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Greenbrier over McNairy Central


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O-line stepped up their game this week and had a GREAT game. Roger had some HUGE holes to run through tonight. Can't wait to hear the stats from painter. I suspect that Roger had at least 250 yards tonight. Did he get near the 300 mark?!?


Great game by Adam Adcock! He was laying some great licks tonight....especially on that fumble he caused. Clint looks like he is getting back to his normal self, and Perry and Daniel had their usual great nights. Keep up the focus guys, Marshall Co. (who did win tonight) is lookin' for revenge!

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The score really does not reflect the total domination by Greenbrier in this game. Greenbrier never punted the entire game. However they did shoot themselves in the foot with some uncharacteristic turnovers. Like Fatcat mentioned the offensive line did an outstanding job tonight. The report I got said Roger had 235 yards.


Once again....congratulations to the Bobcats......keep on rolling.


Lets have a good week of practice and get ready for a very good Marshall County team next week.


Region 5=2 wins

Region 6=2 wins

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Good job tonight. Not a great job but you definitely got it going back in the right direction. This score could have been much, much worse. I think the Cats play had been going down the past few weeks due to better teams and injuries but we got it started back in the right direction tonight. Keep improving week to week and peak in December. Excellent job by the "O" and "D" lines. Great job Dustin Cole, Perry Osborne, Adam Addock, and Daniel Pyrne. It was great to have Jacob back.


Spend the week healing and improving on the mistakes and be ready for Marshall.

One game at a time.

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AWESOME game tonight guys. Even though it was cold I really enjoyed the game.

It was good to see Giz back on the field tonight!

Daniel Pryne had one heck of a ball game. Congrats my friend, keep it up.

Many others whom I'm afraid to start posting in fear I'd leave someone out play excellent tonight.

Keep working hard. And just a little note to the football team: Don't play for the ring you could recieve at the end of the year, play for the love of the game, pride and for your community! Trust me, it feels good to win a big game knowing that you're playing for more than a peice of jewlery.

Stay focused, don't look ahead, one day at a time!!!!!

Go get em guys.

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Congrats to Greenbrier.............. gee I know all of Tennesse was surprised?!


You guys will continue to your goal......Adversity along the way is paramount to the ultimate victory..... 3 int tonight means nothing....cause the QB is getting back on track and next week will be tough on the Marshall co team to prepare. I would caution the coaching staff to continue to be aggressive.


Sorry we could not be there to play you again...we had too much adversity in injuries and sickness this week to beat anyone.



Good luck GB...I will monitor your treads...please tell me that they will concern football this week instead of "girlie boys"!!!!!!!!!!

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Keep working hard. And just a little note to the football team: Don't play for the ring you could recieve at the end of the year, play for the love of the game, pride and for your community! Trust me, it feels good to win a big game knowing that you're playing for more than a peice of jewlery.

Stay focused, don't look ahead, one day at a time!!!!!

Go get em guys.


I haven't heard it said any better than that. GREAT POST!

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