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Now that the interviews are over, how long before a decision will be announced?

We were hoping to know by Thursday, that could still happen. I'm afraid things don't look good for the "LOWE'' fans. There is no question that Hardegree will do a good job and we all wish him the best. He is qualified. My concern with him is 1. He's a west Tn. guy and after his son has left U.T. what will he want to do then ? 2. In 3 years if things are not going well will he head back west leaving us to do this again ? How commited is he to building a program so far away from his real home. It's hard to ride out the storm if there's no roots holding you here and building a good program takes a while. Maybe he'll come in like Jack Henderson did and fit right into the community , shaking hands and kissing babies . I hope thats the case.

Matt will get his chance , if not this time maybe next . I'm still pulling for him . Anything could happen but I'll really be suprised now if he gets it. The signs are just not there. "THE HILL" has a lot of pull around Tennessee. Anyway. It's the 12th hour. We shall see. :thumb:

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Good post. Great points. I hope Lowe gets the job. I am sure the other guy is very qualified. But way can't Knox. Co give the local guy a chance. He is a Powell guy. From what I understand he loves Powell and wants to stick around to build a program.


If the other guy gets the job I hope it doesn't blow up in their faces. Because we all know that when its all said and done the kids/players are the ones who suffer the most.


So I will keep my fingers crossed and hope that Lowe gets the job. And if not wish the new guy good luck.



There's more to coaching high school athletics than knowledge. Relationships, motivation, passion, and loving the place your at.

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Is Hardegree an assistant USJ? I know he has been a Head Coach. The amount of support for Lowe is great, have all these people called the AD for him? I know their has been alot of calls for Lambert even some from UT. I bet one of the UT coaches called for Hardegree also. With their record this might not be good. I do not know about Hardegree but I would hate to draw comparisons to Coach Henderson,GOD rest his sole. If all these coaches could model themselves after him they would all be remembered in a great light.

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We were hoping to know by Thursday, that could still happen. I'm afraid things don't look good for the "LOWE'' fans. There is no question that Hardegree will do a good job and we all wish him the best. He is qualified. My concern with him is 1. He's a west Tn. guy and after his son has left U.T. what will he want to do then ? 2. In 3 years if things are not going well will he head back west leaving us to do this again ? How commited is he to building a program so far away from his real home. It's hard to ride out the storm if there's no roots holding you here and building a good program takes a while. Maybe he'll come in like Jack Henderson did and fit right into the community , shaking hands and kissing babies . I hope thats the case.

Matt will get his chance , if not this time maybe next . I'm still pulling for him . Anything could happen but I'll really be suprised now if he gets it. The signs are just not there. "THE HILL" has a lot of pull around Tennessee. Anyway. It's the 12th hour. We shall see. :thumb:


It was my understanding that there were three people interviewed... You have not mentioned the third person, Tony Lambert. Is it your opinion that the decision was between Lowe and Hardegree only? If the Powell community would look at the whole situation and not just sentimental favorites or pressure from "THE HILL". they would see that Tony is a great fit for Powell. He is the type of person I hope can coach my son some day. So much so that I would move to Powell so my son could get a chance to play for him. He's only in the third grade now and I know that if Tony is hired, six years from now he'll still be at Powell (Will the West TN guy?), because if you get him as a coach you'll never let him go anywhere else.

As far as Lowe is concerned, I'm sure his time will come. If he as loyal to Powell as his supporters say then he will understand that this would be great for the program and he might be able to grow as a coach by working with Coach Lambert( I know I did). His time will definitely come.

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Great post there kcscoop. I agree completely. Tony deserves a shot at this job. The community would love him and the players would respond to him. Tony is the guy that could get those huge wins against Central and Maryville. I hope that the administration gives him a chance. He would not disappoint them. Who knows though, maybe Powell wants a transition guy so that that in 2 or 3 years they can give the job to Lowe, hoping that he will be ready then.

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Great post there kcscoop. I agree completely. Tony deserves a shot at this job. The community would love him and the players would respond to him. Tony is the guy that could get those huge wins against Central and Maryville. I hope that the administration gives him a chance. He would not disappoint them. Who knows though, maybe Powell wants a transition guy so that that in 2 or 3 years they can give the job to Lowe, hoping that he will be ready then.

