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Everything posted by workinprogress

  1. From my understanding the old hillsboro staff were all trying to leave. It wasnt just Hertzog, Adelyott but also Phillips. Mose actually played at Hillsboro if that tells you anthing. Anytime someone leaves their alma mater their are good chances that something is not quite ideal.
  2. Smith spent five seasons at the old antioch high school in the late 80's early 90's under Terry Anderson. From there he took the head job for the Tennessee Generals, a minor league football team. Spent one year doing that and then went to Greenbrier. Not sure of his record. From there he went to Ezell and it is here where he gained his fame for taking Ezell to the state championship in 1A. He left for personal reasons and went to head up the upstart Independence team. From there it looked as if he was on track to compete with the likes of Franklin, Brentwood, Ravenwood, and Dickson Co. His record this year was pretty impressive up until week 7 which is where things slipped away. Like others have said he has a good record. However he is one of those love/hate coaches. I will let Science Hill make their own opinions. From what I have read, Science Hill obviously didnt get their first choice and maybe didnt even get the most qualified applicant. Only the powers to be know why Smith was chosen!
  3. Well I thought that the opening might mean that he was taking Ce..but instead he leaves for Science Hill. Crazy. Independence now has a head job available. Who will go for it. Who if anyone will Smith take with him? I know Felts has followed him for a while but Felts may go for Independence. Who knows?
  4. Some would say that this means that he is headed for Cenntenial. Who knows? I dont know why Smith would leave Independence for Cenntenial. It would be stupid in my opinion.
  5. I could have sworn that they were opening with Overton next year.
  6. Again thanks for the information. I have amended my account so that you can now email me the information. I look forward to hearing from you soon. If there is any information that you want from me then just let me know at that time.
  7. Rapbwood---Thanks for the information. Sounds like a great area and its probably not too far from where I grew up and also not far from where I live now. I have not ever taught in Williamson Co. and I dont know much of anything about the schools. I know that I have good support where I am now, but then again I have lost three games in three years so support is easy to find. And all three losses came to the eventual city champs, the team hasnt lost in five years:( Sounds like it could be an ideal job if the current head coach leaves. I know that I can only go up the ladder so to speak and my pride will not let me be a middle assistant. Having the school feed Ravenwood is also a plus because I know the offense well. I actually ran Ravenwood's offense this year for my team. Same terminology, same formations, same plays, etc. Anyway, I am happy where I am but this definately caught my eye and has my interest. Thanks again for the information.
  8. rapbwood---where exactly is the new school? I am assuming it will feed into Ravenwood. How is Rector to work with as far as his feeder schools? What is the coaching supplement for the head coach? Are they going to look outside of the system or just inside? As you can tell I am interested. If you know any of this information it would be helpful.
  9. My top ten would be: 1. Brentwood Academy 2. Smyrna 3. Maryville 4. Fulton 5. Alcoa 6. Ooltewah 7. McCallie 8. Ravenwood 9. Hillsboro 10. Gallatin
  10. Very interesting. I know that none of my kids are going there next year. But we have a big school so most of the kids that I get rid of go on to UNA. Plus UNA kids come from all over so other coaches might be the reason for the UNA express. I have two kids there now and both will probably be starters next year as sophmores. I can only imagine what it would be like if both were at AHS instead.
  11. a jv schedule doesnt mean anything at all. Moeller is not ranked anywhere in the top 25 or in the top 10 in the midwest. A strong year for trinity ---sure. Several teams had strong years here and I doubt someone would be brazen enought to say that a jv team would whip the varsity of trinity.
  12. I guess I should have read all of the board before I spoke. oops. Still my point is correct. MBA beat trinity and MBA was not very good. Your statement about their jv beating most of middle tn varsity teams is a joke and a knock on Tennessee football. Why dont you tell Ravenwood, Smyrna, Hillsboro, BA, Goodpasture, etc. that trinity's jv could beat their varsity teams. ha
  13. Maybe I am wrong but I could swear that MBA beat trinity a couple years ago. So you saying that trinity's jv could beat most of our varsity teams---what a joke. MBA wasnt even good two years ago.
  14. Thats not really news worthy is it? Teams get new players in all the time. You even said that they werent on varsity but tore up JV. Who really cares? Tearing up a JV team doesnt matter at all. The only thing that MIGHT be news worthy is if their dad is getting the HC job. Hard to believe that though with all of the high quality coaches in the midstate.
  15. I dont think so. I get a lot of UNA kids and I know that some of the UNA coaches try to get kids to go there. But once they get to me I try everything I can to get them to go to AHS. With Woodward at Antioch I think the UNA Express will start going where they are supposed to.
