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Goldenboy Speaks out Vol. III


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You two dorks (PAGE and TY) aren't the only losers who cheer for opposing teams in a tournament that your home team is in. Several of the band boys were cheering and drinking it up to the Page Lady Patriots during the past two nights. You guys are complete losers and I guess its your way of getting back at those who made the team over you.

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Your stupid panthergal. Just because that they cheered for another team while their team wasn't playing doesn't mean that they are mad cause they didn't make the team. Heck, they were there to have fun. How can it be that because them boys were cheering for the Patriot girls that they are mad at yall. Last I checked, boys can't try out for the girls team. Have you ever wanted another team to win while you weren't playing or wanted a team to win on tv that wasn't your favorite team? YES. Your pathetic. Think before you speak.

And I know for a fact that they didn't try out for the team.

[Edited by RoyDMercer on 3-2-03 12:23A]


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There is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with Ty and Page cheering with Giles Co. It's not like Lewis co. was playing Giles Co. when they were cheering with us. Ya'll are just mad that we beat ya'lls tails up and down the court and that Ty and Page were smart enough to join the REAL SIDE!!!

GO Bobcats

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"I was terribly upset to hear that Page "Benedict Arnold" Hampton and Ty "American Taliban John Walker Lindh" Hadley were leading the cheering section for Giles County last night."


Listen here, I'M THE LEADER OF THE GCHS STUDENT SECTION not these guys.

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Oh, and anybody that posts talking about the student section if you say that we're the bench mob, then I'll immediately close the window and never read any of your posts again.


WE'RE STILL NAMELESS (the student section)



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I have mixed emotions on this subject,i am a good friend of ty and page,but what they did what a sorta of childish for joining the "BANDWAGON." would they have cheered with the Bench Mob if giles co. had lost 15 or 16 games????? NO,they would have stayed in the "Terrible Towel " section where they belonged,and just cheered over there when they scored.when they did that it was sorta like taking a slap in the face , we are proud of our basketball program and for then to go over there and cheer with one of our arch rivals,as for me i was cheering for the underdog, and was disapointed when i saw the incident happen with one of the fans,i was suprised it wasnt ty doing the yelling and jumping.but on the other hand they might have just wanted to have some fun cheering with giles co.? as i said i have mixed feelings here and i would just like to hear what everyone else thinks.

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Were You guys playing at that time? I do not see what the problem is? Anytime U.T. is playing I'm only for them but if its any other S.E.C. team and not UT I'm pulling for that team! With that said, does this make me a traitor? I don't think so! We need to work together in the regionals! If you don't see it that way then would you rather we (G.C.) cheer for any team that plays you guys? I hope you see where we are coming from. You don't want us to cheer against you do you? And we don't want you guys cheering for 10AA neither! It is nice to know that now that regular season and the district is over, we can put it behind us and work together untill we meet again.

[Edited by smokeyvol1 on 3-2-03 5:36P]

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Your post made little to no sense. These traitors were cheering in a DISTRICT tournament knowing good and well the team they were cheering for and the crowd they were cheering with would be opponents the next night. If you want to incorrectly compare it to the SEC or another college tournament I will.


Let's say you play or go to North Carolina and are in the ACC tournament at your home gym. Powerhouse Duke is playing against FSU. Your manager goes and stands on the front row of the gymnasium and leads (or at the least co-leads) the Cameron Crazies in cheers. You will be playing the Blue Devils the next night for the championship and will be a major underdog. Do you think this situation has ever happened before? I doubt it, and it shouldn't have happened in Hohenwald.


Now next week in the REGION tournament if Giles is playing another school outside our District I will cheer for them (though I won't be in the student section or leading them in cheers). If Giles is playing in any game against a team outside our district I will cheer for them, whether it's in the regular season or tournament (but again I won't lead them in cheers). There's a fine line between cheering for an in-district, in-conference team against outside foes and cheering for them in your DISTRICT/CONFERENCE tournament.


(By the way TY HADLEY or whatever your name is, I am not Josh Keltner).

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