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H.S. @ Clay County

Billy Bob

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Was the Tennesseean right? Clay Co. was ahead by 2 at the half? It looks like they are really winding down as the season winds down, or did losing Kerr hurt them that badly? Can they get by Jackson Co.? No wonder they keep building up Jackson Co. so if they lose it won't look as bad.


Yeah Clay is really winding down thats for sure. We are really struggling with mediocre teams like Pickett and others. These teams we should be beating by 20+ and we are letting them stay in the game. Jackson County at home will be a tough opponent, if anyone doesn't believe me just ask the folks from Pickett Co, they were thoroughly beaten by them earlier in the year at Jackson County so this will be a tough game. One of these days if we don't start putting teams away its going to come up and bite us. Hopefully we'll have everyone healthy by the time the tournament rolls around because if not then C'range might just be the first to take a chunk out of our rears! :thumb:

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Yeah Clay is really winding down thats for sure. We are really struggling with mediocre teams like Pickett and others. These teams we should be beating by 20+ and we are letting them stay in the game. Jackson County at home will be a tough opponent, if anyone doesn't believe me just ask the folks from Pickett Co, they were thoroughly beaten by them earlier in the year at Jackson County so this will be a tough game. One of these days if we don't start putting teams away its going to come up and bite us. Hopefully we'll have everyone healthy by the time the tournament rolls around because if not then C'range might just be the first to take a chunk out of our rears! :thumb:

I thought Clay was going to be a run away this year and beat every team in the district by atleast 10 or 15 points, and I still think come tourney time they'll do just that...

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I thought Clay was going to be a run away this year and beat every team in the district by atleast 10 or 15 points, and I still think come tourney time they'll do just that...

i hope clay does well in tourney but this 7a & 7aa as whole in boys are weaker than i can rem.UC teams usally have tough time after region (few exceptions)in boys BB

LA has best chance of advancing but they'll find it very difficult.I hope I'm wrong.

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