive thing I thought was the line on both sides. Good solid hardboard blocking. If y'all meet CPA in the playoffs I'd love to see y'all win. It will be nice though to get Bradley Evans back if possible. It's been a bad year for injuries so far. I'm still Westmoreland through and through. Lots of stuff we can accomplish. I hope we don't get down over this one and allow it to carry over. In the grand scheme of things this didn't mean too much. It didn't mean some pride.

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Postman it's not that we lost it's how we lost. The game plan defense not to pressure the QB was not a good idea at all. In fact the 50 base defense has struggled against the spead offense every time in the past. The offense play calling was too predictable. Run on 1st and 2nd down and when when it's 3rd and long then try a pass. Come on. The coaching staff needs take a look in the mirror

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I've never been a coach past peewee ball but in games like tonight you just want to get it over with and not have any injuries after the score got up there. This should leave a bad enough taste in our kids mouth to get better. We have a better team than we showed tonight without our starting tailback/ LB and district MVP also starting defensive end and losing pretty much your best Dline to a broke toe in the locker room before the game pretty much gives a coach heart burn. We will be back and ready to win the district. We get healthy we will be a force to be reckoned with.

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Westmorland & Upperman might be a good game!


Upton doesn't even want to play QB at the next level. He looking more at receiver. He's label an ATH. Most schools will line him up at QB to mix things up & return punts & kickoffs. McAfee on the other hand is an animal! Had one of the biggest hearts ever. These two players are better kids off the field than on the field. East has great kids.


Our DLINE & OLINE is playing lights out! Your team is built from the inside out. They looked good tonight.


Steamroller your right. The play calling on Westmorland end was TERRIBLE. It was so predictable.

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