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Everything posted by 3rdandLong

  1. Forrest gets a reality check tomorrow night.
  2. Wondering if the words "off the record" were used in the interview.
  3. Either have a total split or put everyone together and have three classes with a 2.0 multiplier. No D1 no D2.
  4. I know they have some spots to fill on the o line. How is that coming?
  5. I don't see Oakland losing at this stage but that's why they play em'.
  6. There is no chance Trousdale will lose to Macon in 2015. They aren't on their schedule.
  7. Do the fans of South Pitt realize they just lost a state championship coach?
  8. Congrats to Trezevant. They showed much more class than the last time they were in the championship game.
  9. What a slug. How classless to blame a loss on your qb at the high school level.
  10. I garuntee you better get Grider to go after that Martin man!
  11. Interview question #1..."Will you stop at McDonalds on the way home after road games?"
  12. TC may have something to say about that.
  13. Union City will set a record for margin of victory in a championship game.
  14. Thought this one would be closer.
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