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G. P. West/Bruin Invitational


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what exactly happened in the hebda-davis match?  i keep on seeing little hints that something strange happened, but i havent heard the exact story yet.  I'd appreciate any info on the subject.



I saw the match begin, but was watching two other big matches at the same time. As I turned back to the Davis-Hebda match, I saw Bond turning Sam over with his neck clutched like he began with a front headlock, with his head and body being pulled apart. Sam's eyes looked as though they were going to pop out and he was pinned within 20 seconds. Hebda was laying there with his eyes wide open, but did not move for a whole minute or so. It was scary, but after awhile he came to and he was fine it appeared. I was relieved for this fine young man.

Edited by Sommers
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Donnie has always been among the elite group who are as conscientious as it gets concerning the quality of the job on the mat.  He richly deserves all accolades that come his way.




This is a first that I've heard of "Ref of the Tourney". Who votes on this and when did "they" vote??? I think there should be a way to "rank" officials ON THE MAT and not just by taking a written test. I wouldn't want to take away from the purpose of Ref's being there and that's the kids wrestling!!! I know in other states at every tournament and dual match the coach's fill out an evaluation card....that could work here as well????

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The fiscusconsulting site for tournament results sure is well done...including the pics of the hardware winners. Just about everything a fan would want to know about tournament results can be found on the site.


Wouldn't it be terrific if there were a system in place whereby every tournament across the state could post their tournament data this way? The more educated we fans become about the current big picture, the greater our enthusiam and our likelihood to become a more active part of it...i. e. walk through the turnstyles and see it live.

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Can any one give me the scoop on the Felix/Chamberalin match at 140... How did Felix get pinned? etc. Thanks in advance for your response.



He never got off to any kind of a start. Looked as though he "just got out of bed." He got caught FLAT on his back toward the end of the match and it was over. Chamberland was also very hungry and took full advantage of this situation. I later learned that he was feeling very ill for that match, but he got feeliing much better throughout the day, obviously.



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