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Region 5-3A PICKS. What do you think?


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i agree with some of you marshall co is going to be really good i hope we have many starters returning but i question our defense with out andrews and chilton giles co forget about it page is going to get their money worth like they didnt get it last year i am looking for a real good season look out boro here we come

Edited by tigerfan17
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I'd have to believe the Cats will be in the thick of it. Greenbrier returns a large percentage of last years team. Home with Marshall County and Page is a big plus also. The Cats will still have the difficult early season games (Fort Campbell, Lipscomb, Beech, White House) but if we can stay healthy, these games really seem to help prepare for the long region run.

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I honestly believe that anyone of the top 3 teams in this Region can win it all in 2004 (that being Marshall Co., Greenbrier, and Sycamore).

I think you are very close with this. These teams played some of the most exciting games that I've ever seen last year and this year will probably be no different.

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Ya'll are correct. The only teams that have a chance in this region are marshall, greenbrier, and sycamore. The rest of the teams will all be playing for 4th place and that won't be a very strong finish. My prediction is Greenbrier, marshall, sycamore, and giles.

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There sure is a lot of if's and and's going on here. So let me join right in.



If Marshall County can have all of those current juniors and sophmores that played quite a bit last year step up and stay healthy, then I will say that Marshall County will be at the top of 5AAA as well as AAA statewide.



At this point in the Spring there are a lot of unanswered questions for Marhsall County, Two scrimmages one against Clarksville NW and possibly one with Rhea County will tell us quite a bit.



Tommy Tharp has brought a lot to Marshall County but it is all on offense. Maybe practicing against what he has brought will make our defense better than it has been in the past. Who knows? We have a new defensive coordinator in Brian Coleman and he is still adjusting to that position.


Only time will tell about Marshall County -- but when the dust settles in October maybe the Big Blue Tigers will be on top !!!!

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Who does everyone else in the Region scrimmage this spring? I would like to see Sycamore, Greenbrier, and Marshall Co. all in action before the summer gets here. This Region has as high of hopes as ever in 2004.

Greenbrier is again scheduled to play Portland as they did last year. The only "hicup" in the deal is whether the game can still go on due to school letting out on the Friday before. They game is scheduled for late May.

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Well, I most certainly am NOT a hard fellow to find so if you would like to meet me just name the place and time and I will definately find you. Sycamore is definately going to be predicted to finish third in Region 5-3A by just about every major high school sports writer in the state. The reason for this is simply a lack of RESPECT!!! Sycamore will definately be in the postseason come November and they will make some noise when they get in the playoffs (and that is a fact). Sycamore can both compete with and BEAT any team in Region 5-3A this upcoming fall (including Marshall Co. and Greenbrier). The reason that I am telling you this is because you better watch what you post on this site because it often serves as CHALKBOARD material for your opponents in the fall. BTW, don't start getting on here and telling people to chill out after you were the one who started hating on people!!!!

You are so right, about the bulletin board stuff. Thanks for giving us some!

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You are the one to talk about no respect. All of you on this board has downed Page and totally given those boys no respect. For someone to get on here and say their team has gotten better than another is completely stupid. How do you know? You have no clue what Page is doing or not doing. Predicting Page to finish 6th behind Creekwood. No respect to Creekwood but Page could have put up 80 on them last year, and now you all are predicting them to beat Page. You all are obviously high school kids because no mature adult would be so stupid. Don't get me wrong Creekwood will eventually have a great program but so soon? Just a little reminder fellas Greenbrier has made a living off of the "no respect" phrase these last 2 years. Now you are doing the same to Page. You keep talking about how young you are. Well for your information Page started 3 sophomore lineman. And we all know it starts up front

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