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Everything posted by alwaysfaithful

  1. Ha. Raider. The real insurance agent with FBI got you there. He also says you couldn't sell plutonium to Iran.
  2. I think maybe this is a joke. He can't even spell his school ( or very many other words for that matter). Or, maybe an elementary school kid. Doesn't know there is more than one "Central"?
  3. Well, mrsoddydaisy was right. SD girls win.
  4. bowler7, do you not know who mrsd is? Holy cow!! I was a few years behind him in school and believe me, he was and still is a stud!!! Probably the best athlete in school history and by far the best baseball player to come out of there. I'll bet the house he can whip your butt!!! Dont mess with him.
  5. I will be there, but you will just have to guess........I know Joel played some football at Shorter this year. Did he have a good year? Heard he was a starter. What position? .. ((Hint: ex marine))
  6. May I get in on Joe? He is one of the finest guys I have ever met. However, in his prime, he could not hold Virginia's jock. Much less Dan's. Sorry Joe, I am still a SD fan, but sure hope Dan is state champ this year. Is he a sr.?
  7. I hope they are not...I am a SD fan. where are they after this round.?
  8. Slater, just think of someone you went to school with. Joined the marines and became a man. You always were slow.
  9. They are gifted athletes. I was just giving an answer to the question that was asked. They just decided to consentrate on one sport. Don't demean them because they chose football.
  10. My my mrsd, just a SD fan from way back. Joel was a fine football player, wrestler and baseball player. I was sorry to see him give up the last two. Esp. baseball. He would have been 2 time all city and prob all state. I hear he will be an Austin Peay Governor next year playing football. Any truth to that rumor?
  11. Two kids from SoddyDaisy. Both dropped wrestling after their freshman years to consentrate on football.. Jason Wilson and Joel Slater. Both would probably placed in jr and sr years. And, Rabbitt is correct about Lance Lindsey.
  12. Joe Waddell,,,,,well, well, well. Havn't heard that name in a while(thank God). As much as I hate to agree with mrsd, he is right. I have not seen him in 10 years. Has he gained that much weight? Is his hair really white? I bet his lovely wife still looks like she did in college. Did Joe ever graduate? I think it may have taken him 7-8 years. What is he doing now? Last I heard he was selling insurance for St Farm. Does he post on here?
  13. Pearden looks intimidated. Getting hit too hard? Yeah, Wooden is the better back.
  14. WELL, WELL...Hotsause, I hear you are the biggest skirt chaser of them all...Got a girlfriend yet? Out of all those girls that call ya?........SEMPER FI
  15. Hotsause, was that not your little brother at QB last year? You evidently do not know much about the marines....We know everything and everyone!!!
  16. Did not mean to offend you...Never heard of it. Sorry, we dont keep up with D2 schools very much, especially over in west TN. I assume the Rosemark in the playoff brackets is you. I actually thought your post was a joke. Good luck!!
  17. SD-27 and DB-21....Sure hope I am prophet.
  18. What is a Tipton Rosemark Academy??
  19. Easy there hotsause. Take a chill pill. I was in the pressbox. I did not hear any thing from them other than the cussing. It was bad, but it was just the frustration of getting the absolute crap beat out of them...On the field was a different story...... cheap shots, late hits. You are right about one thing, Parkdog = hasbeen. OH, everybody likes a beaver every now and then. And SD got some last night. Next week===SD 27----DB 21
  20. The fighting men of Troy will be ready to upset the Tribe. Are there any hotels around the stadium? We would like to spend the night and come home on saturday.. Could one of you nice folk give us some phone numbers for Holiday Inn or something like it, and directions to it. Also, to the field....Thanks
  21. Look out, DB, here comes a horse from Troy!!
  22. Parkdog, you are something else. Can't study...can't make out with the girls...can't play football any more(never could) ....What are you good for???? Hanging out with gay Cox???? You used to be my fav, but now it is HOTSAUSE for sure!!!!
  23. Hello, Hotsause. You usually are wrong. But, I like you anyway. SD gets to host a playoff game!!! Lord, will miracles never cease? When was the last one? 1998? I hope some colleges are looking at Orr. He can play at the next level. Do you know, Hotsause, you good looking thing.......
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