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  1. Naahh. I hope the Tssaa loses it rear end at the gates.
  2. Another easy road for alcoa , eatn them cupcakes.
  3. You better hope so. Oakland is for real, you might want to see if you all can find that ref from 2012
  4. So you saw my son slam the Oakland RB on the 3 ys line then.
  5. Newbie? Lmao i figured you would pass. Let me know if you change your mind little one
  6. This cat can barely speak in coherent sentences dont throw math at him. They henerally dont use conjunctions
  7. Ill be having breakfast with him thursday...ill tell him your coming.
  8. He was going to go to Alcoa or Maryville. The boys lived with their dad, he lived in Maryville. Now hurry along go find your goats
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