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Everything posted by Davidson1

  1. The essence of high school sports! Gallatin hoping an already underfunded Metro team makes no gate money. Adults wanting to get revenge on other adults so they want to try to humilate kids. Fans having to be warned to keep their cool. Coaches not trading films. How pathetic. We wonder why our society is the way it is. This game is a microcosm of our hated revengeful society. As far as the game, I hope nobody gets hurt and the best team on that night wins.
  2. Eddie You confuse me, some of your post are really good and insightful, but then you post something really silly like the one above. A good strength coach, first and foremost, is like a youth minister--he is there for the kids. Yes we have a strength coach, BUt not because everybody else does, but because he helps us. We start in 7th grade. I could bench the bar (45 lbs.) in 7th grade when I first started. By the start of 8th grade I could do 115 lbs (that is two of the bigger plates on each side). My goal was to get to 135 lbs. by the end of the year. Because One, that was my weight then, and TWO, it looks cool when the girls BB is lifting in the same weightroom when you have a big plate on each side. Anyway, I made my goal because we have a strength coach he cares about us. Thanks for your help, Willy.
  3. Twitty has a very good grasp of the total obvious
  4. So he is with GP, if not BB.
  5. This kid is A M A Z I N G!!! He is like the little bus. He stomped on us this year.
  6. Please tell me your kidding: Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys- Revolutionary War/Fort Ticonderoga(1775) Davy Crockett and the defenders of the Alamo v/s General Santa Ann and the Mexican Army- Texas Independence from Mexico (1836) Saddly I am not kidding. What about the Pancho Villa guy where does he come in? American Rev. or Alamo? Do you teach history, you seem to know your stuff, thanx again.
  7. The history teacher in me had to make a correction: General Antonio Lopez de Santa Ann attacked the Alamo...Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys attacked Fort Ticonderoga in the American Revolution. Poncha Villa was a Mexican revolutionary fighter in the late 19th century-early 20th century. I didn't have a very good history teacher in school, thanx. So Crockett fought in the American Revolution with Santa Ann? Who was the enemy? Ethat Allan? Hey G.Cat2, you sound like a true fan, forget the socializing, lets just play FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Congradulations Chris!! Serve DCA well tonight. You better watch Coach Fisher tonight since you beat his son's team last Friday night. HA HA! You have put Donelson on the map!
  9. CoachHard, thanks for the heads up about the bleachers. I have an uncle that is going to the game and is, well lets just say pleasantly plump. I will be sure to tell him to bring his own chair (acourse it is made out of metal). I think this game is going to be game to remember. Just like the Alamo! Davey Crockett (County) versus Poncha Villa and is famous band of renegade fighters called the (Green) Mountain Boys. Just a little fun with history and football. Can't wait!!!!!!!! We take our memories with us and this will be one rememberable night.
  10. He is bitter about Valerie leaving him.
  11. Boy i hope the NPD (Nashville Police Dept) is going to be there. Riots can be dangerous.
  12. Davidson1

    Coaching Jobs

    It went public after 2 weeks ago! You must not live in west TN.
  13. That McTillman guy is pretty funny, but what you whackin PETA fer? You some ulra-conservative? If U R I know where i can get you some presciption pills.
  14. you mean Apu copied these!! thanks for the heads up dan.
  15. Is anybody else uncomfortable with twittycanes talking about your underwear?
  16. Who is Darryl Smith? I am sure he is really good, but he ain't no Steve Taylor or Tom Tillman. Many coaches stay at there position for a long period of time, so if this Tillman guy went through the ranks of a good program like Lipscomb that fast, he must be one of the best. I heard that Tom had a scholarship offer to Alabama, but he turned it down to "work with kids in an athletic, curriculum, spiritual type way," once McAdams offered him a position with Keith Temple. I would be willing to say if Tom Tighlman went to Alambama, he would have such a lasting effect on the program that they would not have choked against, Arkansas, Oklahoma, etc... (the list could go on and on) So I am sure Coach Smith is great, but I doubt he has risen through the ranks faster than Steve Tillman.
  17. DL looked good, don't know the reason why a NCS fan would take a shot at DL student section. I checked the schedule and noticed that they don't even play each other. I also thought they were suppose to be Christian schools. Doesn't say much for that. Also, got to the game early and saw end of girls game, what is up with DL coach? Yelling all the time and looking foolish to get a T when your up 14. Guess I should take this to the girls board, sorry. Good game though for DL boys. May come to another game if it is going to be a good one.
  18. Sorry I offened you WesVol, it just seems like a weird person to me, but hey, like you said, it is a football board!!
  19. I am with the earlier posts, who cares!!! The all DA team will be out at 3:00, what type of person puts out a lists like this!! Proably a parent of a former player on the list or somebody who is really bored. Is there a Lipscomb Hall of Fame I can come to and show my boy some weekend!
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