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Having watched the last couple of days of the tournment i believe the officals are more interested in signaling what type of foul it being called rather than who the foul is own. They will signal holding, pushing, block etc and never point at the player being called. Very confusing when sitting across court from the scorers table. any comments?

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It is always amazing to me that when you have more fouls called against your team than your opponent that it is the referees fault. However, if the other team has more fouls on them, YOUR team is playing great defense!! Could McMinn have been actually fouling alot and Beech backed off and not fouled? I've never seen it in the rule book where it says the referees had to make sure the fouls were equal in number for each team. If I have missed it, please show me :confused:

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Guest TheRookieFan

In my short years of watching basketball, I have never seen an offical miss a shot, travel, or call the wrong defense. I have seen them miss calls, sometimes the wrong call come at a very important time of the game, they are human. Basketball is a great game, remembering it is a game. TSSAA is always needing officials! It is a thankless job, I don't want the job!!!!! But if you think you can help the game or do a better job, give it a try. If not come up in the stands with me and we'll let the coaches coach, kids play, and the officials try to do there job!!!!! We'll have a great time, we want miss a shot, call the wrong defense or miss a call!!!!! Quit crying!!!!!!!!!!! :o

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gar, it still sounds like you are complaining about calls/missed calls/incorrect calls. TheRookieFan is right -refereeing IS a thankless job. believe me, i'm married to one. he'll be the first to tell you they do make mistakes. can i ask you to calm down and think about this: as a fan UP in the stands, don't you think that you can see more going on from a bird's eye view than a referee DOWN on the floor in the midst of the action trying to see what fouls are occurring on whom? just something i've learned to remember when i don't like the call or lack thereof... :)

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I have been involved with girl's basketball for some time now with my daughter playing year round with AAU, YBOA, and School. I have to say that the officials play a big part of the game. Being a smart coach you have to expect bad and inconsistent calls, but what we went thru this year is just pathetic. The problem with the system is the Refs are above the law. The Players answer to the Coach, the Coach answers to the Principal & AD, the School answers to TSSAA, but who does the officials answer to NOBODY :)

If I were as bad at my job as some officials are I would be looking for a new one. There are some good Refs out there that do a good job, so I know it can be done. I just think that if they made the officials more accountable for there calls and actions then they would be more likely to do a better job.

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I have but one plea for refs. Please be consistent!!!

A prime example was Wednesday's games. The calling would be very loose in the first half, but then the second half began with every "touch" foal called. As a coach, I have no problem with it called either way--just let me know, so we can adjust and then continue to call the entire game the same way.

And in their defence, it IS much easier to see from the stands. I do understand that, but please just be consistent.

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Guest wangdang

I must admit that being an official is a thankless job. I have noticed from the start of the tournament on Wed until today it has been very inconsistent.


I respect the officials, but guys try to be a little more on the ball with it. This has been the worst calling I think I have seen for the State Tournament.

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in my defense, i have not been able to attend any of the state tournament games, so i don't know personally what you are refering to. but, as far as refs doing their job good or bad - are you perfect at your job every day? or do you make mistakes? i know i do. it's hard to "be consistent" as you seem to be continually stating when there are two other referees on the court besides yourself. they each see something, maybe the don't agree with what one says, but they have to make a snap decision. sometimes, they're wrong and sometimes they're right about something that wasn't clear to anyone else.


as far as calling the fouls on/to whomever committed it, i've never really seen that as a problem. maybe i haven't attended many games with truly "bad" referees. and here let me stated that the only games i have seen my husband ref were jv games, so i am not being saying that they are always right.


anyway, i do know that TSSAA is constantly begging for referees, so maybe the ones at the tournament aren't the "cream of the crop."

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