  16. I think that this will be a tough job to fill. There are a lot of expectations here to deal with. Like rapbwood said coming in second two years in a row is not going to cut it. Of course the real reason was because Flatt was finished dealing with the TSSAA. I see BA going with a young coach, Quarles and Rector would fit the mold here. Both are great coaches who are young and could stay there for a long time. Some of the older coaches would be great for the time being but who knows how long they would stay. When a new coach comes in is he going to be able to make some staff changes? A good coaches is only as good as his supporting assistants. Will there be any ill will if the "wrong" coach is selected? Will Carlton Flatt truely step down or will he try and insert his thoughts? Will the community support the new coach if he wants to try "new" approaches/schemes? In the past BA has been pretty vanilla as far as schemes go. They have out athleted most teams. And they still can but think what would happen if Rector came in and ran the spread. Look out. It will be interesting to see what happens here.
  17. this may sound crazy but has anyone thought about contacting Nissan? A lot of smyrna residents work for Nissan. It would make sense, which doesnt mean that it will happen, that if people are in smyrna for Nissan then Nissan should be willing to help the people of smyrna and the kids who may go on to work for them. just a thought.
  18. Terry Anderson from Overton. His defense rarely gives up a lot of points. Usually Overtons defense is one of the best in middle tennessee and he does it with average players. I know that this is a 1-3A page but its title is best in tn
  19. I couldnt agree more. Riverdale no one will say that you arent a good team. But the fact is that smyrna was better when it counted this season. Get over it, move on, and admit that smyrna deserves some respect this year. I dont get why riverdale fans say how great they are and take cheap shots at smyrna or any other team for that matter. A team of class doesnt have to speak because their actions are louder than words. As for the rings I am sure Smyrna will find a way to pay for them. And I dont see anything wrong with them asking for donations. The kids deserve the rings no matter what it takes. The community will support them.
  20. Pujo---did you stop to think about what you have done? You are upset that this was posted on a football board and you consider it advertising. Did you not think that when you posted this that kids wouldnt be on here reading it. So really you did the exact same thing that you are upset over. hmmm....
  21. Who would you say deserves a shot? IMO I would say that Wigginton is the man in metro middle school football. But I dont think that he wants to give up his big man in a small pond deal. The guy from Bass, I think his name is Tony Booth, does a good job every year. I know Antioch Middle's coach wants to be in a high school instead of middle school. Goodlettsville Middle's coach does a good job from what I've heard. Assistant coaches is a whole other list. Some possible names might be Fite from Hillsboro although I dont know if he would even be interested since he is at his alma mater, any one of Hillsboro's old coaches who left because they didnt get the job such as Hertzog, Phillips, etc., Bush, Felts from Indy, and you also never know who would want to move here from other areas. Examples would be the guy at Father Ryan now, I cant believe his name is escaping me, and Blade from Hillsboro. All I know for sure is that I would hate to see metro lose out on this opportunity to give someone new a chance to see what he is capable of. Abner is supposedly going to be the coach. Nothing against the guy but what has he done at Glencliff? Has he done a good enough job to be considered the best possible candidate for the job? Hm.......
  22. Yes I definately know that you and him would scheme something up! You two always worked well together. I know that principals like guys/women who are good with kids put in sports your record should count for something. But you are right it usually doesnt matter. How could she already know that it will be him though, shouldnt there be an interview process even if it is just to say that there was one? I just feel like no one should be handed a job in their lap. Metro has a good opportunity here to bring in a good assistant or someone new from another county/state and see what they can do. I hope they dont waste this chance.
  23. I would call the Glencliff coach and ask him why they didnt show up. It is not a teams job to quit playing. Its not a coaches job to try and get his kids to pull off the reigns. If all of AHS's players scored then go out a get yourself a block of cheese. Its got nothing at all to do with class or sportsmanship. My advice would be for Glencliff's coach to start coaching.
  24. Yes RTB would be a good fit. He's a great coach and person and I think that if, and that's a big if, he took the job he would be able to hire some great coaches with him. I know he misses a part of the game and it would be interesting to see if he would give up retirement to come back.
  25. rtb---it was great to see you a few weeks back. I know you and dad had fun talking and probably schemeing something up. I know the principal is coming from Glencliff and that he has a good relationship with her, but what has he done lately? It will be interesting what names come up for this one. There are some good assistants in the area and I could possibly see Baskin throwing his name into the mix. Eric Felts would be an interesting name too but I am not sure that he would leave Indy. I wouldnt be suprised to see Abner but I think that there are some better coaches out there.
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