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Top Teams Next Year


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i saw there's a thread on AAA's top teams next year, what a/b DII? i know for sure that father ryan should be the favorite to win the middle region w/nine starters returning and lots of underclassmen experience. what other teams will be good? i know usn has some younger players that are pretty good, and i think jpII will get to state next year. who else will be able to compete?

Edited by TheyTookOurJobs
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Father Ryan will be very strong in D2. I also think that JP2 will surprise people as they had a pretty good year and lose no one. USN doesnt lose much and they made it to the state finals, so you gotta consider them. BA only loses 2 starters from a relatively good season. Thats my take on the Middle Region. MBA should be pretty good depending on Glasier. I'm out what a season good job USN on your run!

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in the middle region, JPII, USN, and Father Ryan seem to be the teams to beat. BA had a respectable season, with a few outstanding performances and a few debacles and should also be in on the action. MBA was senior-laden, but not nearly so dependent as BGA, so it will be interesting to see how those to teams come out. SAS, MTCS, and Ensworth (who will be joining) i think are safely out of the picture, and the other new school i know nothing about, but if they were really good, it seems that i should, so i'll go out on a limb here and discount them as well. good luck to everyone.

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Agreed. There are also a number of Irish players who were reserves this season and who drastically impacted games for Catholic. I fully expect next year's senior class to step up just like TJ and Nolan did last year and this year's seniors did this year. Catholic and Baylor will have the most experienced rosters returning in DII East in 2005. There is no reason the State run can't extend to 5 in a row.

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This would be my top ten for next year:

1) CBHS - Great Chemisty; need to find a goalie and a sweeper to replinish and they will be just as good as last year

2) MUS - Losing Paul Moinester (Sp?), who might have been the best player in D2, hurts alot, but they still have a great goalie who can change a game like no one else. I see them losing in the championship to CBHS.

3) Baylor - Graduating a lot, but with Karter Smith coming back I think and Chris Bach they will be comparatively better than last year. They also have the bulldog Jeff Kedrowski

4) ECS - Jon Ring is probably going to be the best sweeper (maybe defender) in the state next year

5) McCallie - Good every where but not great anywhere yet, although their forwards might be by next year.

6) Webb - As far as I know they only lost two really big contributors Russell Kramer and Andrew Bishop i think

7) Knox Catholic - Solid, but no star if they find a scorer they could move up

8) USN - can't ignore this years state run, but as you know i am not a huge fan and they lost Patrick McHugh, a great defender

9) Father Ryan - heard they are a young surprising team

10) BGA - don't know much about them except they graduate practically all their starters, but on history alone they deserve a spot here


5)6)7) could go either way they are essentially in no particular order, but I had to put McCallie at the top, just for loyalty

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PSAFOUR, why don't you try and be a little more biased. did baylor even make it to state? i'm pretty sure they didn't, and i'm assuming you either play or played for them. you have to show more respect for Mid tn i think, i believe usn and ryan should be atleast in the top 7, and BA has a shot to be on that list somewhere

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Actually, as you can pretty clearly see from my post, I went to McCallie. (just graduated) I don't know much about Father Ryan I will admit that much, I might be underrating them, but I can't get over some of their losses (KC, BGA, Brentwood). Those are some good teams, but alot of those scores indicate blowouts, but I could be wrong.

As for Baylor not making state, they were just as good as any other team in the east. They could easily have won region. I also feel like out of the top teams in the east, they lose the least.

And as for giving respect to the middle, we played USN and BA and those teams were flat out not as good as Baylor, Webb, KC, or even ND. Sorry, but I refuse to put BA in the top ten and I think that USN deserves about the 8 spot. They got on a run late, but that was just one run, really just two games. MBA would probably for me be on the same level as MBA, but far above BA (at least this year).

I just don't feel as though the middle has proven much over the past few years. USN is the only team to win a game at state in the past two years, correct me if I am wrong.

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