Yes , Tony is a great coach and does deserve a head coaching job. It's true we don't know him as well as you guys do. We are just kinda funny at Powell , we like our own boy's. Thats not to say someone else would'nt do a good job. I would much rather Tony have the job than Hardegree but to tell ya truth I didn't think he was ever in the real running. I don't think that they just hiring Hardegree to hope he moves on and let Matt have it when he's more qualified. The principle has her bases covered, she's gonna hire the guy thats been a head coach thats ran a good clean program. It's less of a gamble for her and believe me there is outside pressure. HTV , go ahead and jump in , it's ok. Speak you're peace . You are being way to quite. Don't you agree that the job is Hardegree's ? Come on , get off the fence !!!!!!! We always count on you . By the way you need to stop in and see me . I've got a big bobcat shirt for you ---come on , you'll look good and besides you havta protest someway. Ya know , the more I think about it you WOULD really look good in RED @ BLACK. :lol::lol::lol::thumb:

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We were hoping to know by Thursday, that could still happen. I'm afraid things don't look good for the "LOWE'' fans. There is no question that Hardegree will do a good job and we all wish him the best. He is qualified. My concern with him is 1. He's a west Tn. guy and after his son has left U.T. what will he want to do then ? 2. In 3 years if things are not going well will he head back west leaving us to do this again ? How commited is he to building a program so far away from his real home. It's hard to ride out the storm if there's no roots holding you here and building a good program takes a while. Maybe he'll come in like Jack Henderson did and fit right into the community , shaking hands and kissing babies . I hope thats the case.

Matt will get his chance , if not this time maybe next . I'm still pulling for him . Anything could happen but I'll really be suprised now if he gets it. The signs are just not there. "THE HILL" has a lot of pull around Tennessee. Anyway. It's the 12th hour. We shall see. :thumb:

First of all Kelly Robinson (by your own admission), you don't know me, nor my family so please stop posting messages as if you do. No one really appreciates you coming up here posting material that isn't relevant to the topic. Secondly, regardless of how "honorable" your intentions are by attempting to "stalk" people online to see if you can find out who they really are, you aren't right about me being "Denise" either. Having said that, why would she care about any of this to begin with? Your actions of exploitation are malicious and I suggest you back off.


Furthermore, whether you agree with my opinions or not regardling Matt Lowe, it does not justify your accusing me of "bashing" him. If Lowe is attempting to obtain a job where he has responsibilities that pertain to kids, then I have the right to voice my opinion. And if you believe for one moment that your attempts to find out my identity will keep me from saying that Lowe isn't qualified, you're mistaken. He isn't and there are PLENTY of folks with your so-called "PhDs" who will agree. Don't try to include me in your good ol boy banter or club.


Like I've said before, this isnt a popularity contest of who likes who the most, it's about who is qualified and what is best for the football team.

Edited by Ntheknow2
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First of all Kelly Robinson (by your own admission), you don't know me, nor my family so please stop posting messages as if you do. No one really appreciates you coming up here posting material that isn't relevant to the topic. Secondly, regardless of how "honorable" your intentions are by attempting to "stalk" people online to see if you can find out who they really are, you aren't right about me being "Denise" either. Having said that, why would she care about any of this to begin with? Your actions of exploitation are malicious and I suggest you back off.


Furthermore, whether you agree with my opinions or not regardling Matt Lowe, it does not justify your accusing me of "bashing" him. If Lowe is attempting to obtain a job where he has responsibilities that pertain to kids, then I have the right to voice my opinion. And if you believe for one moment that your attempts to find out my identity will keep me from saying that Lowe isn't qualified, you're mistaken. He isn't and there are PLENTY of folks with your so-called "PhDs" who will agree. Don't try to include me in your good ol boy banter or club.


Like I've said before, this isnt a popularity contest of who likes who the most, it's about who is qualified and what is best for the football team.

Let's stay on the topic, or this thread will get closed. Tony Lambert would take Powell football to new heights. I'm convinced that if he got the job, the Powell people would never let him go. The man's work ethic, his enthusiasm, his love of kids and football, and his knowledge make him hard to beat. If Powell doesn't get him someone else will.

Edited by oskie
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