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The article in the TN about the fans being worse was too much. I see that the strong and thick skinned official of yesteryear is gone. The chants are the same, the yelling the same, but many of our best officials quickly move into doing college games. I've seen fans getting thrown out for saying come on ref you missed that one. As a coach, player, and ref, I never could hear the crowd except if it got loud, but never really was listening because I was into doing the job and doing it the best that I could. The older coaches that I've met were much louder, used more colorful language, threw bigger temper tantrums than today's coaches, but the good ole leather skinned official has not gone the way of the rabbit ears.

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In Nashville recently, we Knoxville fans reacted to a call in the first period. Blatant foul, player called for a walk. All that was said was "he was fouled" The game was stopped and with few fans in the gym we could hear the referee say to the Administrator. "Tell those jerks that they dont know more than me and until they do they need to keep their mouths shut or they will be removed from the gym" We were aksed to refrain from making comments about the calls, which we did.


The parents all gathered and we cheered very loudly for our kids, which irked the ref even more. During time outs he would point to the parents from the floor and make comments to the other refs. As soon as the game ended he went to our coach and pointed to parents in the stands. He went to the coach to tell him he was reporitng the fans to TSSAA for unsportsmanlike conduct. No cussing, no name calling. We were too loud.


The ref purposely left the gym on the visitors side making comments as he walked by the parents. One parent asked what he said and he reported that the parents were agressive to him. He should have exited the building or left the gym floor with the other refs and never made any comments.


There were 7 team fouls on the visitors with two minutes to go, none on the home team with the home team down by 8. By the end of the game both teams were shooting the bonus.


According to several home fans this ref has a history of being confrontational with fans. We can't understand why the home fans were'nt warned when they repeatedly cussed at the refs during this game.

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The article in the TN about the fans being worse was too much. I see that the strong and thick skinned official of yesteryear is gone. The chants are the same, the yelling the same, but many of our best officials quickly move into doing college games. I've seen fans getting thrown out for saying come on ref you missed that one. As a coach, player, and ref, I never could hear the crowd except if it got loud, but never really was listening because I was into doing the job and doing it the best that I could. The older coaches that I've met were much louder, used more colorful language, threw bigger temper tantrums than today's coaches, but the good ole leather skinned official has not gone the way of the rabbit ears.


I think the major problem is technology & how it is misused.

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I agree, the officials in TN are very touchy. It is rather ridiculus. Mainly because the officials are horrible 75% of the time.


But look at like this, before the internet who would you complain about the refs too? Your wife, your buddy, your coworker & so on.... Every thread says something negative and/or "trash talks" someone such as a player, team, school or in this thread the referees. Before the internet you may say your disgust with 5 people & today you just posted for the world.


Now lets say a referee sees this thread, and sees where someone had bad mouthed his calling & next time he refs your game he really gives to your team. I know refs should not take it personal, but they are human.


Before the internet, the only thing you knew about an opponent was their name. Now you can basically come oin the internet and say whatever you want. So then trash talk on the computer carries over to the game. And to be honest, it may have just been someone trying to start trouble.


It carries over. I know most coaches have an internet rule, but how can control something so big.

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But look at like this, before the internet who would you complain about the refs too? Your wife, your buddy, your coworker & so on.... Every thread says something negative and/or "trash talks" someone such as a player, team, school or in this thread the referees. Before the internet you may say your disgust with 5 people & today you just posted for the world.


Now lets say a referee sees this thread, and sees where someone had bad mouthed his calling & next time he refs your game he really gives to your team. I know refs should not take it personal, but they are human.


Before the internet, the only thing you knew about an opponent was their name. Now you can basically come oin the internet and say whatever you want. So then trash talk on the computer carries over to the game. And to be honest, it may have just been someone trying to start trouble.


It carries over. I know most coaches have an internet rule, but how can control something so big.


Good point!


Also, before you complain or trash talk a referee, get a whistle and run in their shoes for a few years, make the thousands of split second decisions they make every game. Then do it in a huge game with thousands attending knowing that with every call you make half love you and half hate you! Referees are human and will make mistakes, some refs are better than others, but always rember this, that you are there rooting for a team so your view of the officials is biased. Referees go into a game with no bias (all that I know do!)



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Good point!


Also, before you complain or trash talk a referee, get a whistle and run in their shoes for a few years, make the thousands of split second decisions they make every game. Then do it in a huge game with thousands attending knowing that with every call you make half love you and half hate you! Referees are human and will make mistakes, some refs are better than others, but always rember this, that you are there rooting for a team so your view of the officials is biased. Referees go into a game with no bias (all that I know do!)



I agree to certain extent but in my opinion a referee complaining about fans not agreeing with him is like a garbage man complaining about getting dirty or a doctor complaining about getting blood on him/her you know it's going to happen llive with it. it's like the saying when you are wrong you are wrong and when you are right you are wrong. thats how I look at officiating someone is going to disagree with your call 99% of the time I think refs, coaches and players need to learn how to tune out the fans. As a ref and a coach you know you are going to be right sometimes and you are going to be wrong sometimes, just realize that as long as you are doing what you feel is right then who cares what the fans say.

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With technology moving ahead, the officials might one day get a DVD of the games to take home with them. Even if it's the last two quarters of the girls and the first two quarters of the boys -- take the thing home, plop it in the machine and "EVALUATE YOURSELF". Do these birds ever look at film of themselves in action? That's how players and coaches improve, looking at film. The eye in the sky doesn't lie. If they'd look at themselves in action they'd see what we're up in arms about.

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Officials are far to sensative. I agree they shoudn't be cussed, threatened, etc... But give me a break in some cases they don't want anybody to question a call. If they would take care of calling the game on a consistent basis they would hear less from the fans. I have been on both sides. Coaching, officiated, and fan. I assure you when I coached and officiated and was focused on the game I heard very liitle from the stands.


I saw a student who I was sitting right behind thrown out within 10 seconds of the opening tip because he yelled good toss ref. Of course I chimed in with my two cents worth when he came over to the boy and I was told "shut up or I would be next."


So I say refs get the chip off your shoulder and focus on the game and you will hear a lot less from the fans.

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Like the article said, no fan has ever been ejected for cheering for his or her team. And officials know good and well that they are going to blow calls. It's human. And they will withstand a certain amount of grief from fans if it's within reason. Goodness knows I've seen some pretty bad officiating in the SEC this year. And not just missing calls; like I said, that happens. What irks me is when officials don't hustle and have poor mechanics.


But very rarely have I ever seen a Division I college official react to fans (except maybe Doug Shows, but he thrives on hearing the crowd boo). That seems to be the telling difference in a good and a bad official -- although rules knowledge, hustle and mechanics are very important. Now when a fan comes on the floor or starts making violent threats...that's another story. And that seems to have been the case more often than not lately. Pearl was thrown out because of who he was, no other reason -- and that, to me, is the mark of a bad official. A good official would have ignored those comments.


Basketball is, by far, the most difficult sport to officiate. It requires more hustle, more focus and quicker reflexes than any other sport. If officials are listening to fans in the stands, they are not focusing on the task at hand, and it hurts their game. And by that same token, fans yelling at officials aren't going to make them better. If they are indeed rabbit-eared, it will just make matters that much worse because it's completely throwing them off their game.

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I agree completely with the gist of the article. There is no amount of money that would make me want to put up with the stuff that officials have to endure. It seems to get worse every year.


Next time you scream at a ref, put yourself in their shoes. Would you put up with that for the pitiful amount they get paid? I wouldn't.


There are people who do a good job and people who do a bad job in every profession. I have never seen a bad waiter or a bad accountant get yelled at or booed.



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