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South-Doyle v. Clinton scrimmage....


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You hear a lot about Clinton's posts, but I haven't heard much about Clinton's guards. How did Borum, Dye, Witt, and Shoemaker look against the talented SD trio of Tate Burroughs, Adam King, and Logan Johnson. Does SD have any height? I'm surprised Clinton's big boys didn't dominate.......

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Even though I am not a fan of CLinton I would have to say Lockhart can coach post players. He tooks Morris's borther Torrie and turned him from an uncordinated clutz into a top 25 D1 player. When torrie first started at Clinton he couldnt dribble and walk at the same time. The first time I played against him I fouled him out in minute and a half, but after 3 years of hard work I didnt want any of Torrie, he was a force.... If the post players are not developing then they are not working hard on their own, there is only so much a coach can do the rest is up to the player. The one downfall Lockhart does have is he gets to guard oriented, and the guard play is selfis, and the big guys get impatient and when they finally get the ball they do something studpid because they are trying to much.... If CLinton wants to be successful then they need to work from the inside out, not outside in.

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bonfire i thank you for sticking up for our coach. we always here he cant coach the big men as good as they are we have good guard play to. just because us guards have one bad game vs. sd you all get on here and say we are better on paper and all of that well were you all at are other 3 games when we have won by over 20 points each time with the same game plan. our big men get plenty of touches. and when they do get it inside they dont do anything stupid with it usually most of the time they are putting it in someone face

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I think MR. Tnbreakers(mark gulmire) should mind his own buisness and not worry about tevah, aj, or any of the dragon players and worry about his own kids that hes held back in order to be able to compete at this level.......for some reason he thinks he is a great coach and knows alot about the game but from what i hear he is a jerk and one of the worst summer league coaches around???? im not sayin its true....thats just what i hear.........but goodluck to the true freshman in college zach gulmire and the rest of the oak ridge wildcats

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first of all, is all that really called for. i know this is a message board, but certain things probably shouldnt be said. and unless he has coached u, how would u know how he coaches. he's right anywayz, tevah doesnt get the ball enough down low. who in that district besides daniels-muholland maybe can even guard him. a message board is not that serious that personal attacks should be made on anyone. best of luck to clinton this year

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