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Topgun, how dare you critique my grammar when you continually make spelling errors (or typos) in this thread and others! I may have to consult with theflash since he is so good at quoting from the bible.


Theflash......... can you give us the verse about finding the speck in someone else's eye when you have a plank in your own?


As for more clues, I once won a golden glove award in a softball tournament in my younger days.


OldRaider, feel free to supply us with more info on yourself.

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Lady Dunn,


Why did you quit high school softball? I am going to give up on trying to figure out who you are. It is taking up too much of my time. I will stop evaluating your grammar, but I do not believe that I have made too many mistakes!! This thread is getting long so if you know me then give me a call and say HI!




The pronoun that should be used should be in the objective case rather than the subjective case. You was the subject of the sentence and the pronoun "me" should be use to tell " to whom to give the clues."

Edited by TopGun1
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:huh: Goodness gracious, all this talk of grammar is making my head spin. TopGun, are you an English teacher? I was very impressed with your explanation to TheFlash.


Lady Dunn, I am of the opinion that you need to just throw in the towel and tell TopGun who you are. I think he is getting frustrated. Actually, why don't yall just set up a blind date on this board, and then when you meet for the date he would finally get to see who you are. That would almost be like one of those realty tv shows or something.


TopGun, I really don't mind to reveal my identity on here. I could give you and lady dunn some clues if you want me to, but first I would like to see if you could get it without a clue. Do you have any idea who I might be? Lady Dunn said she did...if that is so, then tell me who you think, and I will tell you if you are right or not. My name "OldRaider" should be a fairly good clue. I am a very old raider. I probably should have named myself "AncientRaider" to be more accurate. Also, I will answer any yes or no questions you might like to ask.

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