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Goodpasture vs. Marion County


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Marion did not lose this game! This game was taken away by three guys that apparently had no reason to be umping a game at this level. Let me give you the situation. Goodpasture had a man on, and the batter had one ball and two strikes on him. He took the next pitch which the umpire called strike three and gave the out signal and both teams leave the field. Let me tell you also that the score is 3-2 Goodpasture at this time in the 5th. Both teams leave the field and as the coach is walking across he asked if it was just strike two. So the umpire behind the plate goes out to confir with the two base umps. They decided that the count was just two and two and ask for both teams to come back onto the field. The problem is that none of the umps including the home plate ump were using indicators and were just using their memory. If they would have just went to the official score keeper they would have indeed found the correct count and it would have been the third out right there. They went on to score 4 runs after that. Marion did rally and put three on the board which should have been enough to win the game. Goodpasture is a good team but the better team did not win this game. When they met in game one they were the better team but not tonight. Sam, Zeke, Justin, Hershel, Blake all deserve to go out better than this. This was really ashame. The game should not have been decided by the three guys calling the game. Unfortunately it was. And by the way, this was reported to the T$$AA officials and they said they were aware of the situation and that they had no avenue in which this could be resolved. That they did not have any way to correct what had happened. Also I think it is worth mentioning that when all this was going on that the T$$AA official got in his vehicle and left so that he could not be confronted with this. Good luck to Goodpasture and I hope the lefty isnt hurt to bad from his fall. Also, Joe Muir pitched on heck of a game. Sam Griswald had four hits.


Perhaps a big, fat asterick * beside their school name should GP continue on and win it all. Really sad that the MC Seniors' careers have to end with a SNAFU like this affecting their final game. Sorry Warriors. Its tough enough beating a talented team like GP; throw in three incompetent (Umps ?) and it just wasn't gonna happen.

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sounds like MC was robbed,but it also sounds like the t$$aa got what they wanted also a DL,Goodpasture title game how ironic big bucks for the t$$aa in this one.


Hold that thought, and defend it vigorously. We wuz robbed and the masked man that done it crouched behind home plate. Throw the bum out.

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Hold that thought, and defend it vigorously. We wuz robbed and the masked man that done it crouched behind home plate. Throw the bum out.


nohope, Old Pirate wonders..... what did the official score keeper have for the count? Usually the score keeper has the count and hopefully the score board works and is somewhat correct.

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nohope, Old Pirate wonders..... what did the official score keeper have for the count? Usually the score keeper has the count and hopefully the score board works and is somewhat correct.


OP, thats just what makes the whole situation so unbelieveable. The umps never asked, just milled around for an intolerable amount of time then decided on a new count. GP team had the official book. I sat directly behind the plate ump. He CLEARLY stood straight up before the infamous strike out, held two fingers up on each hand and announced, while looking directly at the MC pitcher, TWO AND TWO. I had no reason to doubt this was the correct pitch count. If the GP coaches or the field umps had a problem with this count it should have been made an issue then. I do know the plate ump very clearly indicated what he thought it was and no issue was made until after the third out was announced and both teams had left the field. Somehow the count went from two and two before the called third strike to three and two after a long game disruption. Simply unacceptable at this level of competition.

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It is a shame that the umps got this wrong, but Championship teams find a way. The Warriors didnt have to let the umps mistake turn into four runs. The pitcher could have made a pitch or somebody in the field could have made a play and got of the mess without so much damage being done.

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First off to say Goodpasture paid the umpires is rediculous. Just stop it. Now lets address the facts. Both teams did not leave the field, both the batter and the runner on second did not move. Marion County did not even leave right away, there was some confusion there too. Second, the people running the scoreboard could not keep up all night. So if you are going by the scoreboard to keep up with balls and strikes then that is the problem. I contend that there were only two strikes. Where both the Marion and Goodpasture fans have a right to gripe is that the umpires were not on top of it. Thet were not definative, it should not have been an issue. Also the home plate umpire was terrible, there were times for both teams when I could not believe he would not call a strike. There are two sides to every story, so thats mine. By the way, the Tennessean newspaper says that coach Roberts from MC thought "he had initially been called out on his second strike, but thought he had miscounted." Marion showed a lot of fight, there pitcher kept GP off balance all night. It was a hard fought game by both teams, lets not degrade that by saying the umps were being paid-off, and garbage like that.

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First off to say Goodpasture paid the umpires is rediculous. Just stop it. Now lets address the facts. Both teams did not leave the field, both the batter and the runner on second did not move. Marion County did not even leave right away, there was some confusion there too. Second, the people running the scoreboard could not keep up all night. So if you are going by the scoreboard to keep up with balls and strikes then that is the problem. I contend that there were only two strikes. Where both the Marion and Goodpasture fans have a right to gripe is that the umpires were not on top of it. Thet were not definative, it should not have been an issue. Also the home plate umpire was terrible, there were times for both teams when I could not believe he would not call a strike. There are two sides to every story, so thats mine. By the way, the Tennessean newspaper says that coach Roberts from MC thought "he had initially been called out on his second strike, but thought he had miscounted." Marion showed a lot of fight, there pitcher kept GP off balance all night. It was a hard fought game by both teams, lets not degrade that by saying the umps were being paid-off, and garbage like that.


First, I haven't said anything about paid off umps. My point is, all three umps (the plate ump in particular) lacked the ability games at this level both require and deserve. The correctness of the scoreboard is simply irrelevant to this situation. Until yesterday, my thoughts have always been, "If you want to know the correct pitch count, either watch or ask the plate ump." I'll never feel that way again. I watched a plate ump indicate a particular pitch count, call a third strike to end an inning, then eventually reverse his call, change the pitch count and allow the inning to continue. A major disruption to the game, and this inning in particular. The pitch in question probably was only a second strike on the batter, but I didn't know that until well after the game concluded. I say probably because I asked an unofficial bookkeeper. While the game's in progress I rely on the plate ump for that info. I'm still not convinced either of the three umps were ever absolutely sure of the pitch count, either before or after the controversy. Their actions certainly didn't reflect any confidence on their part.


You are correct about a hard fought game by both teams. Both clearly wanted the win. This GP team is tough. Pitching and defense are solid and their lineup has no weak spots. I've tried to keep my comments directed clearly at the imcompetent umps. The players on both teams should be proud of their efforts.

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It is a shame that the umps got this wrong, but Championship teams find a way. The Warriors didnt have to let the umps mistake turn into four runs. The pitcher could have made a pitch or somebody in the field could have made a play and got of the mess without so much damage being done.


All my other comments on this topic have reflected what I saw. Here's what I believe happened after the reversed call and resumption of play. I believe the MC pitcher did make the next pitch; it sure enough looked like a strike to me. Mr. Incompetent saw the pitch as a ball (surprise, surprise), batter walked and the inning continued. I think anything less than a swinging missed strike was going to be a ball in that ump's mind after the heat he had just taken from the Marion fans. Any smidgin of impartiality he had shown for the game evaporated at that point.

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